
O mother of Ubaydah, you have wearied my knees

أأم عبيدة أقلقت ركبي

1. O mother of Ubaydah, you have wearied my knees
And jarred the camel's saddle to your tent

١. أَأُمُّ عَبيدَةٍ أَقلَقْتِ رَكبي
وقَلْقَلْتِ العِواجَ إلى حِمَاكِ

2. The journey exhausted it, so I began to run
On feet shod with interlaced straps

٢. فأَفناها المَسيرُ فقُمْتُ أَسعى
على القَدَمَيْنِ مُنْبَتَّ الشِّرَاكِ

3. And I summoned my will with all my strength
That my eyes might see you again

٣. وأَعملْتُ العَزيمَةَ جهدَ طَوْقي
عَسى عَيْني بناظِرِها ترَاكِ

4. And I said to my resolve: "Be serious and walk
To Umm Ubada, blessings in your abode"

٤. وقلتُ لهِمَّتي جدِّي وسيري
لأُمِّ عُبادَ بورِكَ في سُرَاكِ

5. So I roamed the land inch by inch
But my eyes saw none but you

٥. فطُفْتُ الأَرضَ شبراً بعدَ شبرٍ
فما التَفَتَ العِيانُ إلى سِوَاكِ

6. And I did not confine myself within bounds
That would divert my witnesses from your love

٦. ولا قيَّدْتُ ذاتي في نِطاقٍ
يُميلُ بها شُهودي عن رُبَاكِ

7. I laughed with joy when dawn shone
For my eye, none but you is its guide

٧. ضحِكْتُ مسرَّةً مذْ ضِئْتِ صُبحاً
لعَيْني لا عَدا عَيْني هُدَاكِ

8. The nearness of station made me laugh like distance
My eyelids rained clouds that poured out laments

٨. مَقامُ القُربِ أَضحَكَني كبُعْدٍ
أَسالَ سَحابَ أَجفاني البَواكي

9. I fly to your tent without wings
To gain in full the bounty of your shelter

٩. أطيرُ إلى حِماكِ بلا جَناحٍ
لأَغنَمَ فيضَ هِمَّةِ من حَمَاكِ

10. For you are the beacon of every heart's desire
That climbed the heights of sublimity by guidance

١٠. فأنتِ مَنارُ قبلَةِ كلِّ قلبٍ
تسلَّقَ بالهُدى دَرَجَ السَّمَاكِ

11. I knew you in the realm of the soul until
I saw you in every revealed thing

١١. عَرَفْتُكِ في مَناطِ الرُّوحِ حتَّى
غَدَوْتُ بكلِّ بارِزَةٍ أَرَاكِ

12. May God protect your spirit from my soul
A hand attached to its resolve by your necklace

١٢. رَعاكِ اللهُ من طَوْرِ روحي
يدٌ عَلِقَتْ بهِمَّتِها عُرَاكِ

13. You pulled the soul from the pits of my being
And here I come, drawn, so receive me

١٣. جَذبْتِ الرُّوحَ من دَرَكاتِ كَوْني
وها أَنا جِئْتُ مَجْذوباً فَهَاكِ

14. For God established you as a Mount Sinai
And the All-Powerful sanctified you and selected you

١٤. فأنتِ أَقامَكِ الرَّحمنُ طُوراً
وقدَّسَكِ المُهَيْمِنُ وانْتَقَاكِ

15. And erected for you in the sphere of Mystery a house
And for the Most Lofty Aid, He chose you

١٥. وشادَكِ في مَطافِ الغَيْبِ داراً
وللغَوْثِ الرِّفاعِيِّ اصْطَفَاكِ

16. And extended over you the canopy of subtlety
And stamped hearts with passion for your love

١٦. ومدَّ عليكِ أَسجِفَةَ التَّدَلِّي
وقد طَبَعَ القُلُوبَ على هَوَاكِ

17. So meanings continue to rise in you
And insights burst forth in those who came to you

١٧. فلا بَرِحَتْ ترِقُّ بكِ المَعاني
وتنْفَتِقُ الفُهومُ لمن أَتَاكِ