1. The mark of my love for you is a blazing heart,
And eyes that weeping may allege as their excuse,
١. علامَةُ حُبِّكُمْ قلبٌ لَهيفٌ
وعينٌ قد يعَلِّلُها البُكاءُ
2. A body made thin by your absence,
Upon it is the garment of sickness for you as its sign,
٢. وجسمٌ من تباعُدِكُمْ نَحيلٌ
عليه من السَّقامِ لكم رِداءُ
3. Thoughts wherein is nothing but
Your continual conversation and loyalty,
٣. وفكرٌ عندكُمْ ما فيه إِلاَّ
حديثُكُمُ المُسَلْسَلُ والوَفاءُ
4. Speech, without you, held in check,
And in you is the whole of its intent and praise,
٤. ونُطقٌ عن سِواكُمْ ذو انْعِقادٍ
وفيكُمْ كلُّ حاصِلِهِ الثَّناءُ
5. A secret, without you, content in truth,
The trait of the sincere lover is satisfaction.
٥. وسِرٌّ عنكُمُ راضٍ بصِدقٍ
صَدوقُ الحُبِّ شيمتُهُ الرِّضاءُ