
Journey in the path of God to the utmost end

سر بطريق الله حتى المنتهى

1. Journey in the path of God to the utmost end
For man has none but what he strives to gain

١. سرْ بطريقِ اللهِ حتَّى المُنْتَهى
إذْ ليس للإَنسانِ إِلاَّ ما سعَى

2. Stand at the door of God, be one
Who follows the Chosen's footsteps in truth

٢. وقفْ على البابِ الإِلهِيِّ وكنْ
مُقتفِياً بالصِّدقِ إِثرَ المُصْطفى

3. Rectify your intention in religion, for
The servant has nothing with his Lord but his intent

٣. وصحِّحِ النيَّةَ في الدِّينِ فما
للعبدِ عند الرَّبِّ إِلاَّ ما نوَى

4. Let fall tears copiously down your cheek in gloom
For much good flows when tears do flow

٤. وسلسِلِ الدَّمعَ على الخدِّ دُجًى
فكم جرَى الخيرُ إذا الدَّمعُ جرَى

5. And beware of heedlessness, lest you fade through it
No lover is discerning like one gone astray

٥. وحاذِرِ الغفلَةَ أنْ تُبلى بها
فما مُحِبٌّ حاذِقٌ كمن سهَا

6. And hold to the Law, cling to its judgment
For the gloom of grave is due those who rebel

٦. وكنْ مع الشَّرعِ ولازِمْ حكمَهُ
فظُلمَةُ القبرِ جَزاءُ من عدَا

7. If called to the speech of the Chosen One
Obey, and beware lest you be like those gone astray

٧. وإِنْ دُعيتَ لكلامِ المُصْطَفى
أَطِعْ وحاذِرِ لا تكنْ كمن طغَى

8. His command is from his Lord, and he
Speaks not from fancy, such is his right

٨. فأَمرُهُ عن ربِّهِ وإنَّهُ
لم يَنْطِقَنْ وحقِّهِ عن الهوَى

9. Shun desire, incline not to it
How many lie vanquished by it on their sides

٩. وجانِبِ الهَوَى ولا تركَنْ له
فكم له مُنْصَرِعٌ على القَفَا

10. Leave the preserve of disobedience, soon the youth
Stumbles if he persists around the preserve

١٠. ودعْ حِمى العِصيانِ يوشَكُ الفتَى
يعثُرُ إِنْ حامَ الفَتَى حولَ الحِمَى

11. Line your eye with the kohl of piety
For the burden is only to the eye from what it sees

١١. وكحِّلِ العينَ بإِثْمَدِ التُّقَى
فإنَّما الوِزْرُ إلى العينِ عَمَا

12. Take the unseen's meanings through a Law
Whose method for our Lord is the balanced way

١٢. وخذْ معاني الغيبِ عن شريعَةٍ
منْهَجُها لربِّنا النَّهجْ السِّوَى

13. See not your soul, for the sickness is that
Man disputes or the soul he fancies to see

١٣. ولا ترَ النَّفسَ فإنَّ الدَّاءَ أَنْ
يُكابِرَ المرءُ أوِ النَّفسَ يَرَى

14. Part from the company whose path
Seduces, holding its reins astray

١٤. وفارِقِ الخِلَّ الذي طريقُهُ
مُجْتَذِبٌ زِمامَهُ إلى الغَوَى

15. Accompany the pious and profit by their time
For the delight of life is in the pious folk

١٥. ورافِقِ التَّقيَّ واغْنَمْ وقتَهُ
فلذَّةُ العيشِ بأَصحابِ التَّقَى

16. Verify completely the words of the Chosen
Not all who transmit a saying have transmitted it true

١٦. وارْوِ كلامَ المُصْطَفى مُحَقَّقاً
ما كُلُّ راوٍ إِنْ روَى القولَ رَوَى

17. Walk with the folk by their manners
At dawn the people praise the blessed calm

١٧. واسْرِ مع القومِ على آدابِهِمْ
عندَ الصَّباحِ يحمدُ القومُ السُّرَى

18. Surrender the matter to your Master and be
Clinging through His rope, ask not astray

١٨. وسلِّمِ الأمرَ لمولاكَ وكنْ
مُعتصِماً بحبلِهِ عن السِّوَى

19. Frequent the house with gentle, tamed manners
What harms the youth if he walks abroad

١٩. ولازِمِ البيتَ بخُلقٍ رَيِّضٍ
كم آفةٍ تأتي الفَتَى إذا مَشَى

20. Guard your eyes, look not through them
But at what is permitted, as Law came with

٢٠. وصنْ بنيَّ العينَ لا تنظرْ بها
إِلاَّ مُباحاً وبه الشَّرعُ أَتَى

21. Your feet preserve, send them not
To other than what pleases the nobles of prohibition

٢١. ورِجلَكَ احفظْها فلا تبعَثْ بها
لغيرِ ما يُرضي أَساطينَ النُّهَى

22. Shun pride and heed it not
For pride cuts the ties to the sublime

٢٢. وباعِدِ الكِبْرَ ولا تحفَلْ به
فالكِبْرُ قاطِعٌ أساليبَ العُلَى

23. Be dignified, well-mannered Lord of tamed manners
In his company the Lord of awe is not trivial

٢٣. وكنْ وَقوراً رَبَّ خُلْقٍ رَيِّضٍ
ما خفَّ في مجلِسِهِ رَبُّ حِجَا

24. Take the religion's order as a cutting rule
Judge not by opinion when religion rules

٢٤. واجعلْ نِظامَ الدِّينِ حُكماً قاطِعاً
لا تقضِ بالرَّأيِ إذا الدِّينُ قَضَى

25. Oppose the crooked one in his doctrine
Though lowly in state, he climbed on high

٢٥. وخالِفِ المُعْوَجَّ في مذهبِهِ
إِنْ سَفُلَ الشَّأنُ به وإِنْ عَلا

26. Seek help against hardship through God
My Lord disappoints not him who prays

٢٦. ولدِفاعِ الكَرْبِ باللهِ استغِثْ
فإنَّ ربِّي لم يخيِّبْ من دَعا

27. Take from fear a sturdy coat of mail
And remember through it Moses and Mount Sinai folded

٢٧. وخذْ من الخَشْيَةِ دِرعاً صَيِّناً
واذْكُرْ بها مُوسى وسيناءَ طُوَى

28. For the command is to God, to whom all returns
In His hands, glory to Him, lies every wish

٢٨. فالأَمرُ لله تعالى راجِعٌ
وعندَهُ سُبحانَهُ كلُّ المُنَى

29. Profit by your times and work within them
Busy with thoughts of the meeting for God

٢٩. واسَتقْصِرِ الأَوقاتَ واعملْ ضمنَها
للهِ مشغولاً بفكْرِ المُلْتَقَى

30. Deal with the fleeting world by its nature
The world is short in duration, know this well

٣٠. وعامِلِ الدُّنيا على مشرَبِها
فإنَّما الدُّنيا قصيرَةُ المَدَى

31. If it tricks you, go with it mindfully
Of what it did by deceit to those now gone

٣١. إِن خادَعَتْكَ رُحْ بها معتبِراً
ما صَنَعَتْ بغشِّها فيمَنْ مَضَى

32. Take from the night a blessed time
Dawn, neglect it not, nor daylight

٣٢. وخُذْ من اللَّيلِ زَماناً طيِّباً
الصُّبحُ لا تغفَلْ به ولا الضُّحَى

33. Watch your breaths as they pass
No lover he who heeds them not

٣٣. ولاحِظِ الأَنفاسَ في مُرورِها
فليسَ بالفتَى المُحِبُّ إِنْ لَهَا

34. Comfort the poor, mend his heart
Do what you can, leave what's beyond your reach

٣٤. وطيِّبِ الفقيرَ واجبُرْ قلبَهُ
لكلُّ ما يمكِنُ واترُكْ ما نأَى

35. Befriend him who befriended you, preserve his love
Be not engaged with one grown cold

٣٥. وصافِ من صافاكَ واحفَظْ وُدُّهُ
ولا تكنْ محتفِلاً بمن قَلَى

36. Honor at heart the loyal friend
Spurn with disregard a heart grown aloof

٣٦. وعظِّمِ الخِلَّ الوَفِيَّ باطِناً
وخلِّ بالإِهمالِ قلباً من جَفَا

37. If you rise up, be gentle in manner
How ugly the rude and coarse though of high station

٣٧. وإِنْ علوْتَ كنْ لطيفَ مشرَبٍ
ما أقبَحَ الفَظَّ الغَليظَ إِنْ عَلا

38. Be tender-hearted to people and be
Unlike the Lord of cruelty grown hard

٣٨. وصِرْ رَؤوفَ القلب بالنَّاسِ وكنْ
مُخالِفاً لربِّ لؤْمٍ قد قَسَا

39. Be generous of lawful gain that comes
Through your favor, by He who raised the lofty

٣٩. وكنْ سخِيًّا من حلالٍ وارِدٍ
إليكَ من إِحسانِ رافِعِ العُلَى

40. The generous of illegal gain is wretched
Equal to the excessive miser in meanness

٤٠. إِنَّ السَّخِيَّ بحرامٍ نَكِدٌ
مع البخيلِ المُفرِطِ الشُّحِّ استوَى

41. Cut off lies in your talk
Cursed is he who fabricated as Aad did

٤١. وقاطِعِ الكَذوبَ في فِرْيَتِهِ
فإنَّما المَلعونُ عادٌ افْتَرَى

42. Abandon the usurer, take him aside
The hungry poor eats of riba

٤٢. وخَلِّ من رابَى وخذْهُ جانِباً
فالجائعُ الفقيرُ آكِلُ الرِّبا

43. He who slanders honors, go not near him
Long has that been his way, the way of vileness

٤٣. وخادِشُ الأَعراضِ لا تقرَبْ له
دهراً فذاكَ دربُهُ دربُ لَظَى

44. Return to the gossip what he brings
To his face, for he is the prisoner of fancy

٤٤. ورُدَّ للنَّمَّامِ ما يأتي به
لوجهِهِ فذاكَ مأسورُ الهَوَى

45. If you see the disobedient, seize his forelock
Part from him, in face and heart, he who disobeyed

٤٥. وإِنْ ترَ المُطيعَ فاقْبِضْ ذيلَهُ
وفارِقَنْ وجهاً وقلباً من عَصَى

46. Revere the stature of companions with honor, they are
Leaders and all are to be emulated

٤٦. أعظِمْ شُؤُنَ الصَّحبِ طُرًّا إنَّهم
أَئمَّةٌ والكُلُّ منهم مُقْتَدَى

47. The House of the Chosen One, so love them
Out of love for his essence and the Chosen

٤٧. والآلُ آلُ المُرْتَضى فاحْبِبْهُمُ
حبًّا لذاتِ المُصْطَفى والمُرْتضَى

48. Love the men of God for God, stand
At their door, and God is best to guide

٤٨. واحْبِبْ رجالَ اللهِ للهِ وقفْ
ببابِهِمْ والله خيرُ من هَدَى

49. For His sake adopt them especially
A servant may be chosen whom God chooses

٤٩. وكنْ لهم لأَجلِهِ مُصْطفِياً
قد يصطَفي العبدُ من الله اصْطَفَى

50. See not effect in them, that is
Idolatry, the Doer of deeds determines what transpired

٥٠. ولا ترَ التَّأثيرَ فيهم إنَّه
شِرْكٌ بلِ الفَعَّالُ يُمضي ما مَضَى

51. He deposited in them traces of mysteries
As night deposited in it the darkness of gloom

٥١. آثارَ أسرارٍ بهم أَودَعَها
كاللَّيلِ قد أودَعَهُ عتمَ الدُّجَى

52. For His sake preserve their rights
Reasonable minds approve whom He approved

٥٢. واحْفَظْ لهم حُقوقَهُمْ لأَجلِهِ
أهلُ العُقولِ تَرْتَضي من ارْتَضى

53. By my life, if you knew who they are
Followers of the pure Taha, those who followed suit

٥٣. وهم لَعَمْري لو عرَفْتَ من هُمُ
أَتباعَ طَهَ التَّابِعونَ من قفَا

54. Who claims to be one of them yet is not
Bound by the Law, goes astray, gone far off track

٥٤. من قالَ إنِّي منهمْ ولم يكنْ
مقيَّداً بالشَّرعِ ضلَّ وغَوَى

55. A clear proof, so take it
Leave the way of a lying pretender

٥٥. بيِّنةٌ ظاهِرةٌ فخُذْ بها
ودعْ سبيلَ كاذِبٍ قدِ ادَّعَى

56. Show kindness to your neighbor, be strong for him
Use pardon when your neighbor aggresses

٥٦. واعطِفَ على الجَارِ وكنْ عزًّا له
واستعمِلِ العفوَ إذا الجارُ اعْتَدَى

57. Be good to relatives though they sever
From their severance our prophet, the pure, forbade

٥٧. وصلْ أُولي الأَرحامَ مهما قاطَعوا
عن قطعِهِمْ نبيُّنا الطُّهْرُ نَهَى

58. For your parents preserve abundant rights
In life or beneath the soil they lie

٥٨. للوالِدَيْنِ احفَظْ حُقوقاً جَمَّةً
حالَ الحياةِ أَو هُما تحت الثَّرَى

59. Keep the affection of those you loved, and be
Obedient therein to the command of the Chosen

٥٩. واحفَظْ وِداداً من أَحبَّاهُ وكنْ
ممتَثِلاً في ذاكَ أَمرَ المُجْتَبَى

60. Regard the covenant's people, neglect no
Matter for it, for the covenant's rule seeks obedience

٦٠. وارْعَ بنيَّ العهدَ لا تهمِلْ له
أَمراً فحكْمُ العهدِ ديناً يُبْتَغَى

61. Protect people's rights, trifle not with them
Thus the line on the Tablet flowed

٦١. وصُنْ حُقوقَ النَّاسِ لا تعبَثْ بها
بذلك السَّطرُ على اللَّوحِ جَرَى

62. The cover lifts with death, and one may be
Asked of his deeds, whoever crossed the line

٦٢. ينكشِفُ الغِطاءُ بالموتِ وقدْ
يُسأَلُ عن أَفعالِهِ من قد بَغَى

63. Restrain rage and calm your heart, nor
Let arrows fly when the wolf howled

٦٣. واكْظِمِ الغيظَ وطِبْ قلباً ولا
تسترسِلِ النَّبْلَ متى الذِّئبُ عَوَى

64. Take from the heart an advancing weapon
Against the enemy, if with no right he attacked

٦٤. وخُذْ من القلبِ سلاحاً ماضِياً
على العدوِّ إِنْ بِلا حقٍّ سَطَا

65. Drawing near to piety you will pardon, so be
Forgiving when able, among those who pardoned

٦٥. اقْرَبَ للتَّقوى ترى العفوَ فكنْ
عند بُروزِ قُدرةٍ ممَّن عَفَا

66. If a complete hardship presses heavily
Say, "God suffices me," He is enough

٦٦. وإِنْ دَهى طامِسُ كربٍ فاعْتَصِمْ
باللهِ كم كربٍ بذا الشَّأْنِ انْجَلَى

67. If an immerse evil looms with intensity
Say, "God suffices me," and it suffices

٦٧. وإِنْ تناهَى فادِحٌ بشدَّةٍ
قلْ حسبيَ اللهُ تعالى وكَفَى