1. The unseen has lined up its processions
Wisely and adorned its wonders
١. الغيب صفَّ مواكبه
حكماً وبزَّ غرائبه
2. And the night has folded its carpet
And made its light disappear
٢. والليل كدَّ بساطه
وجلى الضياء غيابه
3. And the secret has come out clearly
In the hours of great events
٣. والسرُّ أبرز في سم
وات الشؤن كواكبه
4. Bow down humbly before God
And take my advice as a gift
٤. رخ بالتواضع للإل
هِ وخذ بنيَّ مواهبه
5. Do not worry about the knowledgeable
Leave him be with his flaws
٥. لا تكترث بأخي العل
وِ وخلِّه ومعائبه
6. And watch how his state changes
For the sea drowns its rider
٦. وارقب تغيُّر حاله
فالبحر يغرق راكبه
7. And God's hand as it has been
Generous is also withholding
٧. ويد الإله كما بدت
وهابةً هي سالبه
8. The hopes of the arrogant one
Are false at every turn
٨. همم المحاط بكبره
في كل شوطٍ كاذبه
9. And the resolves of the infatuated
Fail from all sides
٩. وعزائم المفتون من
كلِّ الجوانب خائبه
10. Present in illusion and absent
In the eye of the truth-seer
١٠. في الوهم حاضرةٌ وفي
عين المحقِّق غائبه
11. The Almighty has not kept safe
A purpose that plots in secret
١١. لم يحفظ الجبار مهم
ما دسَّ مكراً جانبه
12. The penetrating arrows will pierce it
Rising and lowering is His way
١٢. وتنوشه منه السها
مُ الطارقات الصائبة
13. Be patient my son, for you have not
Found a substitute at your Lord's door
١٣. يعلو ويخفض ربُّه
بالخارقات مراتبه
14. With patience many a man has won
With no conquering army
١٤. إصبر بنيَّ فلم تنل
كَ ببابِ ربِّك نائبه
15. The house is kept safe by the Protector
So leave it be and its keeper
١٥. بالصبر كم غلب امروءٌ
من غير جندٍ غالبه
16. Surrender the conditions, it will extinguish
Every raging fire
١٦. والبيت يحفظه الحفي
ظُ إذن فدعه وصاحبه
17. And the crowd of adversaries will fade away
Though seemingly resolute
١٧. سلِّم له الأحوال يط
فئُ كلَّ نارٍ لاهبه
18. And take inspiration from the signs
Of the unseen world beyond reach
١٨. وتروح جمهرة المعا
ندِ وهي حكماً ذائبه
19. From the unseen will come signs
After those gone
١٩. واستجل من آيات عَ
لامِ الغيوب الغائبه
20. With every blinking of an eyelid
The Watcher reveals His wonders
٢٠. في الغيب آتيةٌ من ال
آيات بعد الذاهبه
21. So lay down your arms and relax
The clouds of Providence have settled
٢١. مع كلِّ رمشة رامشٍ
يبدي الغيور عجائبه
22. You will see the destinations of those who
For the righteous sought harm
٢٢. فاطرح سلاحك واضطجع
سحبُ العناية ساكنه
٢٣. سترى مصارع من بغوا
للمتقين العاقبه