1. Your love has taught my heart to pine,
And kindled longing's fire within my song,
١. حُبُّكُمْ عَلَّمَ الأنينَ فُؤادي
وأثارَ الأشواقَ في مَغْناهُ
2. Your radiance has illuminated every part,
And so the arid wastes are brightened by its glow.
٢. وأضاءَتْ أجْزاؤُهُ بِسناكُمْ
فاسْتَضاءَتْ أرضُ الحِمى بِسَناهُ
3. To life you summoned me from death, when you were near,
Though when you left, to death you summoned me anew,
٣. بَعْدَ مَوْتٍ أحْيَيْتُموهُ بِقُرْبٍ
ولقد كانَ بُعْدُكُمْ أفْناهُ
4. My spirit rose in joyful flight to you,
When sweet reunion banished all its fear.
٤. طارَ بعدَ الحَياةِ وَجْداً إليكمْ
حينَما طابَ باللِّقا مَحْياهُ
5. A willing slave finds pardon and returns unharmed,
For only in his master rests a slave's true worth.
٥. قَلْبُ عَبدٍ عَفا وعادَ سَليماً
إنَّما العَبدُ ذُخْرُهُ مَوْلاهُ