
Have you seen the market of love, how it is set up?

أرأيت سوق الحب كيف يقام

1. Have you seen the market of love, how it is set up?
The people are confused and the men stand.

١. أَرَأَيتَ سوقَ الحُبِّ كيفَ يُقامُ
القَوْمُ ذُهْلٌ والرِّجالُ قِيامُ

2. They push against each other with their hearts,
Passionate, and in that place they fell in love.

٢. يتَزاحَمونَ إلى العُلى بقُلوبِهِمْ
هاموا وفي ذاكَ المَقامِ تَرامُوا

3. They took the ways of the hearts overflowing,
And from the hearts to the hearts there is order.

٣. أَخَذوا أَساليبَ القُلُوبِ إِفاضَةً
ومن الغُيوبِ إلى القُلُوبِ نِظامُ

4. And they learned the hidden knowledge in their secret,
So they are, by the witnessing of its taste, banners.

٤. وتَعَلَّموا العِلمَ الخفِيَّ بسِرِّهِمْ
فهُمُ بمشْهَدِ ذَوْقِهِ أَعْلامُ

5. The nights of fate have recognized the alliance of their army,
At times, and days have witnessed it.

٥. عَرَفَتْ لَيالي الدَّهرِ زَمَّةَ جيشِهِمْ
طَوْراً وقد شَهِدتْ له الأَيَّامُ

6. An army whose leader is Abu Al-Zahra', it stood,
So excellent is the army and excellent is the leader.

٦. جَيشٌ أَبو الزَّهْراءِ قامَ إمامَهُ
فلَنِعْمَ جَيْشٌ بل ونِعْمَ إِمامُ