
The heart trembles in distress, pleading

القلب يفزع في المهمة ضارعا

1. The heart trembles in distress, pleading
To You, O Most Merciful, O Allah

١. القلبُ يَفزَعُ في المُهِمَّةِ ضارِعاً
لَكَ يا عَظيمَ اللُّطفِ يا اللهُ

2. So You return its fervor and mend its breaks
And relieve it generously with Your gifts

٢. فَتَرُدُّ لهفته وتجبر كسره
وتغيثه كرماً بنيل مناه

3. All Your creation relies on You forever
And the servant's ultimate aim is his Master

٣. أبداً غليك خلقك كلهم
والعبد غاية قصده مولاه

4. I call upon You with the ancient secret and what
Was folded in the essence of the Quran

٤. أدعوك بالسر القديم وما انطوى
في مضمر الفرقان من معناه

5. With Your sublime ancient words altogether
And those aware of their contents and meanings

٥. بكلامك العالي القديم جميعه
والعارفين بما حوى فحواه

6. With the prophets, the foremost of mankind to whom
At Your sacred authority, status is given

٦. بالأنبياء أيمة البشر الذي
ن لهم لدى سلطان قدسك جاه

7. With Your servants the angels, possessors of the heavens
And every mystery they witnessed and were perplexed by

٧. بعبيدك الأملاك املاك السما
ء وكل سر شاهدوه وتاهوا

8. With all those You loved, so their eyes
Melted with yearning for You and shed tears

٨. بجميع من أحببتهم فعيونهم
وَلَهاً عَلَيكَ جَرَت لها أَمواهُ

9. And those whose steeds of hearts
Galloped towards You, utterly enthralled

٩. وَبِمَن إِلَيكَ سَرَت جِيادُ قُلوبِهِم
فالكل منهم هائم أوَّهُ

10. With the most noble of Your creations, the light of Your dominion, Your servant,
The guide who pleases You with all he consents to

١٠. بأعزِّ خلقك نور ملكك عبدك ال
هادي الذي يرضيك ما يرضاه

11. The spirit of sanctity, reason for existence, if not for him
The dimness of earth would not have shone

١١. روح البرية علةِ الإيجاد من
لم تبج مطموس الورى لولاه

12. My Master, the prophets' forefather, Mohammed
Who ripped the shroud of obscurity with his sublimity

١٢. مولاي صدر المرسلين محمد
من شق غلغلة الغموض سناه

13. The sultan of every divine court
And the imam of every supporter and guide

١٣. سلطان كل حظيرة صمدية
وإمام كل مؤيد وهداه

14. The chief and ally who secured the blind
You elevated with inaccessible nobility to defend

١٤. والسيد السند الذي ضمن العمى
شيدت بالشرف المنيع حماه

15. For You many hearts shone though obscured within
So complete their shine with Your splendor

١٥. فلكم قلوب ضاء فيه ظلامها
فأتم رونق ضوؤها مجلاه

16. For You, amid the darkness of calamities
Tongues stuttered with the quiver of their states

١٦. ولكم بذكرك بين اطباق الدُّجا
نطقت بهزة حاله أفواه

17. And for his immaculate family whom
You raised above all humanity, unparalleled

١٧. وبآله الغر الميلين الذي
ي علت لهم فوق البدور جباهُ

18. How excellent this pure lineage, towering
Above all others beneath the heavens

١٨. نِعمَ العيالُ الطاهِرون فَمالهم
فوق البسيطةِ كلها أشباهُ

19. And his companions, the brave ferocious lions
Who if met in battle, death trembles before their strike

١٩. و بصحبه الزهر الجحاجحة الأسو
دِ القائمين بنصر ما أبداه

20. For those following their enlightened path
The light of existence illuminated their way

٢٠. من كل ليثٍ يرعدُ الموتُ الخطي
رُ بحومَةِ الميدان إِن لاقاهُ

21. And every humble, reverent soul
Bowing before You in the corners of the universe, O Sustainer

٢١. بالآخِذينَ على شريقِ سلوكهم
نَهجاً لَهُم نورُ الوجودِ جلاهُ

22. Pour over Your servant wellness and heal him
From his illness and relieve him in his affliction

٢٢. و بِكُلِّ فَردٍ خاشِعٍ مُتواضِعٍ
لَكَ في فجاج الكون يا رَباه

23. Unleash Your might on his enemies and be
His aid against the days, O Fulfiller of needs

٢٣. أُصبب على الَعبدِ الشفاءَ وداوه
من دائه وأغثه في بلواه

24. Drape over him Your cloak of mercy that
Revives the lover so no heights surpass him

٢٤. وافهر ببطشك حاسديه وكن له
عوناً على الأيام يا غوثاه

25. Favor those who hearts contain mercy for him
With care and subdue those who opposed him

٢٥. وانشر عليه رداء رحمتك التي
تحيي المحب فلن يحظَّ عُلاه

26. Have mercy on him in both abodes and veil his faults
O Bestower of favors, none hoped for but You

٢٦. وامنن لمن تحويه شفقةُ قلبه
بعنايةٍ وارغم لمن عاداه