
The saints have status and rank,

الأولياء لهم جاه ومنزلة

1. The saints have status and rank,
And their faces are accepted by the Lord of Bounty.

١. الأَولِياءُ لهم جاهٌ ومنزِلةٌ
ووجْهُهُمْ عند مولى الفَضلِ مَقبولُ

2. A people whose resolves are bound to God,
And their ropes are connected to God's ropes.

٢. قومٌ إلى اللهِ قد زُمَّتْ عَزائمُهُمْ
وحَبلُهُمْ بحِبالِ اللهِ مَوْصولُ

3. A people created on the religion,
And their affair is transmitted from God's Book.

٣. قومٌ على المِلَّةِ قد فُطِروا
وشَأنُهُمْ عن كِتابِ اللهِ مَنْقولُ

4. God gave them what they wanted and honored them -
Thus spoke He to whom Gabriel brought revelation.

٤. أَعْطاهُمُ اللهُ ما شاءوا وأكرَمَهُمْ
كذاكَ قالَ الَّذي وافاهُ جِبْريلُ

5. O Lord, give us a heart for their open space,
That we may find rest, and idle talk may be erased.

٥. يا رَبَّنا خذْ بِنا قَلباً لساحَتِهِمْ
لنَسْتَريحَ ويُمحى القالُ والقيلُ

6. And make for us through their state a cause,
For You, O Lord, are asked and hoped for.

٦. واجْعلْ لنا معَهُمْ من حالِهِمْ سَبَباً
فأنتَ يا رَبِّ مَسْؤولٌ ومأمولُ

7. And send blessings upon the Chosen One from Mudar,
As glorification and exaltation resounded in existence.

٧. وصلِّ فَضلاً على المُخْتارِ من مُضَرٍ
ما ضجَّ في الكَوْنِ تَكبيرٌ وتَهْليلُ

8. And upon his family and the pure Companions, for they
Are excellent men, spirited heroes.

٨. وآلِهِ والصِّحابِ الطَّاهِرينَ فهُمْ
نِعْمَ الرِّجالِ الشَّآبيبُ البَهاليلُ