
In every age, there is one from the Family of Ali

في كل عصر من علي واحد

1. In every age, there is one from the Family of Ali
To whom the necks of the virtuous turn

١. في كل عصر من عليٍّ واحد
تعنو إليه من الفحول رقاب

2. And the sea of grace surges at his threshold
As the poles take refuge in his courts

٢. ويموج بحر الفيض في عتباته
وتلوذ في ساحاته الأقطاب

3. By God's favor that does not disappoint one who seeks it
And whose prayer, even from behind veils, is answered

٣. والله فضلاً لا يخيب وجهه
ودعاؤه ضمن الغيوب يجاب

4. Today, from the Household of the Successor, I am the one
Who has his supreme ways and manners

٤. واليوم في آل الوصي أنا الذي
لي نمطه العلوي والآداب

5. I am the preacher at the pulpit of Divine Knowledge
My turban itself is Mount Sinai wherefrom the alcove shone

٥. فأنا الخطيب بمنبر العرفان بل
بأمامتي طوراً زها المحراب

6. I am the splendor of religion, the ringing of Divine Manifestation
The rightly guided one of his people, born to lead

٦. وأنا بهاءُ الدين جلجلة الوحا
مهديُّ بيت قومه انجاب

7. Rely on Ali and find intimacy at my door
For the most important sermons, so no blame on you

٧. عول علي ولذ ببابي أن دها
خطب أهم وما عليك عتاب

8. God granted me His care and approved of me
As the manifestor by whom I opened the doors

٨. فالله أعطاني العناية وارتضى
لي مظهراً فتحت به الأبواب

9. And the seniors of the era, the successor’s progeny
Have no doubt, blessed me to succeed

٩. وكبار اهل العصر الوصي بآله
بسناي ذو التوفيق لا يرتاب

10. Tell the envious to wither, for from our tavern
A drink has circulated among the hearts

١٠. قل للحسود اخسأ فمن حاناتنا
قد طاف في أهل القلوب شراب

11. To us belongs the precedence in gatherings and the heights
To us belongs the station of guidance and sanctuaries

١١. ولنا التصدير في المحافل والعلى
ولنا مقام للهدى ورحاب

12. Praise be to God, miracles are our wont
Bestowed by the All-Munificent and Excellent Granter

١٢. الحمد لله الخوارق طورنا
منَّ الكيم واحسن الوهاب