1. My beloved ones, and love is its religion,
That turns the bitterness of passion sweet in its people.
١. أحيباب قلبي والمحبَّةُ دينها
يصيِّرُ مرَّ الوجد في أهله عذبا
2. We have related to you in the decisive verse,
That increases the lover's wonder for you.
٢. روينا لكم في محكم النصِّ آيةً
تزيدُ المحبَّ المستهام بكم عجبا
3. Did the Chosen One ask for a reward,
For guiding his nation, except affection for his kin?
٣. وهل سأل المختار أجراً على الهدى
لأُمَّته إلا المودَّة في القربى
4. Oh stirrer of passion, set out towards Waset,
And disturb the caravan with your changing colors.
٤. ألا يا مثير العيس ينحو واسطاً
ويقلق في تلوين انَّته الركبا
5. When you reach the beloved, be calm and take it easy,
Walk lightly, take off your shoes, and tread the path gently.
٥. إذا ما وصلت الحيُّ فاهدأ وخذ بها
نقيلاً وخلِّ الخفَّ وانتعل الدربا
6. And when you arrive at dawn at Umm Obeida's abode,
Be well-mannered, break your fast, and overcome confusion with love.
٦. وحين توا في الصبح أمَّ عبيدةٍ
تأدَّب فطجوراً تغلب الدهشة الحبا
7. And kiss the earth of my Master Ahmad's shrine,
The father of the two knowledges, help and grantor.
٧. وقبل ثرى اعتاب مولاي أحمدٍ
أبي العلمين الغوث واستمطر الوهبا
8. And convey my greetings to the meadows, for so much
I have poured my soul into its valleys in my youth.
٨. وبلِّغ سلامي للربوع فكم وكم
صببتُ لها روحي بقيعانها صبا
9. The dwellings of my Master, whose secret traveled the universe,
With the perfume of guidance, encompassing East and West.
٩. مواطن مولى سار في الكون سرُّه
بعطر الهدى فاستوعب الشرق والغربا
10. And fulfilled the responsibilities of truth as a master,
Of its masters, carried by inspiration and taking away.
١٠. وقام بأعباء الحقيقة سيِّداً
لساداتها يمضي به الوهب والسلبا
11. And since becoming clothed in submission, he has subjugated
The non-Arabs and Arabs to his Creator.
١١. وأخضع مذ صار الخضوع رداءه
لبارئه بالهمة العجم والعربا
12. An imam in the fashion of the righteous predecessors,
He set right conduct and knowledge.
١٢. إمامٌ على نمط الأيمَّةِ أهله
سرى وبعلمٍ قوَّم السيرة الحدبا
13. And revived the path of truth after its decline,
And followed in the signs of His wisdom and books.
١٣. وأحيا طريق الحقِّ بعد اندراسه
واترع في آيات حكمته الكتبا
14. And ascended in the atmosphere of pride and majesty,
And made his position a lofty one with his Lord.
١٤. وحلَّق في جوِّ الفخار جلالةً
وصيَّر في مولاه رتبته التربا
15. We have read the biographies of men, but did not find
Anyone similar to him among the people, neither help nor pole.
١٥. قرأنا شؤنات الرجال فلم نجد
شبيهاً له في القوم غوثاً ولا قطبا
16. So by God, who can take his place in separation?
To him belong the most precious gifts for the Chosen One’s kin.
١٦. فبالله من في حالة البعد غيره
له أتحف المختار منزلة القربى
17. Yes, he is my master, ar-Rifa’i Ahmad,
Bulwark of the men of God, gentlest of heart.
١٧. نعم هو مولايي الرفاعيُّ أحمدٌ
هزبر رجال الله اعطفهم قلبا
18. My refuge, Abu al-Abbas, of the resolve that
Transforms the safety of a hostile tribe into fear.
١٨. ملاذي أبو العباس ذو الهمة التي
تبدِّل امن الخصم في سربه رعبا
19. Father of glory, nobility, and sublimity,
And most of the people of guidance's faction.
١٩. أبو الغارة الشماءِ والمجد والعلى
وأكثر أهل حزب الهدى حزبا
20. Yearning for him twists hearts to their Lord,
And his remembrance becomes a cure for their heedlessness.
٢٠. مبَّته تلوي القلوب لربها
وتغدو لها من داءِ غفلتها طبا
21. And his signs are recited to every knower,
Who falls short of aspiring to their lofty level.
٢١. وآياته تتلى على كلِّ عارفٍ
فينحطُّ عن أن يرتقي شأوها الصعبا
22. From him we have taken a leap of determination,
That kisses the vastness of his threshold.
٢٢. أخذنا له من همَّة السر وثبةً
تقبِّلُ من أعتابه سوحها الرحبا
23. He shook the mountains of the unseen with his resolve,
No wonder he shook hearts with his love!
٢٣. لقد هزَّ جلجال الغيوب بعزمه
فلا عجبٌ عن هزَّ في حبه القلبا
24. Upon him, God's peace, for as long as the meadows roar,
A shaker, and my meadows yearn for him.
٢٤. عليه سلام الله ما صاح في الربى
هزازٌ وقمريُّ الرياض له لبا