
They left us, which people left us

تركونا أي قوم تركوا

1. They left us, which people left us
And embarked upon ships of souls

١. تَرَكونا أَيُّ قومٍ تَرَكوا
وبِرُكْبانِ النُّفوسِ انْسَلَكُوا

2. And saw our worn garment in ruins
And clung to the people of appearances

٢. ورأَوْا خِرْقَتَنا بالِيَةً
وعلى أَهلِ الشُّفوفِ انْحَبَكُوا

3. They embarked on illusions about their opinions
If only when they embarked they had not embarked

٣. سَلَكُوا وهماً على آرائهِمْ
ليتَهُمْ إذْ سَلَكُوا ما سَلَكُوا

4. Their souls mingled with souls of their kind
The kind was corrected, for it the interwoven

٤. مَازَجَتهُمْ أَنفُسٌ من نوعِهِمْ
صُحِّحَ النَّوعُ لها المُشْتَبِكُ

5. They were ignorant of us due to clear difference
And saw our path so they staggered

٥. جَهِلونا لاخْتِلافٍ بيِّنٍ
ورأَوْا مِنْهاجَنا فانْوَرَكُوا

6. We are the verses with meanings of guidance
And upon us in the wilds is decay

٦. نحنُ آياتِ مَضامينِ الهُدى
وعَلينا في البَرايا الدَّرَكُ

7. We are God's secret in this existence
And for us in every secret is partnership

٧. نحنُ سِرُّ اللهِ في هذا الوَرَى
ولنا في كلِّ سِرٍّ شَرَكُ

8. Whose heart guidance touched his hand
He is busy with us, immersed

٨. مَن يدُ التَّوفيقِ مسَّتْ قَلبَهُ
فهو مَشغولٌ بِنا مُنْهَمِكُ

9. And whoever fought us, fought us
As the insightful witness said

٩. والَّذي حارَبَنا حارَ بنا
مثلما قالَ البَصيرُ المُدْرِكُ

10. The groups made one saying of their Lord
And saw others so in ignorance associated

١٠. وحَّدَ الأَقوامُ قولاً رَبَّهُمْ
ورأَوْا غيراً فجَهْلاً أشْرَكُوا

11. Whoever sees strangers in their deeds
He undoubtedly is the distant associator

١١. من يرَى الأَغْيارَ في أَفعالِهِمْ
هو لا شكَّ البَعيدُ المُشْرِكُ

12. We believed in Him who imaged us
So let him know how the orbit was set spinning

١٢. نحنُ آمَنَّا بمن صوَّرَنا
فليَدُرْ كيفَ أُديرَ الفَلَكُ

13. Our Shaykh, the succoring Rifa’i, who
His path is the pith of guidance and devotion

١٣. شيخُنا الغوثَ الرِّفاعِيُّ الَّذي
نهجُهُ لُبُّ الهُدى والنُّسُكُ

14. Repaired to Taha, so he came to us as guide
To a path in which the anklets shone

١٤. نابَ طَهَ فأَتانا مُرْشِداً
لطَريقٍ ضاءَ فيهِ الحَلَكُ

15. So we followed him in his tracks, and
The shackles were removed from our venerated necks

١٥. فتبِعْناهُ على الإِثْرِ وقدْ
حُطَّ عن خُمْصِ هُدانا الحُبُكُ

16. And at the pinnacle of loftiness our compilation
With the guardians of sanctuaries interlinked

١٦. وعلى هامِ العُلى ديوانُنا
بسَلاطينِ الحِمى مُحْتَبِكُ

17. We worship God and do not worship one
Whom their lifetime destroys or they are destroyed

١٧. نعبُدُ اللهَ ولا نعبُدُ من
يُهْلِكَنْهُمْ دهرُهُمْ أَو هَلَكُوا

18. The ornaments of words blinded their sights
So they became blind and led astray, rather ruptured

١٨. زُخْرُفُ القولِ كَوى أَبصارَهُمْ
فعَموا وافْتَتَنوا بل هُتِكُوا

19. He claimed mastery in spite of destiny
Eyes in which blindness is interlinked

١٩. زَعَمَ التَّصْريفَ رغماً للقَضا
أعيُنٌ فيها العَمى مُتَّشِكُ

20. Their inadequacy, were it not for destiny in their slipper
Is evident if the interlink is removed from it

٢٠. عجزُهُمْ لولا القَضا في نَعْلِهِمْ
ظاهِرٌ إنْ قُدَّ منها الشَّرَكُ

21. The kingdom of my Lord, in it He is Master
In spite of those who were ruled or ruled

٢١. مُلْكُ ربِّي هو فيه مالِكٌ
رغمَ مَن قدْ مُلِكُوا أَو مَلَكُوا

22. The foot of God transcended limitation
Our ancient King, Majestic, Master

٢٢. قِدَمُ اللهِ عَلا عن حَدَثٍ
جلَّ بارِينا القَديمُ المَلِكُ