
What rose whose fragrance we inhaled at dawn

أي ورد قد شممناه ضحى

1. What rose whose fragrance we inhaled at dawn
The scent of musk emanated from it, feverish

١. أَيُّ وردٍ قد شممْناهُ ضُحًى
عبِقَ الجَنْبَذُ منه بالحِمى

2. Beauty has written upon its mantle
With the blood of lovers, the color of blood

٢. كتبَ الحسنُ على طُرَّتِهِ
بدمِ العُشَّاقِ ذا لونُ الدِّما

3. It diffused among us, aromatic, its blossoming
With the musk seal, meaning has been stamped

٣. فاحَ فينا عَبْهَرِيًّا نشرُهُ
وبمِسْكِ الأَنِّ معنًى خُتِما

4. How many and how many sighs on its petals
Arranged between the thin laminae

٤. كم وكم آهٍ على أَوراقِهِ
بين أَطباقِ الرُّقومِ انتَظَما

5. The dome of the rose tells a truth
And the softness of the vein tells a pen

٥. قُبَّةُ الوردَةِ تحْكي حقَّةً
ورَقيقُ العِرْقِ يحكي القَلَما

6. So if you examine the rose
It’s like a writer writing what he knew

٦. فكأنَّ الوردَ إِنْ حقَّقتَهُ
كاتِبٌ يكتُبُ ما قد عَلِما

7. It exposed the secrets of its lovers
When the dew dripped slowly on it

٧. فضَحَ الأَسرارَ من عُشَّاقِهِ
حينما الطَّلُّ عليه نَمْنَما

8. Its red color tells of their blood
And they painted it to conceal when

٨. لونُهُ الأحمرُ يحكي دَمَهُمْ
وسَمُوهُ للتَّخافي عَنْدَما

9. The sprinkling of the dew from their tears
Watered its softness and blended

٩. ورَشَاشُ الطَّلِّ عن أَدمعِهِمْ
قد روَى من مُزْنِها ما انْسَجَما

10. Its colors resembled their paleness
This is only understood by one who comprehends

١٠. شابهَتْ أَلوانهُمْ أَصفرَهُ
إِنَّما يفهَمُ ذا من فَهِما

11. And if its water were stripped from it
After the juice it would cease to exist

١١. وإذا جرِّدَ عنه ماؤُهُ
وهو من بعدِ العَصيرِ انْعَدَما

12. It would resemble the specters of its lovers
And the scent of passion is like it in what

١٢. شابَهُ الذَّائبُ من عشَّاقهِ
وعَبيقُ العشقِ مثلْهُ بِما

13. The breath of roses has a flutter
That snatches the heart, by my life, whenever

١٣. نفحَةُ الوردِ لها هَفْهَفَةٌ
تَخطَفُ القلبَ لَعَمْري كلَّما

14. And the brother of passion has a smell
That has thrived inhaled and prolonged inhaling

١٤. وأَخو العشقِ له رائحةٌ
قد زكَتْ شمًّا وطالَتْ شَمَما

15. It remains described if it were
Of the sigh of separation, destroyed

١٥. هو باقٍ في مقامِ الوَصفِ لو
صارَ من آهِ التَّنائي عَدَما

16. They are the calamities of Suleima in love
What heart is safe from Suleima

١٦. هي آفاتُ سُلَيْمى في الهَوَى
أيُّ قلبٍ من سُلَيْمى سَلِما

17. So have mercy on us, O buds of dew
Only my Lord the Merciful has mercy

١٧. فارْحَمينا يا وُرَيْداتِ الرُّبا
إِنَّما يَرحَمُ رَبِّي الرُّحَما

18. By your lives, and He is the Greatest Oath
I am within the fires of love aflame

١٨. وحَياتِكُمْ وهو اليَمينُ الأَعظمُ
أَنا ضمنَ نيرانِ الهوَى أَتَضرَّمُ

19. And for what came from you came from my eyelash
A sea on the cheek, tumultuous

١٩. ولِما جرى منكم جرَى من مقلَتي
بحرٌ على الخدِّ القَريحِ مُطَمْطَمُ

20. Its waves spoke of you in their silence
And of wonders, a mute one speaks

٢٠. نطقَتْ بكُمْ موجاتُهُ بسُكوتِها
ومن العَجائبِ ساكِتٌ يتكلَّمُ

21. And if the breeze blew with your name’s fragrance
Then I am in the manner of the breeze, infatuated

٢١. وإذا النَّسيمُ سرَى بطِيبِ ذِكرِكُمْ
فأنا على نَسَقِ النَّسيمِ مُهَيَّمُ

22. I have become in the stage of love silent
Stone, and speechless I cannot be translated

٢٢. أَصبحْتُ في طورِ الغَرامِ مُطَلْسَماً
حَجَراً وعنِّي ما أُكِنُّ يُتَرجَمُ

23. I surrendered my soul to you yes it is yours
So in your knowledge, arbitrate its lifetime

٢٣. سلَّمتكُمْ روحي نعم هي مِلكُكُمْ
فبعلمِكُمْ طولَ الزَّمانِ تحَكَّموا

24. Do not ask me of ties to others but you
I know none but you, O my masters

٢٤. لا تسأَلوني عن عَلائِقِ غيرِكُمْ
أَنا غيرَكُمْ يا سادتي لا أَعلَمُ

25. Passion has flooded me until I die
Of my fervor, but love I conceal

٢٥. طفَحَ الغَرامُ عليَّ حتَّى مِتُّ من
شَوقي ولكنِّي الهوَى أتكَتَّمُ

26. If I were among you in the embers of zeal
I would turn my heart lifelong, untiring

٢٦. لو أَنَّني فيكُمْ على جمرِ الغَضا
قلَّبْتُ قلبي عمرَهُ لا أَسأَمُ

27. And I wondered at people who permitted my madness
For you, and the qualities of youth they forbade

٢٧. وعجِبْتُ من قومٍ جُنونِيَ حَلَّلوا
فيكُمْ وأَوصافَ الصَّبابَةِ حَرَّموا

28. They went in their allegation and presumption
While for me, less than weeping is forbidden

٢٨. ذَهَبوا على عِلاَّتهِمْ بزعومِهِمْ
وعليَّ ما دونَ البُكاءِ مُحَرَّمُ

29. I have not complained, and far be it that I
Of your actions, O my masters, resent

٢٩. ما قلتُ عن شكوَى وحَاشا أَنَّني
من فعلِكُمْ يا سادَتي أتَظَلَّمُ

30. The abode reproaches me, and the fever makes me weep
And the caravan for me on the day of departure laments

٣٠. الدارُ تندُبُني ويبكيني الحِمى
والرَّكْبُ لي يومَ المَسيرِ يُدَمْدِمُ

31. O you who are exalted, and mighty is your station
My soul to you O beloved ones is surrendered

٣١. يا من تَعالَيْتُمْ وعزَّ مَقامُكُمْ
رُوحي إليكُمْ يا أحِبَّةُ سُلَّمُ

32. None in time is like me, your lover
God knows, and mankind knows

٣٢. ما في الزَّمانِ لكُمْ كمِثْلي عاشِقٌ
اللهُ يعلَمُ والبَرِيَّةُ تعلَمُ