
Why sorrow and for what purpose lament

علام الهموم وفيم العنا

1. Why sorrow and for what purpose lament
Since the end of these marchings is annihilation

١. علامَ الهموم وفيم العنا
فغاية هذى الشخوص الفنا

2. It passes quickly like the phantom of sleep
For all mankind and the world passes away

٢. يمر سريعاً كطيفِ المنا
مِ جميع الانام وتفنى الدنا

3. And events go by like clouds
When they disperse and vanish

٣. و تمضي الحوادث مثل الخيا
لِ وشبه الظلال إذا ما انثنى

4. So one says this and another cries out
And all are helpless in what has afflicted them

٤. فهذا يقول وهذا يصو
لُ وكلٌّ مع العجز فيما عنا

5. And how many under this cycle
Souls passed away before reaching their wishes

٥. وكم تحت اذيالِ هذا الترا
بِ نفوسٌ قضت قبل نيل المنى

6. And reason may claim all wisdom
Yet how many pretenders destroy what they built

٦. وقد يدعي العقل كل الصنو
فِ وكم مدَّعٍ هادمٍ ما بنى

7. While we, the rational ones
Left all to our Lord

٧. ونحن على رأينا العاقلو
نَ تركنا الجميعَ إلى ربنا

8. Yes, in all matters
We were content with what pleases God for us

٨. نعم إننا في جميع الأمو
رِ رضينا بما الله يرضى لنا

9. So if He wills we sleep in soft slumber
And if He wills we rise in the cold of age

٩. فإِن شاء نمنا بمرط الخمو
لِ وإن شاء َ قمنا ببرد السنا

10. And it behooves us to incline our hearts
To Him and occupy them in praising Him

١٠. وحق علينا اجتذاب القلو
بِ إليه وإشغالها بالثنا

11. And teach them the knowledge of Taha the Beloved
And a servant succeeds by such heedfulness

١١. وتعليمها علم طه الحبي
بِ ويسعدُ عبدٌ بَهذا اعتنى

12. We incline people to their Lord
To revive the servants and illuminate the horizons

١٢. نميل الرجال إلى ربها
ليحيى العبادُ ويجلى الها

13. And we fold in the train of the Messenger
And time and what has passed

١٣. ونطوي بذيل جناب الرسو
لِ ونطوي الزمان وما قد جنا

14. In poverty, so we sufficed with our Creator
And in poverty to God is all wealth

١٤. على الفقر فمنا لخلاقنا
وبالفقر لله كل الغنى

15. We took to the path of the noble Prophet
So we were serene and our secret delighted

١٥. أخذنا باثر النبي الكري
مِ فطبنا وطابَ به سرنا

16. And he set out determined for the lofty goals
To the distance of two bow lengths when he approached

١٦. وقدماً تولى بعزم العرو
جِ إلى قاب قوسين لما دنى

17. And we came with the verse of those who followed him
So we made the Most High our refuge

١٧. وجئنا بنظم الذين اقتدوا
به فجعلنا العلى رحبنا

18. We uncovered the barrier of the steeds of passion
So time stood up for us and bent over

١٨. كشفنا عجاج خيول الشؤ
نِ فقام الزمان لنا وانحنى

19. And we are the teachers of the people of perfection
Progressing to the presence of the most high through us

١٩. ونحن أساتيذ اهل الكما
لِ تسير لصدر المعالي بنا

20. And no pursuer of the path of the chosen one was ever disappointed
Who gathered himself for the journey in our company

٢٠. وما خاب قط بقصد السبي
لِ فتى ضمهث السير في ركبنا

21. And we are the hearts of the people of the heart
Supported by the outpouring from the Bestower

٢١. ونحن قلوب رجال القلو
بِ يؤيدها الفيضُ من وهبنا

22. Through us Allah poured out the secret of His love
And supported our party in His unseen realm

٢٢. بنا الله أفرغ سر الغيو
بِ وايَّدَ في غَيبهِ حزبنا

23. So the tumult of revelation is in our abode
And we took the Law from our grandfather

٢٣. فجلجلة الوحي في بيتنا
وأخذ الشريعة عن جدنا

24. And we are the blazing suns of heroism
Circumambulating the sanctuaries and that which is bowed

٢٤. ونحن شموس فجاج البطا
حش بدور المشاعر والمنحنى

25. So all glories are in our branches
And all prides are from our origin

٢٥. فكل المآثر في فرعنا
وكل المفاخر عن أصلنا

26. And the rule of miracles is among our people
And the spreading of realities is from our knowledge

٢٦. وحكم الخوارق في قومنا
ونشر احقائق من علمنا

27. So if you are of the people of spiritual aspiration
Seek nearness through us and seize our covenant

٢٧. فإن كنت من أهل زيِّ القبو
لِ توسَّل بنا واغتنم عهدنا

28. For we do not disappoint whoever makes a pact with us
And our signs will stand forever after us

٢٨. لإن نحنث متنا فآياتنا
تقوم مدى الدهر من بعدنا

29. So Allah does not disappoint whoever visits us
With sincerity, nor reject whoever seeks refuge with us

٢٩. فما خَيَّبَ اللهُ من زارنا
بصدقٍ ولا رَدَّ من أمَّنا

30. Our father, the Imam of guidance al-Murtada
And a part of the light of guidance, our mother

٣٠. أبونا إمامُ الهدى المرتضى
وبضعةٌ نور الهدى أُمُّنا

31. And the state of the Prophet of mankind is our state
And what he separated for people, we separated

٣١. وحال نبيِّ الورى حالنا
وجفرُ على الذرى جفرنا

32. Allah chose us from among the children of Adam
And exalted the most fragrant lineage through us

٣٢. تخيَّرنا الله من آدم
وأعلى بطى العما عرقنا

33. And taught us the knowledge of the hidden decrees
And wove the secret into our being

٣٣. وعلَّمنا علم حكم الخفا
وقد نسج السر في طورنا

34. So we followed the way of Mustafa
And Allah supported us in our journey

٣٤. فقمنا على سيرةِ المصطفى
وايدنا اللهث في سيرنا

35. So do not hope, among people, for a community
To attain the meanings of guidance but us

٣٥. فلا ترتجى في الورى أُمَّةٌ
لنيل معاني الهدى غيرنا

36. And rely on us in the knowledge of the path
And taste the drink of sincerity from our wine

٣٦. وعول علينا بعلم الطري
قِ وذق مشرب الصدق من خمرنا

37. For in our wine is the secret of the state of the Messenger
By the ruling of subsistence and the stage of annihilation

٣٧. ففي خمرنا سرُّ حالِ الرسو
لِ بحكم البقاءِ وطورِ الفنا

38. And beware distorting towards imperfect ones
If you are acting according to our command

٣٨. وإِياكَ تلوى إلى الكائنا
تِ اذا كنت ممتثلا امرنا

39. For how many were severed and separated
From the path of firmness, so met debasement

٣٩. فكم قطعت واسصلا زلَّ عن
طريق الرسوخ فنال الضنا

40. And travel in the way of the exalted guides
To rise and come near like one who has come near

٤٠. وسر وفق سير الكرام الألى
لتعلو وتدنو كمن قد دنى

41. We advised you sincerely, take and benefit
For that advice is from us to us

٤١. بُنَيَّ نصحناك خذ و انتفع
فتلك النصيحة منا لنا