1. The one with lowly resolve, his ambition is lowly
And the one of noble nature, his ambition is lofty
١. دَنِيُّ العَزْمِ همَّتُهُ دَنِيَّهْ
وسامي الطَّبْعِ هِمَّتُهُ عَلِيَّهْ
2. One strives for affairs he seeks
While the other, his affairs are renouncing vanities
٢. يُحاوِلُ ذا شُؤُناً يَبْتَغيها
وذاكَ شُؤُنُهُ طَرْحُ البَرِيَّهْ
3. Reflect, my friend, I have ransomed you
And take from me the clear hints
٣. تفكَّرْ بي فَدَيْتُكَ يا رَفيقي
وخُذْ عنِّي الإِشاراتِ الجَلِيَّهْ
4. I have turned events behind my back
In the manner of important Haydari affairs
٤. طَوَيْتُ الحادِثاتِ وراءَ ظَهْري
على نَسَقِ الشُّؤُنِ الحَيْدَرِيَّهْ
5. And I have restrained my eyes, so I stood blind
To the elements in determination and purpose
٥. وكَفْكَفْتُ العُيونَ فقُمْتُ أَعْمى
عن الأَكْوانِ في عزمٍ وَنِيَّهْ
6. I was content with my rags and the coarseness of my garment
And surpassed loved ones in secrecy
٦. رَضيتُ بِخِرْقَتي وبمِرْطِ ثَوْبي
وسابَقْتُ الأَحِبَّةَ في السَّرِيَّهْ
7. And I said to the enticers of the self, wait
Leave me from your hidden schemes
٧. وقلتُ لعارِضاتِ النَّفْسِ مهلاً
دَعيني من دَسائِسِكِ الخَفِيَّهْ
8. Indeed, a Lord provides for the one who makes effort
Bring me the result in the matter
٨. أَهَلْ بالسَّعْيِ يُرْزَقُ رَبُّ سَعْيٌ
أَقيمي لي النَّتيجَةَ في القَضِيَّهْ
9. And give us the correct, honest analogy
Otherwise, you are dimwitted in meaning
٩. وهاتِ لنا القِياسَ صَحيحَ سَوْقٍ
وإلاَّ أنتِ في المعْنى غَبِيَّهْ
10. How many deficient ones, sick in opinion and confused
And their living in their world is easy
١٠. فكم خِبٍّ سَقيمِ الرَّأْيِ خَبْلٍ
وعِيشَتُهُ بدُنْياهُ رَخِيَّهْ
11. And how many ink-users surge in an ocean of knowledge
Their poverty causes them great distress
١١. وكم حَبْرٍ يَموجُ ببحْرِ عِلْمٍ
له من فقرِهِ سُحْبُ البَلِيَّهْ
12. So either complete sovereignty of the world
Or leaving it with utmost priority
١٢. فإِمَّا المُلْكُ للدُّنْيا جَميعاً
وإِمَّا تَرْكُها بالأَوْلَوِيَّهْ
13. And this leaving is possible at any time
While sovereignty, its level is far
١٣. وهذا التَّرْكُ يُمْكِنُ كلَّ آنٍ
وأمَّا المُلْكُ رُتْبَتُهُ قَصِيَّهْ
14. Indeed, asceticism is best in every case
For one with a pure, content soul
١٤. وإنَّ الزُّهْدَ أَحسنُ كلِّ طَوْرٍ
لذي نَفْسٍ مُطَهَّرَةٍ رَضِيَّهْ
15. And since I debated with it, it was defeated and bewildered
And from incapacity it became purely chaste
١٥. ومُذْ حاوَرْتُها غُلِبَتْ فحارَتْ
وعن عَجْزٍ غَدَتْ طُهْراً نَقِيَّهْ
16. So I gave it the rein insistently
With a determination from me too unyielding
١٦. فرَدَّيْتُ العِنانَ لها مَحاقاً
بشِدَّةِ هِمَّةٍ مِنِّي أَبِيَّهْ
17. And I did not care about it until it perished
And died while it was powerful and helpless
١٧. ولم أَعْبَأْ بها حتَّى تَفانَتْ
وماتَتْ وهي عاجِزَةٌ قَوِيَّهْ
18. And the springs of illumination were unleashed
In my heart from pure, refined channels
١٨. وقدْ فُجِرَتْ يَنابيعُ التَّجَلِّي
بقَلْبي عن أَنابيبٍ زَكِيَّهْ
19. So I brought forth words, words of truth
From wise, gentle, jeweled wisdom
١٩. فأَوْرَدْتُ الكَلامَ كَلامَ حَقٍّ
من الحِكَمِ الرِّقاقِ الجَوْهَرِيَّهْ
20. So if the world comes to you as a delegation
Take it with the right hand, Hashimi
٢٠. فإنْ وَفَدَتُ بُنَيَّ عليكَ دُنْيا
فخُذْها باليَمينِ الهاشِمِيَّهْ
21. And do not let it distract your heart in the matter
The poisons of the heart in this are hidden
٢١. ولا تَحْفَلْ بها في الأَمْرِ قلباً
سُمومُ القَلْبِ في هذا خَفِيَّهْ
22. And if it leaves, then smooth its forehead
For its coming and going are vile
٢٢. وإنْ هي فارَقَتْ فاصْفَعْ قَفاها
فوَفْدَتُها ورَجْعَتُها رَدِيَّهْ
23. And divorce it secretly however it goes
With a soul of faith, rich
٢٣. وطَلِّقْها بسِرِّكَ كيفَ سارَتْ
بنَفْسٍ ذاتِ إِيمانٍ غَنِيَّهْ
24. And take the way of the Messenger as a way
And adhere to the path of his pious companions
٢٤. وخُذْ طَوْرَ الرَّسولِ طَوْراً
ولازِمْ إِثْرَ عُصْبَتِهِ التَّقِيَّهْ
25. And truly realize the way of mysticism by nature
In harmony with the most praiseworthy nature
٢٥. وحَقِّقْ مذْهَبَ العِرْفانِ طَبْعاً
وِفاقاً للطِّباعِ الأَحْمَدِيَّهْ
26. For leaving the universe is easiest of everything
For a servant who hopes to meet his Prophet
٢٦. فتَرْكُ الكَوْنِ أَهْوَنُ كلِّ شيءٍ
لعَبْدٍ رامَ أَنْ يَلْقى نَبِيَّهْ
27. And do not incline your heart to hopes
And take the raiment of your guide Mahdi
٢٧. ولا تُلْفِتْ إلى الآمالِ قَلْباً
وخُذْ عن شَيْخِكَ المَهْدِيِّ زِيَّهْ
28. Indeed, wherever the Mahdis may be
With the condition of the Hashimi, they have stature
٢٨. فإِنَّ المَهْدَوِيَّةَ أَينَ كانُوا
بِحالِ الهاشِمِيِّ لَهُمْ مَزِيَّهْ
29. His protection of the covenant with them is binding
Upon an asceticism, what an excellent allegiance
٢٩. أَلِيَّتُهُمْ وَثيقُ العَهْدِ منهُ
على زُهْدٍ فيا نِعْمَ الأَلِيَّهْ
30. Affairs have risen and reached a station
Yes, those are Muhammadan affairs
٣٠. شُؤُنٌ قدْ عَلَتْ وسَمَتْ مَقاماً
أَجلْ تلكَ الشُّؤُنُ مُحَمَّدِيَّهْ
31. Prayers surround the shrine of their owner
Reaching the purest greeting and salutation
٣١. تَحُفُّ ضَريحَ صاحِبِها صَلاةٌ
طَوَتْ أَزْكَى السَّلامِ مع التَّحِيَّهْ