
It is for God to choose from among His loved ones

لله أن يختار من أحبابه

1. It is for God to choose from among His loved ones
A servant over whom He has control, as He wills

١. للهِ أن يختارَ من أَحبابِهِ
عبداً له التَّصريفُ كيفَ يَشاءُ

2. This is God's authority in the Sacred Territory made clear
While the distant one has deaf stones

٢. هذي يمينُ اللهِ في الحَرَمِ انْجَلَتْ
ولدى البَعيدُ حِجارَةٌ صَمَّاءُ

3. Secrets of rulings He has veiled
In the folds of things - and what things they are!

٣. أَسرارُ أَحكامٍ طَواها رَبُّها
في طيِّ أَشياءٍ وما الأَشياءُ

4. The rule of manifestation has been made inviolable in its station
While to your Lord belong concealment and disclosure

٤. حكمُ التَّجلِّي قد أعزَّ مَقامَها
ولرَبِّكَ الإِطْماسُ والإِبْداءُ

5. Leave off from you the one whose soul inclines to wrong
And over him is the covering of distant discord

٥. دعْ عنكَ من نَزَغَتْ بغيٍّ نفسُهُ
وعليه من شُقَقِ البِعادِ غِطاءُ

6. And keep company with people whose main concern is their character
And for them to Him in their spirits is the night journey

٦. واصْحَبْ أُناساً همُّهُمْ خَلاَّقُهُمْ
ولهم إليه بروحِهِمْ إِسْراءُ

7. And beware engaging with difficult affairs, for none has succeeded
Who has been intoxicated by their glories

٧. واحْذَرْ مُفاتَلَةَ الشُؤُنِ فلم يَفُزْ
من أسكَرَتْهُ بخمرِها الآلاءُ

8. Do not neglect at the moment of your death, surely it
Is a state belittled by the mighty

٨. لا تنسَ طرفاً حالَ موتِكَ إنَّه
حالٌ تُسْتَصْغَرُ العُظَماءُ

9. Tear apart all creatures with His sword
And attend, for all contingent matters are vanishing

٩. مزِّقْ جميعَ الكائِناتِ بسيفِهِ
واحْضَرْ فكُلُّ العارِضاتِ فَناءُ

10. Die before your death through contemplation, remembering
Your Master - in this death is subsistence

١٠. مُتْ قبلَ موتِكَ بالتَّفكُّرِ ذاكِراً
مولاكَ هذا الموتُ فيه بَقاءُ

11. And make Heaven the earth of your spirit's Sinai
For to the discernment of the sensible, earth is Heaven

١١. واجعلْ بطَوْرِ سماءِ رُوحِكَ أرضَها
فالأرضُ في ذوْقِ اللَّبيبِ سَماءُ

12. And know that the command is followed, on
The shore of death, by an inviolable remainder

١٢. واعلمْ بأنَّ الأمرَ يتبعُهُ على
شطِّ المَزارِ بقيَّةٌ عَصْماءُ

13. It is an absence, veiled by the veil, from the heedless
And beyond it after death is the meeting

١٣. هي غيبَةٌ ضمنَ الحِجابِ لغافِلٍ
ووراءها بعدَ المَماتِ لِقاءُ

14. And the believers who know their Lord
Died, but with Him they are alive

١٤. والمُؤْمِنونَ العارِفونَ بربِّهمْ
ماتوا ولكنْ عندَهُ أحْياءُ

15. They have done well by Him, beyond others, so they are realized
Through witnessing Him - and they are the foremost in intellect

١٥. طابوا به عن غيرِهِ فتحَقَّقوا
بشُهودِهِ وهُمُ الأُولى العُقَلاءُ

16. They followed the most prominent of the traces
According to His ordinances, humbly to Him going

١٦. تَبِعوا من الآثارِ مُبْرِزَها على
أَحْكامِهِ وإليهِ ذُلاًّ باءوا

17. They have magnified what His unseen has magnified
Of His secrets - so they are the learned

١٧. قد أعظَموا من أعظَمَتْهُ بغيبِها
أَسرارُهُ فهمُ بها عُلَماءُ

18. They have submitted to the One most lofty in His dominion
And to His command belong abasement and exaltation

١٨. خضَعوا لمن أعلاهُ في مَلَكوتِهِ
ولأَمرِهِ الإِسْفالُ والإِعْلاءُ

19. This is the crux of a wisdom that refers back
To what my two white sayings have stated

١٩. هي تلك نُكتَةُ حِكمةٍ رَجعتْ إِلى
ما قرَّرَتْهُ مَقولَتي البَيْضاءُ

20. The secret is to be feared, and providence hoped for
And to Him, glorified be His affair, belongs supplication

٢٠. السِّرُّ يُخشى والعِنايَةُ تُرْتَجى
وله تقدَّسَ شأْنُهُ الإِنْطاءُ