1. Leave the illusion of absolute oneness
And understand the symbols of unity and separation
١. دعْ وهمَ أهلِ الوَحدَةِ المُطلقَهْ
وافهمُ رُموزَ الجمعِ والتَّفرِقَهْ
2. The rule of every union is invalid
And the witness of the apparent has torn it
٢. كلُّ اتِّحادٍ حُكمُهُ باطِلٌ
وشاهِدُ الظَّاهِرِ قدْ مَزَّقَهْ
3. He whom time has changed his conditions
And against his will his hair turned grey
٣. من غيَّرَ الأَيَّامُ أحوالَهُ
وشيَّبَتْ رغماً لهُ مِفْرَقَهْ
4. Then it bent him over then it made him fall
Beneath the soil in a sealed grave
٤. ثمَّ حَنَتْهُ ثمَّ طاحَتْ به
تحتَ الثَّرى في حُفرةٍ مغلَقَهْ
5. And he who sees poverty and faces hardship
And is shaken by disturbing sorrows
٥. ومن يَرى الفَقرَ ويَلقى العَنا
وتَعتَريهِ النُّوَبُ المُقْلِقَهْ
6. And every moment all of it is a need
For his clothes, bread and spoon
٦. وكلَّ وقتٍ كُلُّهُ حاجَةٌ
لثوبِهِ والخُبْزِ والمَلْعَقَهْ
7. Solitude overwhelms him in seclusion
And he takes comfort in the ticking of the clock
٧. وتكْتَنِفْهُ في الخَلا وحشَةٌ
ويتَّزِرْهُ الأُنسُ بالطَّقْطَقَهْ
8. He urinates oppressed and his worn out body
Twists from his restless sleep
٨. يبولُ مقْهوراً وتَلوي بهِ
لنومِهِ جُثَّتُهُ المُعْرَقَهْ
9. May the eye of Allah, glorious is His name
Be exalted, and this is far from blasphemy
٩. يكونُ عَيْنَ اللهِ عزَّ اسمُهُ
حاشا وذا من دَنَسِ الزَّنْدَقَهْ
10. So glorify the Creator from the words of those
Who associated others with Him and discard this nonsense
١٠. فنزِّهِ الخالِقَ عن قولِ من
أَشرَكَ واطْرَحْ هذه الشِّقْشِقَهْ
11. No man unified Allah the Exalted
While believing in absolute oneness
١١. ما وحَّدَ اللهَ تَعالى امرؤٌ
مُعْتَقِدٌ بالوَحدَةِ المُطلَقَهْ