
We learned gestures on the path

تعلمنا الإشارة في طريق

1. We learned gestures on the path
Where Imam Ibn Al-Rifa’i passed

١. تعلَّمْنا الإِشارَةَ في طَريقٍ
عليه مضَى الإِمامُ ابنُ الرِّفاعِي

2. And we missed touching baseless claims
Without truth and the motives of passions

٢. وغِبنا عن مُلامَسَةِ الدَّعاوَى
بلا حقٍّ وعن عُلَقِ الدَّواعِي

3. And from the way of the Messenger poured into us
Suns of guidance glittering with rays

٣. ومن شرعِ الرَّسولِ أُفيض فينا
شُموسُ هُدًى تَلأْلأُ بالشُّعَاعِ

4. So what is the secret in the symbol of gesture
That has a connection that communicates by cutting off

٤. ففي رمزِ الإِشارَةِ أَيُّ سِرٍّ
له وصلٌ تطَيْلَسَ بانقِطَاعِ

5. Determination is tied with the rope of that connection
To turn away from the world after farewell sermons

٥. يُناطُ بحبلِ ذاكَ الوصلِ عزمٌ
على الدُّنيا تَلا خُطَبَ الوَدَاعِ

6. And the world in the eye of honorable determination
Is nothing but discarded belongings

٦. وما الدُّنيا بعينِ شَريفِ عزمٍ
سِوى المطْروحِ من سقطِ المَتَاعِ

7. So take for a while from the presence of spiritual refinement
With which you can tread on the peaks of predators

٧. فخذْ من حضرَةِ التَّقريبِ طَوْراً
تَدوسُ به على قُمَمِ السِّبَاعِ

8. And leave playfulness away from your Master, and remember
Since playfulness is of the worst manners

٨. وخلِّ اللَّهوَ عن مولاكَ واذْكُرْ
فإنَّ اللَّهوَ من سوءِ الطِّبَاعِ

9. For God’s remembrance yields all good
And protects the servant from going astray

٩. فذكرُ اللهِ يُنتِجُ كلَّ خيرٍ
ويَحمي العبدَ من لَوْثِ الضَّيَاعِ

10. And adhere to the way of the Chosen One forever
For with it are all kinds of benefits

١٠. ولازِمْ سُنَّةَ المُخْتارِ دَهراً
فتلك بها صُنوفُ الانْتِفَاعِ

11. With it are collected diverse virtues
And every misfortune is the misfortune of innovation

١١. بها لطَوائِفِ الخَيْراتِ جمعٌ
وكلُّ الشُّؤمِ شُؤمُ الابْتِدَاعِ

12. And entertain your heart sometimes with the permissible
For those are the ways of the best worshippers

١٢. ورمِّحْ بالمُباحِ القلبَ حيناً
فتلكَ بنيَّ سيرَةُ خيرِ دَاعِ

13. And walk humbly and sit with dignity
For violating dignity is the habit of rabble

١٣. ورحْ مُتواضِعاً واجْلِسْ وَقوراً
فَهَتْكُ الشَّأْنِ من دَأبِ الرَّعَاعِ

14. And do not dedicate your heart to other than God
For dedicating to others causes turmoil

١٤. ولا تبعثْ لغيرِ اللهِ قلباً
فبعثُ الغيرِ يقلِبُ في الصِّرَاعِ

15. And make asceticism within you a secret treasure
For the harm of ostentatious asceticism spreads like poison

١٥. وخلِّ الزُّهدَ فيكَ كَمينَ سِرٍّ
نَقيعُ السَّمِّ في الزُّهْدِ المُشَاعِ

16. So how many ambitions are in a cloak of wool
And how much vileness under gowns

١٦. فكم من هِمَّةٍ في ثوبِ خَزٍّ
وكم من خِسَّةٍ تحتَ الرِّقَاعِ

17. And fight for the creed against every aggressor
Do not fear the strike of spears

١٧. وحارِبْ للعَقيدَةِ كلَّ باغٍ
عليها لا تخَفْ صَدْمَ القِرَاعِ

18. For God grants victory to those who defend Him
By the rule of verses and widely narrated reports

١٨. فإنَّ اللهَ ينصُرُ ناصِريهِ
بحُكمِ الآيِ والخَبَرِ المُذَاعِ

19. And do not occupy your mind with grudges
For their hatred is poison to snakes

١٩. ولا تشغِلْ بأَهلِ الحِقدِ فِكراً
فحِقْدُهُمْ لهُمْ سَمُّ الأَفاعي

20. And make yourself determined, rejecting desires
And long-armed in the ways of perfection

٢٠. وخَلِّكَ في الهَوَى مُنْحَطَّ عزمٍ
وفي طُرُقِ الكَمالِ طَويلَ بَاعِ

21. And go gently to good, for how often
The valley flows with its flooding waters

٢١. ورُحْ للخيرِ منخَفِضاً فكم قدْ
جرَى الوادي بأَمواهِ التِّلاعِ

22. And pave an easy heart for the envious one
And fight him by not defending yourself

٢٢. ومهِّدْ للحَسودِ فَسيحَ صدرٍ
وقاتِلْهُ بترْكِكَ للدِّفَاعِ

23. And if you defend a disposition, then judge precisely
The system of Sharia and be sincere in litigation

٢٣. وإن دافَعْتَ عن طبعٍ فأَحْكِمْ
نِظامَ الشَّرْعِ واخْلِصْ في التَّداعي

24. And if you submit to the Master, that is best
And this is the way of our Master Al-Rifa’i

٢٤. وإن سلَّمْتَ للمولَى فأَوْلى
وهذا دأْبُ سيِّدِنا الرِّفاعِي