
My secret's China, and my tears its title;

صين سري ومدمعي عنوانه

1. My secret's China, and my tears its title;
The Lord of a secret that spread its concealment.

١. صين سري ومدمعي عنوانه
ربُّ سرٍّ أذاعه كتمانه

2. My cheeks are wounded by the vain clouds
And my determination weakened by its flow.

٢. قرَّح الخدَّ هاطل السحبِ من عي
ني وأضني عزائمي جريانه

3. What do the enchantresses want from me,
After a heart aflame with its fires?

٣. ما الذي تبتغي العواذل مني
بعد قلبٍ لهابةٌ نيرانه

4. Does the settlement ever please one abandoned
Whose company controlled him then left him?

٤. هل يطيب القرار يوماً لخلٍّ
أبعدته تحكُّماً خلاته

5. His neighbors became the horizons, though he
Was part of a melting group of neighbors.

٥. صار جيرانه الأقاصي واقصا
هُ لأمرٍ مطلسمٍ جيرانه

6. So if they were present he disappeared, astonished,
And if they conversed, his tongue was tied.

٦. فإذا حاضروه غاب اندهاشاً
وإذا خالبوه كلَّ لسانه

7. Oh, the prolonged heartache of an era
Whose brothers are crookedness and deceit!

٧. أه وا طول حسرتي من زمانٍ
ذي اعوجاجٍ إخوانه خوانه

8. I saw from the lover, when I complained of passion,
A matter that disgraces my situation with its explanation.

٨. عن شكوت الهوى رأيت من الع
ذال شأناً يشينُ شأني بيانه

9. And if I stay silent, I find embers
In my heart, with its smoke rising to the sky.

٩. وإذا ما سكتُّ الفيت جمراً
في فؤادي يعلو السماء دخانه

10. Tell the troop of loved ones - and love is a religion -
It cried out when the thorns exhausted its groan.

١٠. قل لركبِ الأحباب والحبُّ دينٌ
صاح إذ تجهد السرى أظعانه

11. If you carried a slave today in the camel litter
Who praises your caravan in his verses,

١١. لو حملتم في الساقة اليوم عبداً
هو مداحُ ركبكم حسانه

12. Muttering your mention in the dwellings of
The house, its pillars quake in awe,

١٢. إن يدمدم بذكركم في فناءِ ال
بيت ترتجُّ هيبةً أركانه

13. Perplexed by yearning for you, and it wasted away
With ecstasy in your love, its branches bent.

١٣. حيَّرته الأشواق فيكم وأفنت
ه هياماً بحبكم أشجانه

14. By God - and the passion is true -
An oath never ceasing to revere its status.

١٤. قسماً بالغرام وهو حقيقٌ
قسمٌ لم يزل يعظَّم شانه

15. If you have set the heart aflame and wounded it,
It is its faith in you, its faith.

١٥. إن فتكتم بالقلب حرقاً وجرحاً
هو إيمانه بكم إيمانه

16. Oh heart accustomed to gentle sorrow
And whose religion is addiction to it!

١٦. يا لقلبٍ تعوَّد الحنَّ الأَ
نَّ وفي ذين جيدٌ إدمانه

17. Relieve it with a kind glance, for by my life
Its sorrows from your estrangement have grown.

١٧. أسعفوه بلفتةٍ فلعمري
عظمت من هجرانكم أحزانه

18. My masters, my masters, you have a slave of passion
Who filled the whole earth with his poetry.

١٨. سادتي سادتي لكم عبدُ رقٍّ
ملأَ الأرض كلَّها ديوانه

19. He feared you and withdrew from the universe; he found
No tranquility but in your company as his sanctuary.

١٩. خافكم والتوى عن الكون لم يع
بأ بغيرٍ آناً وأنتم أمانه

20. A lover among lovers east and west,
Yours outweighs all in his scale.

٢٠. مغرمٌ في العشاق شرقاً وغرباً
راجحٌ في غرامكم ميزانه

21. Relying on you - God forbid he prevail
An era without you as his aides!

٢١. مستعينٌ بكم وحاشاه أن يغ
لب دهراً من أنتم أعوانه

22. With the example of the two conditions from you to you
He clings - and his secret is its declaration.

٢٢. بنماط الحالين منكم إليكم
هومحضٌ وسرُّه إعلانه

23. His heart writhes to you in meaning,
As the garden twists its branches.

٢٣. يلتوي قلبه إليكم بمعنى
كلَّما الروض تلتوي أغصانه

24. And if the breeze stirs, it calls to mind
And it has, from his existence, its structure.

٢٤. وإذا هفهف النسيم تداعى
ولها من وجوده بنيانه

25. He boasts of your mention, so if he comprehends
Its meaning, his chambers are perfumed.

٢٥. يتباهى بذكركم فإذا فا
ه بمعناه عطِّرت أردانه

26. He never ceased to settle under your shadow,
Spending his time in kinds of favors.

٢٦. لم يزل ضمن ظلكم مستقراً
بصنوف الألطاف يمضي زمانه

27. He ascended the ascension for your sake and grew lofty,
While his peers descended in his view.

٢٧. قد علا للعلى لكم وتسامى
وقد انحطَّ عنده أقرانه

28. He claimed no pretense in the gatherings of people
Unless its proof became supreme.

٢٨. ما أدَّعى في مشاهدِ القوم دعوى
ذات بالٍ إلا علا برهانه

29. They are your signs - so your scripture in the
Universe is sublime, supported by its distinction.

٢٩. هي آياتكم فمصحفكم في ال
كونِ عالٍ مؤَيَّدٌ فرقانه

30. The beauty of your appearance made the morning shine -
So it gained from the sun its illumination.

٣٠. ومحيا جمالكم أطلغ الصب
ح فمن شمس نوعه لمعانه

31. From your Lord, blessings have covered you
That the living never sensed, smelling its fragrance.

٣١. شملتكم من ربكم صلواتٌ
ما ازدهى الحيُّ عابقاً ريحانه

32. And it contained, in its unknown folds, a spreading
Of the heavenly, manifesting its time.

٣٢. وانطوى في مهامه الغيب نشرٌ
نشر الطيَّ ظاهراً إبانه

33. And it called you, in the presence of holiness, a caller
Of passionate love, its translator.

٣٣. ودعاكم في حضرة القدس داعٍ
ذو ولوهٍ غرامه ترجمانه