1. Where are you, oh breeze of the morning,
Your spreading in the days of youth,
١. ها أينَ يا ريحَ الصَّبا
نشرُكِ أيَّامَ الصِّبَا
2. Whenever you passed by us,
The heart inclined to passion?
٢. فكلَّما سِرْتِ بنا
فللهَوَى القلبُ صَبَا
3. How strange you are, for you have
Folded a wondrous spreading.
٣. يا عجباً منكِ فقدْ
طوَيْتِ نشراً عَجَبَا
4. So refresh us at dawn
And remind us of Zainab.
٤. فروِّحينا سَحَراً
وذكِّرينا زَيْنَبَا
5. This spring is delicate,
Gilding the horizons with gold.
٥. هذا الرَّبيعُ أَنِقاً
طمَّ النَّواحِي ذَهَبَا
6. And the night in it is moonlit
Spreading radiance on the dark.
٦. واللَّيلُ فيه مُقْمِرٌ
جَلا الضِّياءَ الغَيْهَبَا
7. So rouse the heart of a young man
Who tossed and turned with passion.
٧. فريِّضي قلبَ فتًى
على اللَّظى تقلَّبَا
8. A lovesick suitor whose tongue is eloquent
Uttered the most amazing poems.
٨. خطيبُ وجدٍ لَسِنٌ
أَظهرَ عِيَّ الخُطَبَا
9. He takes elegy to
Those lands as a means.
٩. يتَّخِذُ النَّوْحَ إلى
تلكَ النَّواحي سَبَبَا
10. In the morning he went out
With disheveled hair.
١٠. بسادَةِ الشَّعبِ غَدا
والهَفا مُنْشَعِبا
11. He inscribed the line of love before
He matured in it as a scribe.
١١. سطْرَ الغرامِ قبلَ أَنْ
رعْرَعَ فيه كتَبَا
12. He shed red tears
His whiteness was stained with blood.
١٢. بكَى دِماءً أَحمراً
بياضَهُ قد خضَّبَا
13. He spent his life
Dragging the train of the beloved.
١٣. عنْ غيرِ غِزْلانِ النَّقا
أمضَى المدَى مُنْسَلِبَا
14. And he came to their dwellings
But he blamed them.
١٤. وافَى إلى أَعْتابِهِمْ
لكنْ عليهم عَتَبَا
15. He hoped to return from
Sadness to joy again.
١٥. أَمَّلَ أن يعودَ عن
حُزنٍ أُعيدَ طَرَبَا
16. That he may go back to his people
With his purpose turning back.
١٦. ليَرْجِعَنْ لأَهلِهِ
بقصدِهِ مُنْقَلِبَا
17. But they made him suffer
And ignited his flame.
١٧. فأشبعوهُ لوعَةً
وأَجَّجوهُ لَهَبَا
18. And they fought with his estrangement
Fought and fought and fought.
١٨. واحَرَبَا مِنْ هجرِهِمْ
واحَرَبَا واحَرَبَا
19. This is the tormentor of their lips
Whose heart they tortured.
١٩. هذا عَذيبُ ثغرِهِمْ
قُلَيْبَهُ قد عذَّبَا
20. And this is the prophet of their beauty
Narrating the news in their absence.
٢٠. وذا نبيُّ حسنِهِمْ
ببعدِهِمْ يَرْوي النَّبَا
21. The state of their servant has softened
And his body turned to dust.
٢١. قد رقَّ حالُ عبدِهِمْ
وجسمُهُ صارَ هَبَا
22. And his heart never stopped
Burning and trembling for them.
٢٢. ولم يزلْ فُؤادُهُ
بنارِهِ مُضْطَّرِبَا
23. He herds the stars at night
Yearning and star to star.
٢٣. يَرعى الدَّياجي كوكَباً
بلهفَةٍ وكوكَبَا
24. Tell them not to make
My torch and firewood rotten.
٢٤. قولي لَهُمْ لا يَجْعَلوا
برقَ وُعودي خُلَّبَا
25. I honored them, glorified them
And concealed it in my neck.
٢٥. أَعظَمْتُهُمْ أَجلَلْتُهُمْ
كاتَمْتُ في الرُّقَبَا
26. And I have seen no one but them
And sought no other desire.
٢٦. وما رأَيتُ غيرَهُمْ
ولا طلبْتُ مَطْلَبَا
27. And I have witnessed no one but them
A mother or father, by my life.
٢٧. ولا شهِدْتُ دونَهُمْ
أُمًّا لعَمْري وأَبَا
28. And I, in loving them,
Relish fatigue.
٢٨. وإنَّني بحُبِّهِمْ
لأَستلِذُّ التَّعَبَا
29. And if they made my share
After my fervor, anguish.
٢٩. ولوْ نَصيبي جَعَلو
هُ بعدَ لَهْفي نَصَبَا
30. He attacked my chastity and lied
And said an untrue word.
٣٠. خاضَ عَذولي وافْتَرى
وقالَ قولاً كَذِبَا
31. And claimed that I
Abandoned them for another.
٣١. وراحَ يحْكي أَنَّني
خِلْتُ سِواهُمْ مُجْتَبى
32. Even in their absence from me
I was absent from others.
٣٢. قد قمتُ في غَيْبي بهِمْ
عن غيرهِمْ مغيَّبَا
33. And I never raised
My heart to others.
٣٣. وما رفعتُ للسِّوى
من الفُؤادِ أَرَبا
34. Examine my heart, it has
Spurned others, desiring them.
٣٤. أَنعِمْ بقلبي إنَّه
لَعَنْ سِواهُمْ رَغِبَا
35. And if my hands were played with
By the hands of morning drinkers,
٣٥. وإِن يكنْ قد لعِبَتْ
بكلِّهِ أَيدي سَبَا
36. How can its secret settle
While love hides it?
٣٦. كيفَ يَقَرُّ سرُّهُ
والحُبُّ عنه في خِبَا
37. And if they try to uncover the cover
They would say, it has been disciplined.
٣٧. وإِنْ يرُمْ كشفَ الغِطا
قالوا تمكَّنَ أَدَبَا
38. Their tail has dragged
Behind my skirt.
٣٨. قد صارَ حِسًّا ذيلُهُمْ
بمُهْجَتي مُنْسَحِبَا
39. And after that, their figure
Is as if it never came near.
٣٩. وبعدَ هذا شخصُهُمْ
كأنَّه ما قَرُبَا
40. My being is lost in them
And it was not deserved.
٤٠. أَمحَقُ كلِّي فيهِمْ
ولم يكنْ ما وَجَبَا
41. And I have no obligation
If all of me is gone.
٤١. ولستُ أَقضي واجِباً
لو كلُّ كلِّي ذَهَبَا
42. If their eyes do not see me
I will not enjoy a drink.
٤٢. إِنْ لم أراني عينُهُمْ
فلا عَذُبتُ مَشْرَبَا
43. With them is my annihilation and survival
As they mixed and stirred.
٤٣. بِهِمْ فَنائي والبَقا
بالامتِزاجِ انْقَلَبَا
44. Agitating, disturbing
Entwining, confused.
٤٤. تلجْلَجا تَخالَجا
تَوالَجا فاضْطَّرَبَا
45. Separate, then joined
Apart, then together.
٤٥. تقارَقا فالْتَقَيا
تناءَيا فاصْطَحَبَا
46. The beloved showed kindness
And consented.
٤٦. منَّ الحبيبُ رأْفَةً
وبالمُرَجَّى وهَبَا
47. And said to me generously
Arise, stranger of strangers.
٤٧. وقالَ لي تكرُّماً
قمْ يا غَريبَ الغُرَبَا
48. So I arose, lost, my apparition
Fluttering, veiled.
٤٨. فقمتُ تِيهاً أَنجَلي
مُرَفْرَفاً مُحَجَّبَا
49. I fly from my heart to him
A brown hawk in passion.
٤٩. أَطيرُ مِنْ قلبي لهُ
في الشَّوقِ بازاً أَشهَبَا
50. Distancing and nearing
East and west.
٥٠. مُباعِداً وقرِّباً
وُشَرِّقاً وُغَرِّبَا
51. Affirming, moaning
Rewarding, lamenting.
٥١. مُحَقَّقاً مُؤنِّقاً
مُثَوِّباً مُئوِّبَا
52. I rise in the morning shining
A starry guidance.
٥٢. أُطلِعُ صُبْحاً أَبلَجَا
منَ الهُدى مُكَوْكَبا
53. I send from me a knight
Who composes a procession in him.
٥٣. أُبرِزُ منِّي فارِساً
ينظِمُ فيه موْكِبَا
54. He brings forth in his path
A wonder to the knowledgeable.
٥٤. يُبْرِزُ في طريقِهِ
للعارِفينَ عَجَبَا
55. He did not seek in the course of love
Any prestige.
٥٥. لم يبْغِ في نهجِ الهوَى
من الشُؤُنِ نَشَبَا