
Rise above debating with enemies,

ترفع عن محاورة الأعادي

1. Rise above debating with enemies,
And leave them in turmoil and inflammation.

١. ترفَّعْ عن محاوَرَةِ الأَعادي
ودَعْهم باضْطِرابٍ واتِّقادِ

2. And set out for the truth, relying faithfully,
For God's command runs among the servants.

٢. ورُحْ للحقِّ مستنِداً أَميناً
فأَمرُ اللهِ جارٍ في العِبادِ

3. And leave the advice of the envious and discard it more,
Whenever the envious descends into stubbornness.

٣. ودعْ نُصْحَ الحَسودِ وزِدْهُ طَرْحاً
متى انحَطَّ الحَسودُ عن العِنادِ

4. And take for yourself in the darkness of night a door,
To the Merciful, from the goodness of dependence.

٤. وخذ لك في ظَلامِ اللَّيْلِ باباً
إلى الرَّحمنِ عن حسنِ اعْتِمادِ

5. And say, "O Creator of things, I
Have called upon You with humility and belief."

٥. وقلْ يا فاطِرَ الأَشياءِ إِنِّي
دعوتُكَ بانْكِسارٍ واعْتِقادِ

6. And accompany the presence of the Chosen One in heart,
And be at his door, submitting to destiny.

٦. ولازِمْ حضرَةَ المُخْتارِ قلباً
وكنْ في بابِهِ مُلْقى القِيادِ

7. For the Master, exalted is Allah, has a secret,
Swift in it, is obligatory for the caller.

٧. فللمولَى تَعالى اللهُ سِرٌّ
سريعٌ فيه جبرٌ للمُنادِي

8. And for the Chosen One, Ahmed, are miracles,
Throughout the ages, in every corner.

٨. وللمُخْتارِ أَحمدَ خارِقاتٌ
على مرِّ الدُّهورِ بكلِّ نادِ

9. And how much determination appeared from him,
That softened the hardness of resolute determination.

٩. وكم من هِمَّةٍ منه تبدَّتْ
أَلانَ جَلالُها عزمَ الصِّلادِ

10. And from the wonders that surrounds distress, a deficiency,
And the wave of kindness is ever increasing.

١٠. ومن عَجَبٍ يُحيطُ الكربَ نقصٌ
وموجُ اللُّطْفِ دوماً بازْدِيادِ

11. So often the enemies attacked foolishly and ignorantly,
And they sought dishonor for the greatest guide.

١١. فكم هجمَ العِدى طَيْشاً وجهلاً
وراموا بالهَوانِ أَجَلَّ هادِ

12. So he was patient with them for a little while,
And they perished while he remains in existence.

١٢. فصابَرَهُمْ بحكمَتِهِ قَليلاً
فبادُوا وهو في الأَكْوانِ بادِ

13. And supremacy in this world and the next was completed for him,
While they are in misery in the evil consequence.

١٣. وتمَّ له العُلى دُنيا وأُخْرى
وهم بالخِزْيِ في سوءِ المَعادِ

14. They rebelled stubbornly seeking to oppress him,
And he covered them gently with his hands.

١٤. طغَوْا بعِنادِهِمْ بغياً عليه
وغمَّرَهُمْ حَناناً بالأَيادِي

15. The sickness they treated him with in every manner of severance,
He treated them with all kinds of affection.

١٥. وسُقْماً عامَلوهُ بكلِّ قطعٍ
وعامَلَهُمْ بأَنْواعِ الوِدادِ

16. He wanted guidance and noble stature for them,
And they returned with misguidance to the abyss.

١٦. أرادَ لهُمْ هُدًى وشَريفَ حالٍ
وردُّوا بالغَوايَةِ للمِهادِ

17. And he let down over them the hems of pardon,
Although they burst out with falsehood and criticism.

١٧. وأَسبَلَ فوقَهُمْ أَذيالَ عفوٍ
وقد فَجَروا بزُورٍ وانْتِقادِ

18. Tongues among them went too far,
Against him in a way of daring animosity.

١٨. ترُدُّ بأَلسُنِ منهُمْ تَمادَتْ
عليه بنهجِ جُرْأَتِها حِدادِ

19. As if the truth did not appear to them,
And the zealous guide of religion was not alarmed.

١٩. كأنَّ الحقَّ لم يظهرْ لديهم
ولم يفزَعْ لنُوقِ الدِّينِ حَادِ

20. And he carried out the order of his Maker alone,
While the parties of misguidance were like locusts.

٢٠. وقامَ بأَمرِ بارِئِهِ وَحيداً
وأَحْزابُ الضَّلالَةِ كالجَرادِ

21. They saw him with opposites while he was pure,
Righteous, following the path of integrity.

٢١. رَأَوْهُ بالنَّقائِضِ وهو زاكٍ
نزيهٌ ناهِجٌ نهجَ السَّدَادِ

22. And he went to his Lord invoking with firm,
Severe determination, like the fierce lion.

٢٢. وراحَ لربِّهِ يدعو بعزمٍ
شديدٍ مثلما السَّبعِ الشِّدَادِ

23. So he confused them and made them bewildered,
And they wandered lost in the huge, desolate lands.

٢٣. فبلَّدَهُمْ وصيَّرَهُمْ حَيارى
وتاهُوا في المَهامِهِ والبِلادِ

24. And he purified souls so they became righteous with a
Divine light and ample provision of good provision.

٢٤. وطهَّرَ أَنفُساً فزكَتْ بنورٍ
إِلهِيٍّ وزادٍ خيرِ زَادِ

25. And he prepared them against the enemies as an army,
They saw their enemies in the time of holy war.

٢٥. وجرَّدَهُمْ على الأَعداءِ جُنْداً
رأَوْا أَعيادَهُمْ زَمَنَ الجِهادِ

26. Their army was organized from every brave tribe,
Great in courage, with the spirit of a noble steed.

٢٦. تنظَّمَ جيشُهُمْ من كلِّ قرْمٍ
عَظيمِ الجَاشِ ذي شمَمٍ جَوادِ

27. Sturdy in boldness and great in heart,
Who forbade sleep to the eyes.

٢٧. مَتينِ شَهامَةٍ وكبيرِ قلبٍ
وقد منعَ العُيونَ عن الرُّقادِ

28. Roaring with the ferocity of the guiding lion,
Its attack makes the inanimate heart tremble in fear.

٢٨. يصولُ بسطْوَةِ الهادي هِزَبْراً
يَهابُ هُجومَهُ قلبُ الجَمادِ

29. Majestic in manner, of tremendous danger,
Far-reaching, of high ambition.

٢٩. جليل الطَّوْرِ ذي خطرٍ عظيمٍ
بعيدِ المنتهَى عالي النِّجادِ

30. When the fray grew tumultuous, it attacked with resolve,
Stirring up death in the striking of the pursuer.

٣٠. إِذا انْعَقَدَ العَجاجُ سَطا بعزمٍ
يُثيرُ الموتَ في نَهْزِ الطِّرادِ

31. He made them devoted to the pure Messenger in heart,
And did not care for Zainab or Su`ad.

٣١. تولَّهَ بالرَّسولِ الطُّهرِ قلباً
ولم يحفَاْ بزَيْنَبَ أَو سُعادِ

32. He took up in battles whatever anger,
And flew upon the daughter of unbreakable determination.

٣٢. تقلَّدَ في المَعارِكِ أَيَّ عَضْبٍ
وطارَ على ابنَةِ الضُّمْرِ الجِيادِ

33. And he returned his sword to its sheath red,
Having mixed the white with the black.

٣٣. وأَرجَعَ بيضَهُ للغِمْدِ حُمراً
وقد مزَجَ البياضَ مع السَّوَادِ

34. And he returned his spear to being a pen when he turned
To the blood of the enemy dripping like ink.

٣٤. وردَّدَ رمْحَهُ قَلَماً تولَّى
دِماءَ الخصمِ نَقْعاً كالمِدادِ

35. Indeed, the party of Taha deserted beds,
And did not care for the incentives of sleep.

٣٥. لقد هجَرَ المَضاجِعِ حزبُ طَهَ
فلم يعبأْ بواعِثَةِ السُّهادِ

36. For the religion of God, not for the attainment of world,
So religion became upheld.

٣٦. لدينِ اللهِ لا لنَوال دُنيا
فصارَ الدِّينُ مرفوعَ العِمادِ

37. And the resolve of Muhammad raised it for ages,
With a fortress built on the erected pillar.

٣٧. فعزْمُ محمَّدٍ أَعلاهُ دهراً
بحِصْنٍ قامَ بالرُّكْنِ المُشادِ

38. So do not be shaken by the snorting of one astray,
Lying with pure imagination.

٣٨. فلا تُهْضَمْ بزَفْرَةِ ذي ضَلالٍ
كَذوبٍ بالخَيالِ البحتِ عَادِ

39. And take the Messenger's tail as a staff of support,
And bandage the heart even if misfortunes return.

٣٩. وخذْ ذَيْلَ الرَّسولِ مدًى عِصاماً
وطبْ قلباً ولو عَدَتِ العَوادِي

40. For fire snarls at the head of night,
And the tail of night is counted as embers.

٤٠. فإنَّ النَّارَ تزفُرُ رأْسَ ليلٍ
وذيلَ اللَّيْلِ تُحْسَبُ في الرَّمادِ

41. And stalks of grain may rise one day,
Then are cut down by the sickles in harvest.

٤١. وقد تَعلو السَّنابِلُ بعضَ يومٍ
وتقطَعُها السَّنابِكُ بالحَصادِ

42. For the Lord of the heart preserves hidden qualities,
And the Lord of the soul agonizes the heart.

٤٢. فرَبُّ القلبِ محفوظُ المَزايا
ورَبُّ النَّفسِ موجوعُ الفُؤادِ

43. And after this, you are in my protection,
Even if the enemy wanders in every valley.

٤٣. وإِنَّكَ بعدَ هذا في ضَماني
ولوْ هامَ العدوُّ بكلِّ وَادِ

44. My pledge of what I say has a connection,
To a guide, from the Magnificent Commander Guide.

٤٤. وَثيقَةُ ما أَقولُ لها اتِّصالٌ
بِهادٍ عن عَظيمِ الأَمرِ هَادِ

45. Exalted above resembling creatures,
To Him belongs all disposal over the servants.

٤٥. تعالى عن مُماثَلَةِ البَرايا
له كلُّ التَّصرُّفِ في العِبادِ