1. Our path, its beginning is pure love
That rules with the laws of annihilation
١. مِنْهاجُنا أَوَّلُهُ مَحَبَّةٌ
خالِصَةٌ تحكُمُ أَحكامَ الفَنَا
2. Its middle is realization
Of the law of the one who drew near in truth
٢. وإنَّما أَوسَطُهُ تَحَقُّقٌ
بشرعِ من حقًّا تدلَّى فَدَنَا
3. And the goal of the journey therein is connection
To God forever, granting the servant bliss
٣. وغايَةُ المَسيرِ فيه وُصْلَةٌ
للهِ دهراً تُكْسِبُ العبدَ الهَنَا
4. So love is the ladder of pillars
That raises the hearts of men to their wishes
٤. فالحُبُّ مِعْراجُ الدَّعائِمِ التي
ترفَعُ أَلبابَ الرِّجالِ للمُنى
5. So take the hearts of all the wayfarers
For our love, and rouse them for our love
٥. فخُذْ قُلوبَ السَّالِكينَ كلِّهِمْ
لوُدِّنا وانْهَضْ بهِمْ لحُبِّنا
6. He whose heart was approached by providence
Will inevitably become enamored with us
٦. من العِناياتُ دنتْ لقلبِهِ
لا بُدَّ أنْ يَصيرَ مُغْرَماً بِنا
7. For we are a people whose goal was our Prophet
And our journey, all of us, is to our Lord
٧. فنحنُ قومٌ قصدُنا نَبِيُّنا
وسَيْرُنا بكُلِّنا لرَبِّنا
8. We have transcended all events
Rising above our east and our west
٨. وقدْ طَوَيْنا الحادِثاتِ كلَّها
تَرَفُّعاً عن شَرْقِنا وغَرْبِنا
9. And we have raised the ambition of the heart to Him
So its secrets were poured into our hearts
٩. وقدْ رفعْنا همَّةَ القلبِ لهُ
فأُفْرِغَتْ أَسرارُهُ بقَلْبِنا
10. So do not leave our door for all time
And journey, when it is time for the journey, in our caravan
١٠. فلا تُبارِحْ بابَنا مَدى المَدَى
وسِرْ إذا آنَ السُّرى بركْبِنا
11. For the breath of the unseen from the tower of the Most High
Descended and encompassed our Arabs
١١. فنفْحَةُ الغُيوبِ من بُرْجِ العُلى
تنزَّلَتْ وشَمِلَتْ لعُرْبِنا
12. And our journey is to God, the journey of Al-Mustafa
We have followed his path in our path
١٢. وسَيْرُنا للهِ سَيْرُ المُصْطَفى
قَدِ اتَّبعنا دربَهُ بدرْبِنا
13. So turn us away from other than us in realization
For subsistence becomes clear after annihilation
١٣. فافْنَ بِنا عن غَيْرِنا تحقُّقاً
إنَّ البَقاءَ يَنْجَلي بعدَ الفَنَا