
Tell the one disparaging us out of envy

قل لمستصغرنا عن حسد

1. Tell the one disparaging us out of envy
We are greater than your assumption, unknown one

١. قلْ لمُستَصْغِرِنا عن حَسَدٍ
نحن من زَعمِكَ غَيباً أَكبَرُ

2. You have been fooled by our appearance
Oh ignorant brother, meanings are hidden

٢. غرَّكَ المَشهودُ من هيْئَتِنا
يا أَخا الجهلِ المَعاني تُسْتَرُ

3. You want an eloquent smooth talker
With a spacious, lush residence

٣. تَبغي قَوَّالاً نَطوقاً أَنِقاً
وله زِيقٌ وَسيعٌ أَخضَرُ

4. Or a lofty, towering palace
Yet you are shorter than us in meaning, oh ignorant one

٤. أَو له قصرٌ رَفيعٌ شامِخٌ
والمَعاني أَنْتَ منها أَقصَرُ

5. Wake up and come to your senses, o brother of ignorance
A worn garment will decay while a palace crumbles

٥. يا أَخا الجهلِ تنبَّهْ وانتَصِحْ
خِرقَةٌ تُبلى وقصرٌ يُدْثَرُ

6. You assumed about us what was not true
Like a reckless foal stumbling as it walks

٦. أَنْتَ ظنَّيتَ بنا ما لم يكنْ
كم عَجولٍ حينَ يَمشي يَعْثُرُ

7. Have you seen our essence within?
And that which is stored secretly in our treasure?

٧. أَرأَيْتَ اللُبَّ من باطِنِنا
والَّذي في كَنزِهِ يدَّخَرُ

8. Many a refined pearl lies beneath our rags
When the sea rages furiously

٨. رُبَّ حالٍ صِينَ في خِرْقَتِنا
دونَهُ البحرُ إذا ينهَمِرُ

9. Many an eye have we averted
To one broken, yet he is the triumphant

٩. رُبَّ عينٍ قد لفتْناها إلى
ذي انْكِسارٍ وهو المُنْجَبِرُ

10. We are a people who inherited concealment
But Allah alone is the ultimate revealer

١٠. نحنُ قومٌ قد تَوارَثْنا الخَفا
إِنَّما اللهُ تَعالى المُظْهِرُ

11. We have folded our secret within our secret
To the dismay of enemies, it unfolds

١١. قد طوَيْنا سرَّنا في سِرِّنا
وهو رَغماً للأَعادي يُنْشَرُ

12. Allah has granted us a prosperous time
And a hand whose reach is unlimited

١٢. وحَبانا اللهُ طوْراً عامِراً
ويداً طائِلُها لا يُقْصَرُ

13. An ancestor bequeathed a successor his state
His chest wrapped and covered

١٣. سَلَفٌ ورَّثَ حالاً خَلَفاً
صدرُهُ المُزَمِّلُ المُدَّثِرُ

14. And in poetic verse through them
Ahmad, the greatest leader of the people

١٤. وعلى واسِطَةِ النَّظمِ بهم
أَحمدُ القومِ الإمامَ الأَكبَرُ

15. Their prominence in their existence grew
So wake up, you who belittle

١٥. كَبُرَتْ نوبَتهُمْ في كونِهِمْ
فتيقَّظْ أيُّها المُسْتَصْغِرُ

16. Within us are many enlightened souls
With ascensions to the heavens blossoming

١٦. كم بِنا من عارِفٍ ذي طلعَةٍ
بسَمَواتِ المَعالي تُزْهِرُ

17. Within us are many silent hearts
From which springs of guidance burst forth

١٧. كم بِنا من رَبِّ قلبٍ ساكِتٍ
منه آياتُ الهُدى تنفَجِرُ

18. Within us are many speakers of refinement
With meanings that dazzle pearls

١٨. كم بِنا من ناطِقٍ عن أَدَبٍ
بمَعانيهِ تُبَزُّ الدُّرَرُ

19. Whenever you concealed my people, they appeared
Whenever you deemed my people lowly, they became great

١٩. كلَّما غيَّبْتَ قومي بَرَزوا
كلَّما أصغرْتَ قومي كَبُروا

20. You poor soul are ignorant of them
They are people who, when absent, are present

٢٠. أَنْتَ يا مسكينُ فيهم جاهِلٌ
هم أُناسٌ حيثُ غابوا حَضَروا

21. Extended influence, and a manifest secret
And hearts whose state never wanes

٢١. مَدٌ عالِ وسِرٌّ ظاهِرٌ
وقُلوبٌ حالُها لا يفتُرُ

22. And though separated on the outside
God is remembered when they are recalled

٢٢. وعلى الجمعِ بفرقٍ باذِخٍ
ذُكِرَ اللهُ إذا ما ذُكِروا

23. And if one of them becomes veiled
In the earth among ruins, he emerges

٢٣. وإذا أُبْطِنَ منهم واحِدٌ
في الثَّرى بينَ البَرايا يظهَرُ

24. An extension none can deny
And it has an effect the denier acknowledges

٢٤. مَدٌ لم يَجْحَدَنْهُ عاقِلٌ
وله قَسراً يُقِرُّ المُنْكِرُ

25. Even enemies witness our states
Of an absent presence not hidden

٢٥. تشهَدُ الأَعداءُ من أَحوالِنا
حالَ غيبٍ ظاهِرٍ لا يُسْتَرُ

26. And people's hearts are led by us
Unaware, while in our company

٢٦. وقُلوبُ النَّاسِ تنْقادُ لنا
وهي في محفَلِنا لا تشعُرُ

27. A guarded tablet whose contents
Are established by the unseen in this text

٢٧. لوْحُ محفوظُ العَما في طَيِّ ما
قامَ بالغيْبِ بهذا يُسْطَرُ

28. God most high has written that we
Are people of might, by none belittled

٢٨. كتَبَ اللهُ تَعالى أنَّنا
أَهلُ عزٍّ عنَّا لا يُحْتَقَرُ

29. His grace in creation cannot be limited
And his call is never fully comprehended

٢٩. فضلُهُ في خلْقِهِ لا يُحجَرُ
ونَداهُ الجَمُّ لا ينحَصِرُ

30. He reveals the events from us
And events from us reveal Him

٣٠. وهو للحادِثِ منَّا مُظْهِرٌ
وكذا الحادِثُ منَّا مظهَرُ

31. The one who enriched us in His support
Does not need, despite people's rejection

٣١. فالَّذي أَغْناهُ في آزالِهِ
بجُحودِ النَّاسِ لا يفتَقِرُ

32. And the one who exalted us in His court
Among the doors of greatness is not made small

٣٢. والَّذي أَكبَرَهُ في بابِهِ
بينَ أَبوابِ المَلا لا يصغُرُ

33. We were enriched, we were exalted
The blessing of God Almighty is thanked

٣٣. نحنُ أَغْنانا وقد أَكْبَرَنا
نعمَةُ اللهِ تَعالى تُشْكَرُ