
The spirit has the scent of the breeze of love,

للروح من روح ريح الحب ريحان

1. The spirit has the scent of the breeze of love,
And the realities have proof in secrets.

١. للرُّوحِ من رَوْحِ ريحِ الحِبِّ رَيْحانُ
وللحَقائِقِ في الأَسرارِ بُرْهَانُ

2. Many came with falsehood, swaggering with it,
As if, while it was among people, they did not exist,

٢. كم جاءَ بالزُّورِ قومٌ يرفُلونَ بهِ
كأنَّهُمْ وهو بينَ النَّاسِ ما كانُوا

3. And they became, you see only their dwellings,
While the truthful have vestiges and entities.

٣. وأصْبَحوا لا تَرى إِلاَّ مَساكِنَهُمْ
وللمُحقِّينَ آثارٌ وأَعيَانُ

4. Do not be impressed by the words of the sinful,
If you verify them, they are lies and nonsense.

٤. لا يُعْجِبَنْكَ من الفُسَّاقِ قولُهُمْ
إنْ أَنْتَ حقَّقْتَهُ زورٌ وبُهْتَانُ

5. And every innate disposition dresses its companion,
While the sincere to the people of truth are monks.

٥. وكلُّ نشأَةِ غيبٍ تُلْفِ صاحِبَها
والمُخلِصونَ لأهلِ الحقِّ خُلاَّنُ

6. So stick to men whom God has rendered their conduct noble,
And every companion of theirs is taste and discernment.

٦. فالْزَمْ رِجالاً أَجَلَّ اللهُ سيرَتَهُمْ
وكلُّ نيطَتِها ذوقٌ وعِرْفَانُ

7. And do not abandon the gatherings of the Ahmadis,
For they are men who have a diwan in life.

٧. والأَحْمَدِيُّونَ لا تترُكْ محاضِرَهُمْ
فهُمْ رِجالٌ لَهُمْ في الحَيِّ ديوَانُ

8. The words of the knowledgeable gnostic scholar please me,
He has elucidation in the system of truth.

٨. للعارِفِ العَلَمِيِّ الحَبْرِ يُعْجبُني
قولٌ لهُ في نِظامِ الحقِّ تِبْيَانُ

9. When the times go astray or its calamities occur,
Then the Ahmadis are my treasure wherever they are.

٩. إذا طَغى الدَّهْرُ أَو جارَتْ نوائِبُهُ
فالأَحْمَدِيُّونَ ذُخْري أينما كانُوا

10. Be a son of the spirit of their meanings that you may straighten with them,
Not every son of the spirit of love is Salman.

١٠. صِرِ ابنَ روحِ مَعانيهِمْ لتَثْنى بهِمْ
ما كلُّ ابنٍ لروح الحُبِّ سَلْمَانُ

11. Rise happily with the wine cup and drink the wine of their tavern,
And become enraptured for excellent is the cup and the taverner.

١١. قمْ نَهْنِهِ الكأسَ واشربْ خمرَ حانَتِهِمْ
واذْهَلْ هُياماً فنِعْمَ الكأسُ والحَانُ

12. They are a people who have cognizance of the Messenger of God,
And in evidence for him in his family they have prestige.

١٢. قومٌ لهُمْ برسولِ اللهِ معرِفةٌ
وفي التَّدلِّي لهُمْ في آلِهِ شانُ

13. Their path is all mystery and honor,
And miracles, submission, and faith.

١٣. طَريقُهُمْ كلُّهُ سِرٌّ ومكْرُمَةٌ
وخارِقاتٌ وإذْعانٌ وإيمانُ

14. They stood on the basis of piety to their Creator,
And by following the Messenger they professed faith.

١٤. قاموا على قَدَمِ التَّقْوى لبارِئِهِمْ
وباتِّباعِ الرَّسُولِ قد دَانُوا

15. When the night spreads its folds,
Their eyes overflow with copious tears.

١٥. لهُمْ إذا اللَّيْلُ قد أرخَى كَلاكِلَهُ
دمعٌ يَفيضُ على الخَدَّينِ هَتَّانُ

16. Their resolve is organized upon the path of sacred law,
In it there are no hues of delusions.

١٦. تنظَّمَتْ بطَريقِ الشَّرْعِ همَّتُهُمْ
ما فيه من نَزَغاتِ الوهمِ أَلوَانُ

17. They humbled themselves to the order of God’s Messenger out of propriety,
And they have no authority over the order of others.

١٧. ذَلُّوا لأمرِ رسولِ اللهِ عن أَدبٍ
وما عليهِمْ لأمرِ الغيرِ سُلْطَانُ

18. When they walked the methodologies of the religion of God,
Elders and youth died upon the truth.

١٨. هُمْ في مَناهِجِ دِينِ اللهِ حينَ سَرَوْا
ماتوا على الحقِّ أَشياخٌ وشُبَّانُ

19. They have esoteric meanings of gnosis, profound,
The field of its niceties being remembrance and furqan.

١٩. لهُمْ مَعانٍ من العِرْفانِ غامِضَةٌ
مِضْمارُ نُكْتَتِها ذِكرٌ وفُرْقَانُ

20. They are the men, so do not deny their glories,
When the arena celebrates, they have an arena.

٢٠. هُمُ الرِّجالُ فلا تجْحَدْ مَفاخِرَهُمْ
لهُمْ إذا احْتَفَلَ الميدانُ ميدانُ

21. Valiant lions from God’s black horses, a group
Who by their weight among the people have a scale.

٢١. جَحاجِحٌ من أسودِ اللهِ طائِفَةٌ
لهُمْ بتَرْجيحِهِمْ في القَوْمِ ميزَانُ

22. They are a people whose shaykh is Master of Both Worlds,
And by his resolve they gained might and did not weaken.

٢٢. قومٌ أَبو العَلَمَيْنِ الغَوْثُ شيخُهُمُ
وهُمْ بهمَّتِهِ عَزُّوا وما هانُوا

23. The striking of each brave warrior among them when the horsemen clash
Is the marksmanship the day of skirmishing and horsemen.

٢٣. من كلِّ شهمٍ كوَقْعِ السَّهمِ رَمْشَتُهُ
يومَ الصِّدامِ والفُرْسانِ عُنوَانُ

24. Generosity has not been composed except from their noble ones,
And the high values do not cherish except from what they were.

٢٤. لم يُؤلَفِ الجودُ إِلاَّ من مكَرِمِهِمْ
ولا تُكِنُّ المَعالي دونَ ما كانُوا

25. They climbed to the peak of highness out of nobility,
Among them are foot soldiers to the Most High and horsemen.

٢٥. تَسَلَّقوا ذِرْوَةَ العَلياءِ عن شَرَفٍ
منهُمْ مُشاةٌ إلى العَليا وفُرْسَانُ

26. No time passed without traces of pride passing for them,
Which time now glows with.

٢٦. ما مرَّ آنٌ وما مرَّتْ لنوبَتِهِمْ
آثارُ مفخَرَةٍ يَزهو بها الآنُ

27. They are the suns that shone among the gnostics,
Not harmed by the denial of the blind to light.

٢٧. هُمُ الشُّموسُ التي في العارِفينَ بَدَتْ
ما ضرَّها بجُحودِ النُّورِ عُميَانُ

28. These proofs in the cosmos are decisive,
Beside their tower the adorned celestial sphere is abased.

٢٨. هذي البَراهينُ في الأَكوانِ قاطِعَةٌ
ينحَطُّ عن بُرجِها المَعْمورِ كيوَانُ

29. Take them to yourself with the covenant of the unseen pure,
And God is merciful to the sincere indigent.

٢٩. خُذْها إليكَ بعهدِ الغيبِ صافِيَةً
واللهُ للمُخْلِصِ المَسْكينِ رَحْمنُ

30. His aid suffices in every event,
If helpers and supporters abandon the servant.

٣٠. كفى بنُصْرَتِهِ في كلِّ حادِثَةٍ
إنْ فارَقَ العبدَ أَنصارٌ وأَعوَانُ