1. A back bent with the burdens of passion,
And a heart melted for the people of yearning,
١. ظهرٌ بأَعباءِ الغَرامِ قد انْحَنى
ومُهَيْجَةٌ ذابتْ لأَهلِ المُنْحَنى
2. And a mind obsessed with the memory of them,
Forever, and longing has become a habit,
٢. ووَلوهُ لُبٍّ لا يُبارِحُ ذِكْرَهُمْ
أَبداً وقد أخَذَ التَّلهُّفَ دَيْدَنا
3. O Arabs of the valley of longing, with your lives,
Have mercy on me, for grief has assaulted me,
٣. يا عُرْبَ وادي المُنْحَنى بحَياتِكُمْ
حُنُّوا عليَّ فقدْ تَناهَبَني الضَّنى
4. You remain as you are, while I, in passion,
Am consumed by you and stand without an ego,
٤. أنتُمْ كما أنتُمْ وإنِّي في الهَوَى
لَهَفاً فَنيتُ بكُمْ وقُمْتُ بلا أَنا
5. The affairs of your beauty have attracted my being,
Signs of the judgements of eternity over transience,
٥. جذَبَتْ شُؤُني من فُنونِ جَمالِكُمْ
آياتُ أَحكامِ البَقاءِ من الفَنَا
6. And ardent love has taken control of my entirety,
And saw an empty heart, so it took possession,
٦. وتحكَّمَ الوَجْدُ المَلِحُّ بجُمْلَتي
ورأَى فُؤاداً خَالِياً فتمَكَّنا
7. And I became known through it and denied,
Have you ever sensed a known yet denied one?
٧. وغَدَوْتُ مَعْروفاً به ومُنَكَّراً
هل شِمْتَ قطُّ مُعَرَّفاً ومُنَوَّنَا
8. I swear by the growling of passion and the secret of what
The people of passion have endured of hardship,
٨. قَسَماً بزَمْجَرَةِ الغَرامِ وسِرِّ ما
قاساهُ أَربابُ الغَرامِ من العَنَا
9. I remain on the old pledge even if
The fires of demise rise beneath the robes of wishes,
٩. إنِّي على العَهْدِ القَديمِ ولو عَلَتْ
نارُ المَنِيَّةِ تحتَ أَذْيالِ المُنى
10. O you, love, to whom my soul ascended,
And compelled time and what it reaped,
١٠. يا أيُّها الحِبُّ الَّذي رُوحي لهُ
عَرَجَتْ وأَرْغَمَتِ الزَّمانَ وما جَنَى
11. With the subtle being of your beauty standing
From the essence of radiant light composed,
١١. بلَطيفِ شخصٍ من جَمالِكَ قامَ من
بُحْبوحَةِ النُّورِ الصَّميمِ مُكَوَّنَا
12. With the gentle symbol for hearts you have woven,
Through which you folded the secret of mysteries, sovereign,
١٢. برَقيقِ رمزٍ للقُلوبِ نَسَجْتَهُ
فطَوى بها سِرَّ الغُيوبِ مُهَيْمِنَا
13. And with your strong determination, descending,
On the steps of devotion until nearing,
١٣. وبِطولِ عزْمِكَ مذْ تدلَّى صاعِداً
بمَعارِجِ الإِقْبالِ حتَّى أَنْ دَنَا
14. With the subtleties of meaning you have deposited
Within existence, so it became inhabited by structure,
١٤. بلَطائِفِ المعْنى الَّذي أَودَعْتَهُ
ضمنَ الوُجودِ فصارَ مَعْمورَ البِنا
15. With the flashes of might which are your garment,
Edged in the assembly of its margins glory,
١٥. ببَوارِقِ العِزِّ الَّذي هو كِسْوَةٌ
لكَ نِيطَ في مَجلى حَواشيها السَّنَا
16. And with the evident beauty that from you shone
Openly, so it became among the stars most excellent,
١٦. وبِباهِرِ الحُسْنِ الَّذي منكَ انْجَلى
جَهْراً فكانَ من الكَواكِبِ أَحْسَنَا
17. And with every soul enamored with you frenzied,
And every heart in your passion spent,
١٧. وبكُلِّ روحٍ في غَرامِكَ هُيِّمَتْ
وبكُلِّ قلبٍ في هَواكَ تَفَنَّنا
18. And with every eye from your infatuation that has not tasted
Sleep, and directed from your rejection eyes,
١٨. وبكُلِّ عينٍ من هُيامِكَ لم تَذُقْ
وَسَناً وأَجرَتْ من صُدودِكَ أَعْيُنا
19. For the heedless ones, humble in yearning,
For the perplexed ones, roaming in possession,
١٩. بالذَّاهِلينَ الخاشِعينَ تَلَهُّفاً
بالحائِرينَ الذَّائِبينَ تَمَكُّنا
20. With a cloud of tears in the darkness I poured,
Over the cheeks, from blood varied,
٢٠. بسَحابِ دمعٍ في الظَّلامِ صَبَبْتُهُ
فوقَ الخُدودِ من الدِّماءِ مُلَوَّنَا
21. Treat the ailing one graciously and generously,
And heal the anguished one mercifully and affectionately.
٢١. داوِ العَليلَ تَفَضُّلاً وتَكَرُّماً
واشْفِ الغَليلَ تَرَحُّماً وتَحَنُّنا