1. This is an early emergence
With it, an early gift
١. هذا بُروزٌ سابقٌ
بهِ عَطاءٌ سابقُ
2. Men were confused about it
Regarding its matter and subsequent
٢. حارَ الرِّجالُ سابقٌ
بِشأنهِ ولاحِقُ
3. The morals of truth have adorned
With their authentic pattern
٣. أخْلاقُ حَقٍّ لألأتْ
بِنِمْطِها الحَقائِقُ
4. Its Creator has perfected them
So let the creatures be ignorant
٤. خالِقُها أكْمَلَها
فَلْتَجْهَلِ الخَلائِقُ
5. And that it is an apparent phenomenon
Its lights are brilliant
٥. وأنَّها ظاهرةٌ
أنوارُها شوارقُ
6. Fixed truths
For which insights are unveiled
٦. حَقائقٌ ثابِتَةٌ
يُجْلى لها بَوارقُ
7. None have joined its path
Except the sincere desired one
٧. لم يَنْتظمْ بِسِلْكها
إِلاَّ المُرادُ الصَّادقُ
8. And one who deviates from himself
What relations have deluded
٨. ومن زَوى عن نَفْسهِ
ما أوْهَمَ العَلائقُ
9. And when he is mentioned
I say the wise, prudent one
٩. ومن إذا ذَكَرْتهُ
قلتُ الحَكيمُ الحاذقُ