1. When we were called, amid the darkness of night,
To the luminous presence from the orient's core,
١. ولمَّا دُعينا والدُّجا في غَلالَةٍ
إلى الحضْرَةِ البيضاءِ من واسِطِ الشَّرْقِ
2. The lights shone upon us from every side,
And we were lost in the opening of Truth from all creation.
٢. تجلَّتْ لنا الأَنْوارُ من كلِّ جانِبٍ
وغِبْنا بفتحِ الحَقِّ عن جُمْلَةِ الخَلْقِ
3. Thus whoever's soul-reality stands sincere
To God in devotion, detachment and honesty,
٣. كذلك من قامَتْ حَقيقَةُ روحِهِ
إلى اللهِ بالإِخْلاصِ والزُّهْدِ والصِّدْقِ
4. God - exalted is His majesty - grants him favor
And instills in him creation's connecting point.
٤. يمُنُّ عليه اللهُ جلَّ جَلالُهُ
ويُفرِغُ فيه نقطَةَ الوصلِ في الخَلْقِ
5. So by God's leave, his character is purified among people,
And he turns from this life like the blinking of lightning.
٥. فيزْكو بإذْنِ اللهِ في الخلقِ خُلقُهُ
ويَلوي عن الدُّنيا كما لَيَّةِ البَرْقِ
6. By Oneness he reforms his heart's illusions
Upon the path of faith, both joining and dividing.
٦. ويُصلِحُ بالتَّوحيدِ أَوْهامَ قلبِهِ
على منهَجِ الإيمانِ في الجمعِ والفَرْقِ
7. Mysteries which God poured out to creation -
You came to the people of Truth from the Truth.
٧. شُؤُنٌ أَفاضَ اللهُ للخلقِ سِرَّها
فجِئْتَ لأهلِ الحَقِّ من قِبَلِ الحَقِّ