
She saw the fluttering of the worlds, so she inclined

رأت رفرف الأكوان هند فولت

1. She saw the fluttering of the worlds, so she inclined
Towards it, and from its varieties she dangled

١. رأت رفرف الأكوان هندٌ فولت
إليه ومنها في طواه تدلت

2. It deceived her with the traces of its kinds
Ringing, singing traces she proclaimed and sang

٢. وأوهمها من بارزات صنوفه
جلاجل آثارٍ فصاحت وغنت

3. And she thought with what keeps me existing is confusion
So the thing she thought in denied her

٣. وظنت بما بقني البقاء تخبطاً
فكذبها الشيء الذي فيه ظنت

4. And she assumed with those vanishing things disengagement
From the Everlasting, the Remaining, so with delusion she assumed

٤. وضنت بتلك الفانيات تقاعداً
عن الدائم الباقي فبالوهم ضنت

5. Oh woe, so mourn her, O Hathim, for she
Inclined to the vanishing, the despicable, so she disgraced

٥. ألا فاندبيها يا هذيم فإنها
تدلت إلىالفاني الحقير فذلت

6. And if she, for a moment, had abandoned that
Which perishes with the armor of remaining, she would have worn

٦. ولو أنها طوراً تخلت عن الذي
يبيد بدرع الباقيات تحلت

7. The lights would have appeared to her from every side
But she did not see them, for never did folly appear to her

٧. تجلت لها الأنوار من كل جانبٍ
فلم ترها للطيش يوماً تجلت

8. So O an insight that strayed with inclination to evil
And O an ambition that coveted and for others coveted

٨. فيا بصراً قد زاغ بالميل للسوى
ويا هما هامت وبالغير همت

9. An imagination for your sights has cleared and it is lying
A mirage drink, so be conscious and steadfast

٩. خيالٌ لرائيك انجلى وهو كاذبٌ
شراب سرابٍ فانتبه وتثبت

10. Assume the affair of others in your heart which
You turned around in it, O Hind, confused and lost

١٠. تصدر شأن الغير في قلبك الذي
أنقلبت به يا هند بتيه وافلتي

11. And my spirit with the spirit of holiness, and change the one
Who drew near and folded into the mission of incapacity with the one

١١. وروحي بروح القدس واستبدلي التي
دنت وانطوت في مهمه العجز بالتي

12. Take life between the fertile and pure
And roam around those plateaus and Marwa

١٢. خذي العيش ما بين المخصب والصفا
وأطرف هاتيك الشعاب ومروة

13. And if you stayed between the two hills in my revelation
Deafening the eye from you in Mecca

١٣. وإن بت بين الذروتين بفرجتي
خرسان خل العين منك بمكة

14. For God in the ruins is a guarded secret
Upon every heart that turns around and tosses

١٤. فللَه في الأطلال سرٌّ مطلسمٌ
على كل قلبٍ يستدير ومقلة

15. The affair of God, Majestic is He with His creation overflows
So the self takes from it what it harbored

١٥. يفيض شؤن اللَه جل بخلقه
فتأخذ منها النفس ما قد أكنت

16. And do not divert the determination of the heart at all
Even if an eye glanced away from the plains of Medina

١٦. ولا تلفتي عزم الفؤاد بكله
ولو رمش عينٍ عن رحاب المدينة

17. There lies the secret of God and the presence which
The Creator chose over every presence

١٧. هنالك سر اللَه والحضرة التي
قد اختارها الباري على كل حضرة

18. The pavilion of God's knowledge, the spring of His grace
And descent of the manifestation of His holiness in the wilderness

١٨. سرادق علم اللَه ينبوع فضله
ومهبط مجلى قدسه في البرية

19. A place of circumambulation by the hearts of the loyal in their love
And the thickets of the Eternal Grip

١٩. مطاف قلوب الوالهين بحبهم
وفيفاء تلك القبضة الأزلية

20. And subtlety laying the mysteries in the pillars
And meaning of the system of the Eternal State

٢٠. ونكتة يس السرارة في العما
ومعنى نظام الدولة الأبدية

21. Muhammad, God's knowledge, essence of His secret
And Ahmed, people of the Eternal Presence

٢١. محمد علم اللَه ناسوت سره
وأحمد أهل الحضرة الصمدية

22. He established with the heat of truths a cry
At which the angels were astounded when it appeared

٢٢. أقام بحم الحقائق صولةً
لها اندهش الأملاك لما تبدت

23. Yes, and to Him the angels from their Lord
And but through him they stood with every truth

٢٣. نعم وله الأملاك عنه بربهم
ولكن به قاموا بكل حقيقة

24. And without him they would not have been, and their prostration
To Adam, it sufficed over the length of proofs

٢٤. ولولاه ما كانوا وإن سجودهم
لآدم مغنٍ عن طوال الأدلة

25. Upon every infatuated with his noble character fluttering
Pointing to him with the most sacred eminence

٢٥. على كل هامٍ من معاليه رفرفٌ
يشير له بالرفعة الأقدسية

26. And in every kernel of his meanings and inspiration arriving
Proclaiming the judgments of the hidden secrets

٢٦. وفي كل لبٍ من معانيه واردٌ
يجلجل أحكام الغيوب الخفية

27. So the intimate takes them, recognizing his Master
And the rejecter takes them according to speculation

٢٧. فيأخذها الاني بمولاه عارفاً
ويأخذها المرد حسب الطوية

28. God irrigated Tayyiba with the good
From its bottom in it lies the point of priority

٢٨. سقى اللَه من أرجاء طيبة طيباً
من القاع فيه نقطة الأولوية

29. The station of the Imam of the Messengers, their greatest
And their master in every science and wisdom

٢٩. مقام إمام المرسلين عظيمهم
وسيدهم في كل علمٍ وحكمة

30. Verily, it is the water in their eyes
Draped with light encompassing every subtlety

٣٠. ألا وهو الماء الذي في عيونهم
تدلى بنورٍ عم كل سريرة

31. And twinkling of understanding that is in their minds
Adorned upon those hearts with a breath

٣١. ورقرقة الفهم الذي في عقولهم
تحلى على تلك القلوب بنفحة

32. Wherein the revelation removing every darkness flourishes
In it the fabric of every matter is refined

٣٢. هزبر الوحا كشاف كل عجاجةٍ
تنمق فيها نسج كل مهمة

33. And the authority of God's possession evident and all-encompassing
And publication of a judgment or a protected scripture

٣٣. وسلطان ملك اللَه بادٍ وطامسٍ
ومنشور حكمٍ أو مصانٍ بطية

34. By it the colors appeared after their concealment
And without it, a discerning eye would not glance

٣٤. تبدى به الألوان بعد انطماسها
ولولاه لم ترمق بعينٍ بصير

35. So it was the manifest light for its sight
With the esoteric meaning of the exterior's fabric

٣٥. فكان هو النور المجلى لعينها
بمبطن معنى نسجة المظهرية

36. To Him belongs the fluttering knowledge and still universe
And Adam in a cellar of water and clay

٣٦. له العلم الخفاق والكون ساكنٌ
وآدم في سرداب ماءٍ وطينة

37. To Him belongs the churning knowledge and the earth and sky
Vanity while all this is in a fractional point

٣٧. له العيلم المواج والأرض والسما
هباءٌ وهذا الكل في جزء نقطة

38. To Him belong the occurring miracles and the one who legislated
Their horizons, signs of the people of truth

٣٨. له المعجزات الساريات ومن سنا
مطالعها آيات أهل الحقيقة

39. To Him belongs the Grand State in every minute
To Him belongs the Greatest Revolution in every way

٣٩. له الدولة الكبرى بكل دقيقة
له الجولة العظمى بكل طريقة

40. To Him belongs safeguarding the knowledge of the unseen so the Tablet
Has received treasures of knowledge from every problem

٤٠. له صين علم الغيب فاللوح عنه قد
تلقى كنوز العلم من كل شكلة

41. Thus the pen is but a writer because of Him
It appeared from the folds of darkness splitting the genesis

٤١. فما القلم الخطاط إلا لأجله
بدا من طوى طمس انشقاق الأكنة

42. Without Him it would not have written, and without Him would not have been
Inscribed on the Tablet, operating in totality

٤٢. فلولاه لم يكتب ولولاه لم يكن
على اللوح مكتوبٌ يجر بجملة

43. Yes, He is the light of God manifesting to creation
And not harmed by the denial of blind eyes

٤٣. أجل هو نور اللَه يجلى لخلقه
وما ضره جحد العيون العمية

44. By His distinction God distinguished between whom
He guided and the stubborn disbeliever

٤٤. بفرقانه قد فرق اللَه بين من
هداه وبين الجاحد المتعنت

45. By Him the ancient moment was given a conclusive argument
Indicating his right, O what an argument

٤٥. بدت منه للحظ القديم محجةٌ
تدل على أهليه أي محجة

46. Thus his law denied every law
And his proof established every proof

٤٦. فشرعته نافت على كل شرعةٍ
وحجته قامت على كل حجة

47. God clarified for the worlds from His family
Lamps of a secret who realized the appointment

٤٧. جلى اللَه للأكوان من أهل بيته
مصابيح سرٍّ حققوا بالوصية

48. Thus they stood from Fatima, apostles of a Messenger
Naming the Messengers, the flower in every cheek

٤٨. فقاموا عن الزهراء أسباط مرسلٍ
سما المرسلين الزهر في كل خلة

49. They narrated from the path of sweetness to the people what was concealed
From the knowers, disheveled, dust covered path

٤٩. رووا من طريق اللضه للقوم ما خفا
عن العارفين الشعث غبر السرية

50. And his companions came to us, recognizing what
He had judged with equity among people of an era

٥٠. وجاء لنا أصحابه الغر بالذي
به قد قضى عدلاً بأقوام سنة

51. And each has in what he attained an
Honorable distinction, and what a distinction

٥١. وكلٌّ له فيما انتحاه مزيةً
شريفة عنونٍ وأي مزية

52. And we have not seen a day in all their paths
And sides except guidance to the way

٥٢. ولم نر يوماً في جميع دروبهم
وأنحائها غير الهدى للشريعة

53. Upon the footsteps of the Spirit of the Worlds they crowded
Their sides in conduct from every direction

٥٣. على إثر روح العالمين تزاحمت
جنائبهم في السير من كل وجهة

54. And the men of God came after them, upon their heels
O best heels and faction

٥٤. وجاء رجال اللَه في اللَه بعدهم
على إثرهم يا خير إثرٍ وعصبة

55. Seeking the face of God, Majestic is His Majesty
Say God or leave the events and be silent

٥٥. يرومون وجه اللَه جل جلاله
قل اللَه أو خل الحوادث واصمت