1. I see you all wherever your forms were
And my heart flutters whenever the anklet jingles
١. أراكُمْ بِعَيني أينَ كانتْ شُخوصُكُمْ
وقلبي خَفوقٌ كُلَّما خَفَقَ القُرْطُ
2. I threaded my heart for you with the cord of passion
So my heart is for you a necklace balanced by its cord
٢. نَظَمْتُ لكم قلبي بِسمطِ غَرامِكُمْ
فقلبي لكم عِقْدٌ يُزانُ به السِّمْطُ
3. Oh, have mercy on a blurred, erased letter
Whose shape is not known, nor the drawing, nor the dot
٣. ألا فارْحَموا حَرْفاً طَموساً مُطَلْمَساً
ولا شَكْلُهُ يُدْرى ولا الرَّسْمُ والنَّقْطُ
4. And from wonder it melted for you inclining
And steadfastness fixed it, including in it a pattern
٤. ومن عَجَبٍ قد ذابَ فيكمْ تَوَلُّهاً
وأثْبَتَهُ صَبْرٌ له ضِمْنَهُ نمْطُ
5. It is opposed by one who does not know what love is
And one touched by the convulsion of losing composure has been struck
٥. يُعارِضُهُ من ليسَ يَعْرِفُ ما الهَوى
وقد مَسَّهُ من نَزْعِ حالِ السِّوى خبْطُ
6. They are envious people, by my life, and a group
Whose reproach of me is prompted by my state of bliss
٦. هُمُ القومُ حَسَّادٌ لَعَمْري وعُصْبَةٌ
دَعاهُمْ لِتَقْريعي على حالتي الغَبْطُ
7. I stipulated for them to blame me if I remain
And if the stipulation is lost, the condition may be lost
٧. شَرَطْتُ لهم لَوْمي إذا كُنتُ باقياً
وإن فُقِدَ المَشروطُ قد يُفْقَدُ الشَّرْطُ
8. It is as if I am an apparition who went to hide in a cover
Yet in it, by my life, are the ruins of passion
٨. كأنِّي خَيالٌ راحَ يَسْتُرهُ الغِطا
وفيه لَعَمري من حِرابِ الهَوى غَطُّ
9. And here is my heart suspended in passion
On love from me, neither staying nor moving
٩. وها هو قلبي في الغَرامِ مُعلَّقٌ
على الهَوى مِنِّي لا يُقيمُ ولا يَخْطو