1. Between the folds of the beloved and dissemination is meaning
Two bow lengths away for reaching, even less
١. بينَ طيِّ الحَبيبِ والنَّشْرِ معْنَى
قابَ قوسَيْنِ للوُصولِ وأَدْنَى
2. And on the parchment of beauty are inscriptions
Written by the arts for the heart meaning
٢. وعلى بُرْقُعِ الجَمالِ نُقوشٌ
كَتَبَتْ بالفُنونِ للقلبِ معْنَى
3. And on the door of whom we love are coverings
We wove them, if we wanted to uncover we did
٣. وعلى بابِ مَنْ نُحِبُّ سُتورٌ
نسْجَها نحنُ إنْ أَرَدْنا كَشَفْنَا
4. And on the door stood locks of mystery
With symbols over them, we opened them
٤. وعلى البابِ قامَ أَقفالُ سِرٍّ
فوقَها بالرُّموزِ إنَّا فَتَحْنَا
5. We are a people who died from the universe aloof
And cast off our souls and relaxed
٥. نحنُ قومٌ مِتْنا عن الكونِ طُرًّا
وطَرَحْنَا أَرْواحَنا واسْتَرَحْنَا
6. From the beloved conditions took us
Turning us with passion into art and artists
٦. أَخَذَتْنا من الحَبيبِ شُؤُنٌ
قلَّبَتْنَا بالوجدِ فنًّا ففَنَّا
7. So we turned from existences for a spell
And knew Him while all others were ignorant
٧. فانقَلَبْنَا عن الوُجوداتِ طَوْراً
وعَرَفْناهُ والجميعُ جَهِلْنَا
8. Between the houses of His bliss and shade
Whichever house He wished to enter we entered
٨. بينَ بَيْتَيْ نعيمِهِ ولَظاهُ
أَيُّ بيتٍ أَرادَ فيه دَخَلْنَا
9. We were pleased with all that gives Him pleasure
And cut off all attachments from us
٩. قد رَضينا بكلِّ ما هو يَرْضى
وقطعْنَا كلَّ العَلائِقِ عَنَّا
10. And took all witnessings from Him
Absurd to say from Him or from us
١٠. وأَخذْنا كلَّ المَشاهِدِ منهُ
أَلفُ حاشَا نقولُ منهُ ومِنَّا
11. We saw hearts among us as iron
His secret recited to them and softened them
١١. قد رأَيْنا القُلُوبَ مِنَّا حَديداً
فتَلا سِرُّهُ لها وأَلَنَّا
12. So we heard His recitations and obeyed
And read His writings and understood
١٢. فسمِعْنا مَتْلُوُّهُ وأَطعْنا
وقرأنا مكتوبُهُ وفَهِمْنَا
13. And were found and in humility lost
And drew near while bound far
١٣. ووُجِدْنا وبالخُشوعِ فُقِدْنا
وقَرُبْنا وبالقُيودِ بَعُدْنَا
14. And knocked the door of Providence in lowliness
And succeeded while in acceptance blessed
١٤. وقَرَعْنَا بابَ العِنايَةِ ذُلاًّ
ونجحْنَا وبالقَبولِ سَعِدْنَا
15. And the Reviver with gentlest tidings revived
And the Fulfiller with the melody of righteousness fulfilled
١٥. والمُحَيِّي بأَلطفِ البِشْرِ حَيَّى
والمُغَنِّي بنغمَةِ البِرِّ غَنَّى
16. So we withdrew from ourselves and everything
And were disseminated, the secret afterwards disseminated
١٦. فانْطَوَيْنا عنَّا وعن كلِّ شيءٍ
ونُشِرْنا والسِّرَّ بعدُ نَشَرْنَا
17. Wondrous is our appearance in concealment
We hid and through hiding appeared
١٧. وغَريبٌ ظُهورُنا في خَفاءٍ
قدْ خَفينا وبالخَفاءِ ظَهَرْنَا
18. We are His traders, returning with profit
And thus from eyes we veiled
١٨. نحنُ تُجَّارُهُ رَجَعْنَا برِبْحٍ
ولهذا عن العُيونِ اسْتَتَرْنَا
19. Not intentionally we returned, but unconsciously
We only returned with determination we came
١٩. ما رَجَعْنا عزماً ولكن بُروزاً
ما رَجَعْنَا إِلاَّ بعزمٍ قَدِمْنَا
20. The cup of acceptance was offered to us
So we took it pure and drank
٢٠. أُتْرِعَ الكأسُ بالقَبولِ إلينا
فأَخذْناهُ صافِياً وشَرِبْنَا
21. And were honored for a time, state, and mystery
And erased, and in longing melted
٢١. وعَظُمْنا طوراً وحالاً وسِرًّا
ومُحِقْنا وجداً وبالشَّوقِ ذُبْنَا
22. No time manifested upon us
Containing it, and speech from Him we heard
٢٢. ما أُحَيْلى وقتاً تجلَّى علينا
ضِمنَهُ والخِطابُ منه سَمِعْنَا
23. So we grew enamored with the slender waisted
And sat with the swaying and stood
٢٣. فشَبَبْنَا إلى السِّماكِ غَراماً
وقَعَدْنَا مع الهُيامِ وقُمْنَا
24. So take the symbol knowingly and unlock the treasure
And attain with acceptance what you wish
٢٤. فخُذِ الرَّمزَ عارِفاً وافْتَحْ الكَنْ
زَ ونَلْ بالقَبولِ ما تَتَمَنَّى
25. Relate from us our secrets and perish through us
And congratulate yourself on our inheritance, you are from us
٢٥. وارْوِ عنَّا أَسْرارَنا وافْنَ فينا
وتَهَنَّا بإرْثِنا أنتَ مِنَّا