1. The full moon rose over us,
In the manner of night's embroidery, embroided;
١. رَفَعَ البَدْرُ عَلينا سُجُفا
من طِرازِ اللَّيلِ فيه سَجَفُ
2. We knew not whether it was a troop of spirits
Whose thoughts were stolen away,
٢. ما عَرفناها نُفوسٌ تَلِفَتْ
أمْ عُقولٌ عندهُ تُخْتَطَفُ
3. Or the Zulaikhas of passion whose hearts
Were enslaved when Yusuf shone forth,
٣. أمْ زُلَيْخاءُ الهَوى قد أُذْهِلَتْ
حينَما طَلَّ عليها يوسُفُ
4. Annihilated with ardour, dissolved with longing,
And thereafter ensnared in this infatuation.
٤. مُحِقَتْ وَجداً وذابَتْ لَوْعةً
واعْتَراها بعدَ هذا الشَّغَفُ
5. Is it an effulgent blossom in the darkness,
Or is it the rose plucked in the night?
٥. أمْ من النَّوَّارِ زَهرٌ فائِحٌ
أمْ هو الوردُ الَّذي يُقْتَطَفُ
6. Is it the sun that appeared unveiled to lovers,
And by their love was eclipsed?
٦. أمْ هي الشَّمسُ تَراءَتْ وعلى
وَلَهٍ في حُبِّها تَنْكَسِفُ
7. Is it the traces that remain after all have gone
Whereby the beloved is remembered?
٧. أمْ هي الآثارُ قامتْ كُلُّها
ومنَ المَحْبوبِ فيها تُحَفُ
8. Wonders upon wonders upon wonders!
A word whose meaning is twisted!
٨. عَجَباً واعَجَباً واعَجَباً
هو حَرفٌ فَهْمُهُ مُنْحَرِفُ
9. A night without daybreak,
A sea without shore!
٩. هو ليلٌ ما بهِ من طالِعٍ
هو بحرٌ ما لدَيهِ طَرَفُ
10. Take on bewilderment and do not turn away from it,
Linger and do not leave.
١٠. فَخُذوا الحَيْرَةَ لا تَنْقَلِبوا
أبداً عنها وفيها فَقِفوا