1. Creator of people with good manners,
Drape the curtains over appearance.
١. خالِقِ الناسَ بخُلقٍ حَسَنٍ
واسْبِلِ الأَستارَ فوقَ المظهَرِ
2. Be humble out of glory,
And stand tall against the arrogant.
٢. وتواضَعْ رأفَةً عن عِزَّةٍ
وانتَهِضْ بالكِبْرِ للمُستكْبِرِ
3. Make firm the self's brother his right,
That it be imprinted in images.
٣. وأَخو النَّفسِ أَثِبْهُ حقَّها
كي تكنْ مُنطبِعاً في الصُّوَرِ
4. And when you stand for a matter,
Following the judgment of fate in the matter.
٤. وإذا ما قمتَ في أمْرٍ فمنْ
تابِعاً في الأَمرِ حُكْمَ القَدَرِ
5. And by inference, unfurling and folding,
Correct the affair by the judgment of observation.
٥. وبالاسْتِدْلالِ نشراً وطَوًى
صَحِّحِ الشَّأْنَ بحكمِ النَّظرِ
6. Cut off connection from the disconnected,
And accept excuses from the apologizer.
٦. واقْطَعِ الإِيصالَ عن مُنقَطِعٍ
واقبَلِ الأَعذارَ للمُعْتَذِرِ
7. God's blessing - appreciate its nature,
Thank God Most High and be grateful.
٧. نعمَةُ اللهِ فوَقِّرْ طورَها
واحمدِ اللهَ تَعالى واشْكُرِ