
Take the hand of this weak slave out of kindness

خذوا بيد العبد الضعيف تكرما

1. Take the hand of this weak slave out of kindness
For his bow and stirrups have wearied him

١. خُذوا بيدِ العبدِ الضَّعيفِ تَكَرُّماً
فقد ملَّ منه قوسُهُ ورِكابُهُ

2. A stranger to the universe, his tomb lies desolate
And his banishment in the land of love has been so long

٢. غريبٌ عن الأَكْوانِ شطَّ مَزارُهُ
وقد طالِ في بِيدِ الغَرامِ اغْتِرابُهُ

3. The blamers have judged him harshly and exceeded
So speak well of us in affairs, for that is his account

٣. لقد حاسبَتْهُ العاذِلونَ فأَفرَطَتْ
فقولوا علينا في الشُؤُنِ حِسابُهُ

4. And return to him from yourselves an illuminated script
When his own book has been blackened by the suspicious

٤. وردُّوا له منكُمْ كِتاباً مُنَوَّراً
إِذا اسودَّ من أَهلِ الظُّنونِ كِتابُهُ

5. For by the life of love, you are the ascent of his heart
And the taste of your love is his food and drink

٥. فأنتم لعَمْرِ الحُبِّ مِعْراجَ قلبِهِ
وذوقُ هواكُمْ أَكلُهُ وشَرابُهُ

6. His days became too short, languishing for you
As his reproach in you, my beloved, grew long

٦. ولقد قصُرَتْ أَيَّامهُ ولَهاً بكُمْ
كما طالَ فيكم يالَ وُدِّي عِتابُهُ

7. The fire of you burned within his soul
And the clouds of his eyelids overflowed

٧. وأَجَّتْ به ضمن الجَوانِحِ نارُهُ
وفاضَ من الجفنِ القَريحِ سَحابُهُ

8. He loved you as a child, as a youth, and grown
And in old age, his torment for you stayed sweet

٨. تعَشَّقَكُمْ طِفلاً وكَهلاً ويافِعاً
وشيْخاً وفيكُمْ صارَ عذباً عَذابُهُ

9. If he died alive for you in the fold of his grave
And his dust roamed among graves, craving you

٩. فلو ماتَ حيًّاكُمْ بمطوِيِّ قبرِهِ
وهامَ بكُمْ بين القُبورِ تُرابُهُ

10. To you goes his way across the ages
To you comes his return through all eras

١٠. إِليكُمْ على مرِّ الدُّهورِ ذِهابُهُ
إِليكُمْ عل كرِّ العُصورِ إِيابُهُ