
The threads were dangling from the bushes

قد تداعت من الأقاح خيوط

1. The threads were dangling from the bushes
When the breeze blew from the land of Salma

١. قد تَداعَتْ من الأَقاحِ خُيوطٌ
حينَ هبَّ النَّسيمُ من أرضِ سلْمَى

2. And the men hastened to it deliriously
The day hearts were given anxiety, so they worried

٢. وتَداعَتْ له الرِّجالُ هياماً
يومَ أَعطى القُلُوبَ همًّا فهمَّا

3. They disclosed their secret to the disturbing situation
After being unable to conceal it anymore

٣. كشَفوا سِرَّهم لمُزْعِجِ حالٍ
ما اسْتَطاعوا من بعدِ ما مسَّ كتْمَا

4. And tears of passion streamed from them
Teaching the pouring clouds to be generous

٤. وجرَتْ للغِرامِ منهم دُموعٌ
علَّمتْ هاطِلَ السَّحائِبِ سجْمَا

5. Oh my life, I am exhausted while the people are slain
As if I alone committed a crime

٥. يا لَعَمْري فَنيتُ والقومُ صرعَى
فكأَنِّي جَنَيْتُ وحدِي جُرْمَا

6. And the meanings my heart contained
Made a vow that shook a vow from my heart

٦. والمَعاني التي طَواها فُؤادي
قسَماً هزَّ من فُؤادي قسْمَا

7. I did not hear the slanderer or the reproach of a villain
Who went around relating strange lies about me unjustly

٧. ما سمعْتُ الواشي ولا عذلَ خِبٍّ
راحَ يروي عنِّي العَجائِبَ ظُلْمَا

8. And I was sincere with them for a period of time
And I was sincere with myself for a period of time

٨. وقطعْتُ الزَّمانَ بالصِّدقِ فيهم
وقطعْتُ الفُؤادَ عمَّا وعَمَّا

9. With my love I tore up the veil of the nights
And split the days one day after another

٩. وبوَجْدي مزَّقتُ سِترَ اللَّيالي
وشققْتُ الأَيَّامَ يوْماً فيوْمَا

10. And I wore humility as a garment and my secret
Was their mother while humility wore me as a garment

١٠. وارتَدَيْتُ الخُشوعَ مِرْطا وسِرِّي
أَمَّهم وارْتَدى التَّذَلُّلَ ثَما

11. They taught me the knowledge of humility with them
My Lord, increase me in the path of love with knowledge

١١. علَّموني عِلمَ الخُضوعِ لديهمْ
ربِّ زِدْني بسيرَةِ الحِبِّ عِلمَا