
I see the biography of Ahmad's inheritors,

أرى سيرة الوراث وراث أحمد

1. I see the biography of Ahmad's inheritors,
The intimates of the existence of the Prophet of guidance.

١. أَرى سيرَةَ الوُرَّاثِ وُرَّاثِ أَحمدٍ
نبيِّ الهُدى سرِّ الوُجودِ المُقرَّبِ

2. It rises like the dawn after remoteness,
And becomes clear in their homelands after the rule of estrangement.

٢. تقومُ شُروقاً بعد بُعْدٍ وتَنْجلي
بأَوطانِهِمْ من بعدِ حُكْمِ التَّغَرُّبِ

3. For indeed, the Messenger of Allah had no stable state for him
In Mecca, but found stability in Yathrib.

٣. فإِنَّ رسولَ اللهِ لم يستَقِمْ له
بمكَّةَ حالٌ واسْتقامَ بيثرِبِ