
Is providence anything but seeing a man

هل العناية إلا أن ترى رجلا

1. Is providence anything but seeing a man
Whose only purpose is the Creator?

١. هلِ العِنايةُ إِلاَّ أن تُرى رَجُلاً
ما فيه إِلاَّ إلى الخَلاَّقِ مَقْصودُ

2. The servant aspires to his Master
Is there for the servant any deity but the Lord?

٢. العَبْدُ تَعلو إلى المَعْبودِ هِمَّتُهُ
وهلْ إلى العبدِ غيرُ الرَّبِّ مَعبودُ

3. A slave of worldly affairs is shackled
Though free of attachments yet constrained

٣. عبدُ الحَوادثِ عبدٌ في تَكبُّلِه
لهُ مع البعدِ إطلاقٌ وتَقْييدُ

4. While God's servant in His compassion
Is shaded by the wing of Honor outstretched

٤. وعبدُ بارِئهِ في ظلِّ رأفَتِه
فَظلُّهُ بِجناحِ العِزِّ مَمْدودُ

5. Revealing witnessing to his folk, suns of guidance
Yes, and witnessing the sun of love, witnessed

٥. يُبدي الشُّهودَ لأهْليهِ شُموسَ هُدًى
نَعَمْ وشاهدُ شمسِ الحُبِّ مَشهودُ

6. Light pours into his heart supporting him
So it clears for him while he is blessed all time

٦. يُفاضُ في قَلبهِ نورٌ يُؤيِّدُه
فَيَنْجلي فيه وهو الدَّهرَ مَسعودُ

7. But he who worldly blindness veils the light of his witnessing
In darkness is his heart enveloped and bound

٧. ومنْ دَهاهُ العَما عن نورِ مَشْهدهِ
فَقلبُهُ بِظلامِ الصَّدِّ مَكْمودُ

8. So emulate these people, O you, by their ways
For how oft did emulation lead to realization?

٨. فَقلِّدِ القومَ يا هذا بسيرَتهِمْ
فكَمْ وكمْ جَرَّ للتَّحقيقِ تَقليدُ

9. Among the folk are honoured folk unrelenting
Remembrance for them has no limited time

٩. في القومِ قومٌ كِرامٌ لا فُتورَ لهمْ
ما الذِّكرُ عندهُمُ في الوقتِ مَحدودُ

10. By it they exhausted their efforts, died enthralled by it
Naught else but that effort had they expended

١٠. قَضَوا به جُهْدهُمْ ماتوا به وَلهاً
وما لَهمْ غيرَ ذاكَ الجُهْدِ مَجْهودُ

11. If they saw a glimmer from the rising place of its dawn
Unreined they galloped towards it

١١. إذا رَأوا لَمْعةً من طَوْرِ طالِعهِ
بها بِغيرِ عِنانٍ نَحْوها اقْتيدوا

12. From every lover, humble and enraptured
Songs and warbling fill his nights

١٢. من كلِّ قَرْمٍ هِزَبْرٍ خاشعٍ ولِهٍ
لهُ مع اللَّيلِ ألحانٌ وتَغريد

13. Passion for Him ignited him, yearning unsettled him
To the Beloved, and the army of illusion banished

١٣. شَبَّ الغرامُ به والشَّوقُ أقْلَقهُ
إلى الحبيبِ وجيشُ الغَيِّ مَطرودُ

14. It turns back the fancy of hopes from its horizons
Except through its Master, excellent is the effort blessed

١٤. يَرُدُّ وهْمَ الأماني عن مَطالِعهِ
إِلاَّ بِمولاهُ نِعْمَ السَّعيُ مَحْمودُ

15. A moan issues from his heart driving him
From existence, and from it the heart is lost

١٥. يَرِنُّ من قلبهِ أنٌّ يُزَحْزحهُ
عنِ الوُجودِ ومنهُ القلبُ مَفْقودُ

16. Conversing with love, seeking no substitute
In it the two marvels, lost and found

١٦. يُحاضرُ الحِبَّ لا يَبغي به بَدلاً
فيه العَجيبانِ مَفْقودٌ ومَوْجودُ

17. For him the nights blanched from his burning
Favor a servant whose nights have whitened

١٧. لهُ اللَّيالي قدِ ابْيضَّتْ لِغارَتهِ
أنْعمْ بعبدٍ قد ابْيضَّتْ لهُ السُّودُ

18. O Arabs of Wadi Nakta, long has separation burdened us
You have been absent, be compassionate, return

١٨. يا عُربَ وادي النَّقا طالَ المَطالُ بِنا
غِبْتم أطلْتُمْ حَناناً رَحمةً عودوا

19. By generosity you enlived the world and its homes
So by meeting us for an instant be generous

١٩. بالجودِ أحْيَيْتُمو الدُّنيا وضَرَّتَها
فباللِّقاءِ عَلينا ساعةً جودوا

20. Order was too constricting for us in praising you
Of it odes composed and sought after are with people

٢٠. رَقَّ النِّظامُ لنا في مَدْحِكمْ وحَلى
منهُ لدى النَّاسِ مَنْظومٌ ومَنْشودُ

21. My composition is a lament and longings for your appearing
Pourings forth in which are wailing and enumeration

٢١. نَظْمي أنينٌ وأشواقٌ لِطَلْعتكُمْ
مُطارَحاتٌ بها نَوْحٌ وتَعديدُ

22. Your loving slaves, from them hearts are on
Your thresholds, from them the mantles are received

٢٢. عُبيدٌ أعْتابِكُمْ منهُ الفُؤادُ على
أبوابِكُمْ منهُ قَدْ تُلْقى المَقاليدُ

23. My iron heart melted by the gentleness of passion for you
Will the Prophet David mend it?

٢٣. حديدُ قلبي بِلينِ العِشْقِ ذابَ بكُمْ
فهلْ لَواهُ نَبيُّ الله داوودُ

24. I borrowed lightning from the castles of your kingdom
As though in it a rebuke and threat

٢٤. أسْتَلْفِتُ البرقَ من أبراجِ دولتِكُمْ
كأنَّما فيه تَقْريعٌ وتَهديدُ

25. My critics envied me when I was aflame for you
While every gracious one among people is envied

٢٥. عَواذلي حَسدَتْني إذْ وَلِعتْ بكمْ
وكُلُّ ذي نِعمةٍ في النَّاسِ مَحْسودُ

26. They saw in me traits of loving you
Upon the core of longing a necklace

٢٦. رَأوا عليَّ شُؤُناً من مَحبَّتِكُمْ
لها على لُبَّةِ الأشواقِ إقْليدُ

27. So they plotted against me, O how despicable
Your standard above lovers is hoisted

٢٧. فَحاوَلوني بِطيشٍ يا لِخِسَّتِهمْ
لِواؤُكُمْ فوقَ أهلِ الحُبِّ مَعْقودُ

28. My soul tempts me through you in its fervor
It slopes toward my weakness and ascends

٢٨. روحي تُحاولُني فيكُمْ بِلَهْفتها
لها انْحدارٌ على ضُعفي وتَصْعيدُ

29. Return to it a breath to live by for you
Is that not, my masters - and God - being frozen?

٢٩. رُدُّوا لها رَمَقاً تَحْيى به لكُمُ
ما تلكَ يا سادتي والله جُلْمودُ

30. A subtle mystery which melted this body
So gently, my lords, from it defend a secret

٣٠. سِرٌّ لَطيفٌ وهذا الجِسمُ ذابَ به
فَعَنْهُ باللُّطْفِ سِرًّا سادتي ذودوا

31. Your lover's place is always humility to you
O you whose place in the unseen is praised

٣١. مَقامُ عاشِقكُمْ ذُلٌّ لكُمْ أبداً
يا من مَقامكُمُ في الغَيبِ مَحْمودُ