1. We read in the book of the unseen seven lines
That we composed for the people of understanding, gems of essence
١. قرأنا بجِفْرِ الغيبِ سبعَةَ أسْطُرٍ
نظَمْنَ لأهلِ الفهمِ أَفلاذَ جوهَرِ
2. Be humble when you meet the Lord of humility
And meet the arrogant with magnanimity of heart
٢. تواضَعْ إذا ألفيْتَ ربَّ تواضُعٍ
وقابِلْ بكِبْرِ القلبِ للمتكَبِّرِ
3. And distance yourself from those shrouded in darkness
And accompany with sincerity those enlightened
٣. وباعِدْ أُناساً بالظَّلامِ قد انْطوَوْا
وصاحِبْ بصدقِ الحالِ كلَّ منوَّرِ
4. And resolve to avoid those who envy
And take inspiration from the thoughts of the thoughtful
٤. وجانِبْ بعزْمٍ منكَ من قامَ حاسِداً
وخذْ نفحَةً من فكرَةِ المُتَفَكِّرِ
5. Do not extend a palm or shackle a hand
As was the way of the purified Hashimi
٥. ولا تبسُطْنَ كفًّا ولا تغلُلْنَ يداً
وِساطاً كشأنِ الهاشِمِيِّ المُطَهَّرِ
6. And submit to the command of the people in authority
And be a supporter of sacred law, not scorning it
٦. وسلِّمْ لأهلِ الأَمرِ ما عِشتَ أَمرهُمْ
وكنْ ناصِراً للشَّرعِ غير محقِّرِ
7. And treat every person with good manners
And be firm with those of cunning disguise
٧. وعامِلْ بحُسْنِ الخَلقِ كلَّ امْرِءٍ وكنْ
شديداً على ذي الخِدْعَةِ المُتَنَكِّرِ
8. And unify, and make unification and its people sincere
That is the complete seven lines
٨. ووحِّدْ وخَلِّ الإتِّحادَ وأَهلَهُ
وخُذْها تَماماً تلكَ سبعَةُ أَسْطُرِ