1. Beauty shone from your cheeks like a crescent moon
It filled the universe with joy and beauty
١. أطْلَعَ الحُسْنُ من سَناكَ هِلالا
مَلأَ الكَوْنَ بَهْجَةً وجَمالا
2. Whenever the branch of your kindness leaned towards us
We all leaned towards it, enraptured
٢. كُلَّما مالَ غُصْنُ لُطْفِكَ فينا
كُلُّنا نَحْوَهُ معَ الوَجْدِ مالا
3. O beloved! Honor has forbidden our union
We have made blood lawful for your sake
٣. يا حَبيباً قد حَرَّمَ الوَصلَ عِزًّا
قد جَعَلْنا لكَ الدِّماءَ حَلالا
4. How often we beseech you saying "help us!"
With intimacy, and how often you replied with aloofness
٤. كمْ نُناجيكَ قائلينَ أغِثْنا
بالتَّداني وكمْ أجَبْتَ بِلالا
5. Have mercy on those who are humble, for their hearts
Are like birds, and their bodies have become like apparitions
٥. ارْحَمِ الخاشِعينَ فالقَلْبُ منهُمْ
طائرٌ والجُسومُ صارتْ خَيالا
6. You were gentle like shadows, and like wonders, the sea
Was like shadows upon which shadows depend
٦. لَطُفَتْ كالظِّلالِ والعَجَبُ البَحْ
تُ ظِلالٌ يُقيمُ عنهُ ظِلالا
7. Do not abandon us to estrangement, for we
Have cut off all hopes other than you
٧. لا تَدَعْنا رَهْنَ القَطيعَةِ إنَّا
قد قَطَعْنا من غيرِكَ الآمالا
8. And rectify our state with acceptance
For it will undoubtedly improve conditions
٨. وتَدارَكْ أحْوالَنا بِقَبولٍ
فهوَ لا شَكَّ يُصْلِحُ الأحْوالا
9. We did not mention you, by your truth, except
While tears poured like rain
٩. ما ذَكَرْناكَ إي وحَقِّكَ إِلاَّ
وسَحابُ الدُّموعِ كالسَّيلِ سالا
10. And you see us sway like branches
Swayed by the wind left and right
١٠. وتَرانا نَميلُ ميلَ غُصونٍ
هَزَّها الرِّيحُ يَمْنَةً وشِمالا
11. Do not see our flaws, for your pardon is vast
So pardon completely, do not gloat over the sinner
١١. لا تَرى العَيْبَ إنَّ عَفْوكَ جَمٌّ
فاقْضِ عَفْواً لا تُشْمِتِ العُذَّالا
12. With humility towards us and sincere humility
Clothe the heart with its violence in submission
١٢. بِخُضوعٍ لنا وصِدْقِ خُشوعٍ
ألْبَسَ القلبَ بَأسَهُ إذْلالا
13. Be gentle with us in beauty and have mercy on us
For we are exhausted from bearing your majesty
١٣. لُحْ لنا بالجَمالِ واحْنُنْ عَلَينا
قد فَنينا لمَّا ارْتَدَيْتَ الجَلالا