
Since hearts have been devoted to your love,

مذ انطوت القلوب على هواكم

1. Since hearts have been devoted to your love,
They have risen above the impurities of doubts,

١. مُذِ انْطَوَتِ القُلُوبُ على هَواكُمْ
تَعالَتْ عن مُدانَسَةِ الشُّكوكِ

2. And attained from your affection diverse wisdoms,
Subtleties not recorded in scriptures.

٢. ونالَتْ من مَحَبَّتِكُمْ فُنوناً
رِقاقاً لم تُسَطَّرْ بالصُّكوكِ

3. They have transcended the cosmos in you,
So their goal is the King of kings,

٣. وقد عرَجَتْ عن الأَكوانِ فيكُمْ
فَغايَتُها إلى مَلِكِ المُلوكِ

4. And they are absent with detachment
From the worthless other and the partner.

٤. وغابَتْ للتَّواصَلِ بانْقِطاعٍ
عن الغَيْرِ المُضَيِّعِ والشَّريكِ

5. All are devoted to you alone,
And this is the religion of the Sufis.

٥. تَجَرَّدَ كلَّها لَكُمُ انْفِراداً
وهذا دِينُ أَصْحابِ السُّلوكِ