
When we reached the sands at dusk,

ولما توسطنا البطاح عشية

1. When we reached the sands at dusk,
And lights shone for us in its sublime quarters,

١. ولمَّا توسَّطْنا البِطاحَ عشيَّةً
ولاحَتْ لنا الأَنْوارُ في حيِّها الأسمَى

2. We rested our cheeks on the ground out of reverence,
Kneeling at the thresholds in the greatest shrine.

٢. فرشْنا خُدوداً في الثَّرى حُرمَةً لها
رُبوضاً على الأَعْتابِ في الحضرَةِ العُظْمى

3. We spent the night close to them, and whoever is a lover,
Meeting with his beloved, is neither hungry nor thirsty.

٣. وبِتْنا بها طيًّا ومن كانَ عاشِقاً
ونالَ التَّلاقي لا يَجوعُ ولا يَظْما

4. From the unknown we were named their devoted slaves,
This fortune was valid for us in the world of the Divine.

٤. من الغيبِ سُمِّينا عبيدَ عُبَيْدِهِمْ
لنا صحَّ هذا الحَظُّ في عالمِ الأَسْمَا

5. We still hold on to the ancient covenant, never changing,
Seeking no India or Salma afterwards.

٥. ونحنُ على العهدِ القَديمِ ولم نزَلْ
ولا هندَ نَبْغي بعدَ ذاكَ ولا سلْمى

6. How many falsely claim to love the beloved like us!
People who have gone astray in passion and missed the target.

٦. وكم يدَّعي حُبَّ الأَحبَّةِ مِثْلَنا
أُناسٌ ولكنْ في الهَوَى أَخطَأُ والمَرْمى

7. We loved them, not caring for all other creations,
Seeking only a share of their love.

٧. عَشِقْناهُمُو لا للوُجوداتِ كلِّها
ولم نبغِ إِلاَّ من محَبَّتِهِمْ سَهمَا

8. Through them we learned the secret of passion, becoming experts,
Oh Lord, increase our knowledge in loving them!

٨. علِمْنا بهِمْ سِرَّ الغَرامِ تفَنُّناً
فيا رَبِّ زِدْنا في محبَّتِهِمْ علْمَا

9. For we made them, in every instant, our only concern,
While they made the universes their concern.

٩. فمن جَعَلَ الأَكوانَ هَمًّا فإنَّنا
جَعَلْناهُمُو في كلِّ آوِنَةٍ هَمَّا

10. Love preceded, before our bodies' creation,
We walked the path of our destiny from early on.

١٠. هو الحُبُّ قِدْماً قبلَ تكوينِ طِينِنا
سَرَيْنا على مِنْوالِ قِسمَتِنا قِدْمَا

11. Oh stars of the night, do not toy with us!
Make way for us when we shed our darkness.

١١. ألا يا نُجومَ اللَّيْلِ لا تَعْبَثي بِنا
فخَلِّ لنا الآفاقَ إذْ نَخْتَلِ عَتْمَا

12. To take off, in love, our chaste veils wantonly,
And compose, in longing for our masters, a poem.

١٢. لنخلَعَ في الحُبِّ العِذارى تهَتُّكاً
وننظِمَ في أَشواقِ ساداتِنا نَظْمَا

13. And you, gentle breeze from the bent tin,
Diffuse to us the fragrance of their perfume.

١٣. ويا عَذَباتِ البانِ من جانِبِ اللِّوا
أَفيضي لنا من نَشْرِ مِعْطارِهِمْ شمَّا

14. The days fight us with distance from them,
For how long? Is it not time we made peace?

١٤. تُحارِبُنا الأَيَّامُ بالبُعْدُ عنهُمُ
إلى كم أما قد آنَ نلْقَها سِلْمَا

15. The heart has its phases, and patience has its gift,
But the resolve we saw in it had no strength.

١٥. وللقَلبِ أطوارٌ وفي الصَّبرِ مِنحَةٌ
ولكنْ تَفانَى ما رأَيْنا له عَزْمَا

16. The embers of estrangement and distance, alas,
Made our blood spill, weakening even the bones.

١٦. وجمرُ الجَوَى والبُعْدِ وَيْلاهُ والنَّوى
أسالَ الدِّمَا منَّا وقد أوهَنَ العَظْمَا

17. It is as if the flowers of fire in the matter of their absence
Were a foreordained judgment we see imposed on us.

١٧. كأنَّ وُرودَ النَّارِ في أَمرِ بعدِهِمْ
من الغيبِ مَقْضِيًّا نَراهُ لنا حُتْمَا

18. While days of nearness helped us attain their company,
And hostile days parted us from them unjustly.

١٨. وأيَّامِ قربٍ ساعَدَتْنا بوصْلِهِمْ
وعُدوانِ أيَّامٍ قضَتْ هَجرَهُمْ ظُلْمَا

19. We passed away through them, oblivious of ourselves and all else,
And whoever is targeted, is it justice that he be targeted?

١٩. فَنينا بهِمْ عنَّا وعن كونِ غيرِنا
ومن كانَ مرمِيًّا هلِ العَدْلُ أن يُرمَى

20. Where are their defenses in their affairs,
When the Sheikh of my passion never came to trial?

٢٠. وأينَ لهُمْ من حُجَّةٍ في شُؤُنِهِمْ
وشيخُ هَوانا المَحْضِ ما أُتِيَ الحُكْمَا

21. The boy of their meanings reigns supreme over us,
Without any wrong from them, however they wished, or sin.

٢١. صبيُّ مَعانيهِمْ علينا مُحَكَّمٌ
ولا ظُلْمَ منهُمْ كيفَ شَأُوا ولا إثْمَا

22. But the motives of love drive us
To state our claims, though we committed no crime.

٢٢. ولكنْ دَواعي الحُبِّ تَدْفَعُنا إلى
بَيانِ دَعاوينا ولم نكتَسِبْ جُرْمَا

23. Peace be upon them! We are obedient to their command,
Content with whatever they approve in passion as judgment.

٢٣. سَلامٌ عليهِمْ نحنُ طَوْعُ يَمينِهِمْ
رَضِينا بما يَرْضَوْنَهُ في الهَوَى حَكْمَا

24. Perhaps, if only, in love, or maybe -
The matters of speculation in passion became filled with illusion.

٢٤. لعلَّ وليتٌ في المحبَّةِ أو عَسى
شُؤُناتُ ظَنٍّ في الهَوَى امْتَلأَتْ وَهْمَا

25. Yes, we are from them, and the nature of our being
Became in grammar a requirement for adjacency.

٢٥. نعمْ إنَّنا منهُمْ وفِطرَةُ جِنْسِنا
غدَتْ عِلَّةً في النَّحوِ تستَلْزِمُ الضَّمَّا

26. And this is the hoped for end of their eternal glory -
We made it, at the start of creation, our seal.

٢٦. وهذا هو المَأْمولُ من طَوْلِ عِزِّهِمْ
جعلْناهُ في بدءِ النِّظامِ لنا خَتْمَا