1. Things were given their proper places in my knowledge,
And my ignorance was illuminated by my spiritual maturity.
١. رُقِمَتْ في مَعارِفي الأَشياءُ
واسْتَنارتْ بنوبَتي الظَّلماءُ
2. The light of majestic glory was made manifest to my inner being -
Its status was supported by the blessed hand.
٢. وتجلَّى لمظهَري نورُ مجدٍ
أيَّدتْ شأنَهُ اليدُ البيضاءُ
3. Its affairs are clear verses,
Regulated by the excellent Islamic law.
٣. وشُؤُني آياتُها بيِّناتٌ
أحكَمَتْها الشَّريعةُ الغرَّاءُ
4. I stood by the Chosen One (Muhammad) though he was absent from me,
Just as the wind stirs the branches.
٤. قمتُ بالمُصْطفى وقد غِبت عنِّي
مثلما حرَّكَ الغُصونَ الهواءُ
5. I am dead and the Hashimite (Muhammad) is my life,
As water gives life to vegetation.
٥. أنا ميتٌ والهاشِمِيُّ حَياتي
مثلما يُحييَ النَّباتَ الماءُ
6. I mentioned the blessing of my Lord as a Sunna (tradition),
For affairs that the wise may purify themselves by.
٦. سُنَّةٌ قد ذكرتُ نعمةَ ربِّي
لشُؤُنٍ تزكو بها العُقَلاءُ
7. My creed on the path is the creed of religion,
That unites and does not make claims of superiority.
٧. مَذهبي في الطَّريقِ مذهبُ دينٍ
ما به وحدَةٌ ولا اسْتِعْلاءُ
8. I and the Muslims are all equal,
This is the best thing guaranteed by raising high.
٨. أَنا والمسلِمونَ كلُّ سواءٌ
نعمُ الأمرُ ضمنَهُ إِعلاءُ
9. And our father in origins is truly Adam,
If we trace our lineage, and our mother is Eve.
٩. وأَبونا في النَّشإِ آدمُ حقًّا
إنْ نُسِبْنا وأُمُّنا حوَّاءُ
10. Do not see people, my son, as insignificant -
They are all great in their clay essence.
١٠. لا ترى النَّاسَ يا بنيَّ صِغاراً
كلُّهم طيَّ طِينهِمْ كُبَراءُ
11. They stood in the state of human origins,
And by this the reality is lenient.
١١. آدميُّونَ حالَةَ النَّشإِ قاموا
وبهذا حقيقَةٌ سَمْحاءُ
12. God honored their race, so recognize this -
The children of Adam are generous.
١٢. أَكرمَ الله جِنسهُمْ فاعْرَفَنْ ذا
إنَّ أَبناءَ آدمٍ كُرَماءُ
13. But the matter involved established circumstances,
In which destiny set up the allotments.
١٣. لكِنِ الأمرُ فيه تمَّ شُؤُنٌ
قد أقامَ الحُظوظَ فيها القضاءُ
14. One was enlightened in his inner being by religion,
While the brother of unbelief is dark darkness.
١٤. ذاكَ بالدِّينِ قد أضاءَ فؤاداً
وأخو الجُحْدِ ظُلمةٌ ظَلْماءُ
15. The ruling of the secret of the two opposites brought this one close,
While for that one there is hardship and suffering.
١٥. حكمُ سرِّ الضِّدَّينِ قرَّبَ هذا
ولهذا مشقَّةٌ وعَناءُ
16. Serve all with guidance to God, for the best of works is offering guidance.
And if the share of stubborn rejection wearies you,
١٦. فاخْدِمِ الكلَّ بالهِدايَةِ لل
هِ فخيرُ الصَّنائعِ الإِهداءُ
17. Then leave him be, for his rightful place is to be excluded.
Take my pledges as clear pledges,
١٧. وإذا ما أعْياكَ حظُّ جَحودٍ
فاتْرُكْنَهُ فحقُّهُ الإِقْصاءُ
18. Without hinting or gestures.
Adhere to Islamic law in your beliefs and stand firm,
١٨. وعُهودي خُذْها عُهوداً صِراحاً
ما بها رَمْزَةٌ ولا إِيماءُ
19. For their religion is but vain desires.
And follow the Chosen One in every state and time,
١٩. حافِظِ الشَّرْعِ في العقائِدِ واثْبُتْ
فأُلوا الغيِّ دينُهُمْ أَهواءُ
20. For he is the guardian and his followers are the pious.
And if you commit a sin, then hasten
٢٠. واتْبعِ المُصْطفى بطَوْرٍ وحالٍ
فهو مولًى أَتباعُهُ الأَتقِياءُ
21. To weep over it, for weeping is the remedy for sins.
Then repent sincerely and do not cut off all hope,
٢١. وإذا ما أذْنَبْتَ ذنباً فبادِرْ
ببكاءٍ فللذُّنوبِ البُكاءُ
22. For this is the cure for sinners.
Do not declare a servant an unbeliever for a sin,
٢٢. ثمَّ تُبْ خالِصاً ولا تقطعِ الحَبْ
لَ فهذا للمذْنِبينَ دواءُ
23. For even the prophets were not infallible.
And accept the repentant and have mercy on them -
٢٣. لا تُكَفِّرْ بالذَّنبِ عبداً فإنَّ ال
عِصمَةَ شيءٌ أصحابُهُ الأَنبِياءُ
24. Perhaps they will attain their wishes if they come.
God’s mercy may pour over the sinner
٢٤. واقْبلِ التَّائبينَ واحْنُ عليهم
ربَّما أحرزوا المُنى إذا جاءوا
25. When he repents, for sins are but illusions.
And have mercy on all people, for truly
٢٥. رحمةُ اللهِ قد تَسِحُّ على المُذْ
نِبِ إذْ تابَ فالذُّنوبُ هَباءُ
26. Only the Merciful One has true mercy in the Presence.
And choose the sincere ones, the people of affection,
٢٦. وارْحَمِ النَّاسَ كلُّهُمُ إنَّما يُرْ
حَمُ حقًّا في الحضرَةِ الرُّحَماءُ
27. And let the guidance of sincerity turn away from you.
Do not prefer people of words over people of hearts,
٢٧. واخْتَرِ الخالِصينَ أهلَ وِدادٍ
وليَنُبْ عنكَ الهُدى الخُلَصاءُ
28. In whom sincerity towards the state abounds.
Many a heart is like a sword, accomplishing a deed
٢٨. لا تُفَضِّلْ أهلَ المَقالِ على أهْ
لِ قُلوبٍ للحالِ فيها رُغاءُ
29. That the eloquent were incapable of accomplishing.
And accompany the generous ones for God - people are of different types,
٢٩. رُبَّ قلبٍ كالسَّيفِ يفعلُ فِعلاً
عجزَتْ عن أَفعالِهِ البُلَغاءُ
30. And the most righteous of them are the generous.
Teach all your people renunciation as a gift,
٣٠. واصْحَبِ الأَسخِياءَ للهِ فالنَّا
سُ صُنوفٌ أبرُّها الأَسخِياءُ
31. For the caravans of the miserly stop at the furthest point.
The scholars of Islam - praise them
٣١. عَلِّمِ البذْلَ كلَّ قومِكَ زُهداً
حيثُ أقصَى القوافِلِ البُخَلاءُ
32. And hold them in reverence, for the masters are the scholars.
Assume poverty and do good to the poor,
٣٢. عُلماءُ الإِسلامِ فاثْنِ عليهم
واحَرِمهُمْ فالسَّادةُ العُلَماءُ
33. For God’s kingdom belongs to the poor.
And those drawn with great force - attract them gently
٣٣. وتولَّ الفقرَ وأحسِنْ إليه
دولةُ الله أهلُها الفُقَراءُ
34. And affectionately, for they are men of refinement.
Revere your parents openly and in secret,
٣٤. وأُولو الجذبِ فاجتذِبْهُمْ برفْقٍ
وحنانٍ فهم رجالٌ صَفاءُ
35. From them comes proper affairs by supplication.
Guard your neighbor, honor your guest, and be patient,
٣٥. واعْظِمِ الوالِدَيْنِ سرًّا وجهراً
منهُما بصُلْحِ الشُؤُنِ الدُّعاءُ
36. And speak only good words, for speech is a vessel.
Be humble no matter how much you are empowered sincerely,
٣٦. واحْفَظِ الجارَ وأكرِمْ الضَّيفَ واصْبِرْ
واحْسِنِ القولَ فالكلامُ وِعاءُ
37. For by my life, even the great are humble.
Keep safe your time and heart with remembrance,
٣٧. وتواضَعْ مهما قَدَرْتَ بصدقٍ
فلَعَمري يتواضَعُ الكُبَراءُ
38. And avoid that which is frequented by the cruel.
Cover people's faults, do not see people's shortcomings,
٣٨. واحْفَظِ الوقتَ والفُؤادَ بذكرٍ
وتجنَّبْ ما يأتِهِ الأَقْسِياءُ
39. And if there are any, reproaches are blind.
Be content with God in your affairs of the heart,
٣٩. واسْبِلِ السَّتْرَ لا ترى العيبَ للنَّا
سِ وإِنْ كانَ فالطُّعونُ عَماءُ
40. For only contentment begets contentment.
Accompany the righteous and benefit from their guidance,
٤٠. وارْضَ باللهِ في شُؤُنِكَ قلباً
إنَّما يُورِثُ الرِّضاءُ الرِّضاءُ
41. For they are good friends and brethren.
Avoid those who falsely accuse people based on assumptions,
٤١. رافِقِ الصَّالحينَ واغنَمْ هُداهُمْ
فلنعْمَ الخُلاَّنُ والرُّفَقاءُ
42. For they are enemies.
Distance yourself far away from the stubborn,
٤٢. واهْجُرِ النَّاقلينَ في النَّاسِ زُوراً
عن ظُنونٍ فإنَّهم بُعَداءُ
43. For with stubbornness even the great are diminished.
Have a good opinion of all people,
٤٣. وتَباعَدْ عن الحدد مغنيه عليهم
تقطة تون قلبه زرقاء
44. For loyalty is given through good opinions.
Play with the child, revere the elder, and show him respect -
٤٤. وليقطع الخائنين واغلط عليهم
إنَّما أهلُ دِينِنا الأَمَناءُ
45. Many a religion lies in proper manners and modesty.
And revering parents - turn to them with your face,
٤٥. واقصم الكاذبين عنك فإن ال
كذب فيه نميطة شنعاء
46. For hopes lie in reverence.
Protect your flank and reform your inclinations and do
٤٦. واقْطَعِ الكاذِبينَ عنكَ فإنَّ ال
كذبَ فيه نَميطَةٌ شَنْعاءُ
47. What the Quran and the meritorious permit.
Never consult women about a matter,
٤٧. وتزحْزَحْ عن الحَريصِ بَعيداً
حيثُ بالحرصِ تَصغُرُ الكُبَراءُ
48. For sound opinion has not been attained by women.
Show increased tenderness to the weak,
٤٨. واحْسِنِ الظَّنَّ بالأَنامِ جميعاً
إذْ بحسنِ الظُّنونِ يُعطى الوَلاءُ
49. For the weak are compensated by this.
Abandon those who exceed proper bounds in every valley -
٤٩. مازِحِ الطِّفلَ عظِّمِ الشَّيْخَ وقِّرْ
رَبَّ دينٍ في طَوْرِهِ اسْتِحْياءُ
50. For exceeding all bounds only leads to violent collisions.
Take on humility, brokenness, and the character
٥٠. وكِرامُ الآباءِ فالْفِتْ إِليهم
منكَ وجهاً فللكرامِ رَجاءُ
51. Of Ahmad which even the great have failed to attain.
Take me as your shaykh and do not fear any oppression,
٥١. وصُنِ الذَّيْلَ واصْلِحِ المَيْلَ وافْعل
ما أباحَ الفُرْقانُ والفُضَلاءُ
52. We are a people weak yet strong.
Scholars of the wisdom of religion in meaning,
٥٢. لا تُشاوِرْ يوماً نِساءً بأمرٍ
إنَّما الرَّأيُ لم ينلْهُ النِّساءُ
53. Poor ones for our Lord, yet rich.
The hand of Divine care attracted us unseen
٥٣. وتَضاعَفْ عند الضَّعيفِ حَناناً
فبهذا قد تُجْبَرُ الضُّعَفاءُ
54. To the heights - our inner state is lofty.
Through God we transcended every saint,
٥٤. واتْرُكِ الشَّاطحينَ في كلِّ وادٍ
إِنَّما الشَّطْحُ صدمَةٌ دَهْماءُ
55. And for my Lord belongs all arranging as He wills.
٥٥. خُذْ بذُلٍّ وبانْكِسارٍ وخُلْقٍ
أحمدِيٍّ ما نالَهُ العُظَماءُ
٥٦. واتَّخِذْني شيخاً ولا تخشن ضيماً
نحن قوم عواجز أقوياء
٥٧. علماء بحِكمةِ الدِّينِ معنًى
فُقَراءٌ لربِّنا أَغنِياءُ
٥٨. جذَبَتْنا يدُ العِنايَةِ غَيْباً
للمعالي فطَوْرُنا العَلْياءُ
٥٩. قد علوْنا باللهِ كلَّ ولِيٍّ
ولرَبِّي التَّصريفُ كيفَ يَشاءُ