
Leave passion and its people alone,

خل الهوى وأهله

1. Leave passion and its people alone,
And take the path of those who have trodden it before.

١. خَلِّ الهَوَى وأهلَهُ
وخذْ طَريقَ من سَلَكْ

2. For the walker on the path is secure,
While one who strays from it is lost.

٢. فسالِكُ الطَّريقِ مأْ
مونٌ ومن حادَ هَلَكْ

3. Your Lord has favored you above the rest
Of creation with reason and intellect.

٣. رَبُّكَ بالعقلِ على ال
خَلْقِ الكَثيرِ فضَّلَكْ

4. So come to Him in humility,
And limit your hopes to Him alone.

٤. فرُحْ إليه خاشِعاً
واقْصُرْ عليهِ أَمَلَكْ

5. You belong to Him, so be
Obedient to the One who owns you.

٥. أَنْتَ لهُ مِلْكٌ فكُنْ
رَهناً لأَمرِ من مَلَكْ