
What harm can the full moon do in the sky

ماذا يضر البدر وهو في السما

1. What harm can the full moon do in the sky
From the denial of a fool whose eyes are blind?

١. ماذا يضرُّ البدر وهو في السما
من جحد خبلٍ طمَّ عينيه العمى

2. It shines its brilliance radiantly in the universe
So let the blind deny the light however he wants.

٢. يلمع في الكون سناه مشرقاً
فليجحد الأعمى الضياء كيفما

3. O you who God has bestowed the greatest blessing
Be patient, it is the envious who cast away blessings.

٣. يا من إليه الله أولى نعمةً
إصبر هي الحسادُ ترمي النعما

4. And God does not honor the words of an envier
Even if he built a ladder to the sky.

٤. والله لا يرفع قول حاسدٍ
ولو بنى إلى السماء سلَّما

5. Submit yourself to God and do not drag whoever
Submits to God in a matter safely.

٥. سلِّم إلى الله ولا تجر فمن
سلَّم لله بأمر سلما

6. And be with God and fear no equal
For in equality, I witness the existence as naught.

٦. وكن مع الله ولا تخش السوى
ففي السوى اشهد بالوجود العدما

7. Soar, you are to the Creator with a pure heart
And wipe away the dust of others no matter how great.

٧. طر أنت للباري بقلبٍ خالصٍ
وامحق غبار بالغير مهما عظما

8. And return to God the Exalted and rest
As He gently shows generosity.

٨. وارجع إلى الله تعالى واسترح
وهو بلطف الصنع يبدي الكرما

9. None who becomes mighty through his Master has lost
Nor been disgraced nor regretted what he intends.

٩. ما خاب من عزَّ بمولاه ولا
ذلَّ ولا فيما يروم ندما

10. How many a secret plot of the envier
He has defeated, returning his fire extinguished.

١٠. كم قهر الحاسد سرُّ بطشه
فردَّه بناره مصطلما

11. And how much he built of schemes but over him
The whole building became demolished.

١١. وكم بنى دسائساً وفوقه
صار البناء كلُّه منهدما

12. Blessed is the Almighty in His dominion
A unique one who checks an unjust oppressor.

١٢. تبارك الجبار في سلطانه
فردٌ يردُّ خاسئا من ظلما

13. And He sends wrath from the heart of destiny
And so the aggressor halts and the sanctuary is kept safe.

١٣. ويبعث الغرة من قلب القضا
فتصر الباغي وتحفظ الحمى

14. So do not be, my son, an aggressor nor
Fear even if the world rains blood.

١٤. فلا تكن بنيَّ باغياً ولا
تخف ولو أمطرت الدنيا دما

15. The divine victory has glittered so it wipes away
From the harsh stubborn enemy their traces.

١٥. وارقت من النصر الإلهي بدا
تمحو من الخصم الألدِّ الأرسما

16. And read with the tablet of the unseen a clear script
Humming which is understood by whom understands.

١٦. واقرأ بلوح الغيب خطا ظاهراً
منمنماً يفهمه من فهما

17. In it for us is victory even if the enemies rave
And they dictate elegant lies and falsehoods.

١٧. فيه لنا النصر وإن طاش العدا
ولقَّنوا الزور الأنيق الأُمما

18. But humiliation and lowness is for them even if they are high
In their claim, and pride and whims.

١٨. والخذل والذلُّ لهم وإن علوا
بزعمهم وكعب وهمهم سما

19. The outcome of the matter will reveal its secret
And the ignorant will become of those who knew.

١٩. عاقبة الأمر تذيع سرَّه
ويصبح الجاهل ممن علما

20. So be faithful of heart to God and be
To His judgment, pleased and submitting.

٢٠. فكن أمين القلب بالله وصر
لحكمه مع الرضا مستسلما

21. The night will clear and the dawn emerge
And the darkened sky that has gloomed will fold.

٢١. سينجلي الليل ويبرز الضحى
وينطوي السموء الذي قد عتَّما

22. And God will give victory by His pure justice
To a grieving heart from an envious oppressor.

٢٢. وينصر الله بمحض عدله
حزين قلبٍ من حسودٍ ظلما

23. And thus God’s ways have continued
As He is the God of earth, majestic and sky.

٢٣. وهكذا الله جَرَت عاداته
وهو آله الأرض جلَّ والسما