
They have gathered their cunning, a people, and they have gathered

قد أجمعوا كيدهم قوم وقد جمعوا

1. They have gathered their cunning, a people, and they have gathered
An army for them, between the far and the near

١. قد أجْمَعوا كَيْدَهُمْ قومٌ وقد جَمَعوا
جُنْداً لهمْ بينَ قاصِيٍّ ودانِيِّ

2. They intended harm and spent the night plotting
So that the fangs of the wretched may sharpen in delusion

٢. رامو أذانا وباتوا في مُوامَرَةٍ
تَسِنُّ بالوَهْمِ أنيابَ الرُّقاطِيِّ

3. We prayed against them with an resolute Ahmadi hand
That repels with eradication the coils of snakes

٣. صُلْنا عليهمْ بِعَزْمٍ أحْمَدِيِّ يَدٍ
يَرُدُّ بالمَحْقِ وَثَّابَ الأفاعِيِّ

4. And the flame of mystery flared up in them, so they were destroyed
Thus are the raids of our Master Ar-Rifa’i

٤. وشَبَّ فيهمْ شِهابُ السِّرِّ فانْمَحَقوا
كَذاكَ غاراتُ مَوْلانا الرِّفاعِيِّ