
The ignorant governor was envious

حسد الولي الجاهل

1. The ignorant governor was envious
While he is indolent and heedless

١. حَسَدَ الوَلِيُّ الجاهِلُ
وهو الخَمولُ الغافِلُ

2. The truth remains unchanged
Never affected by falsehood

٢. الحقُّ بادٍ لم يزلْ
لا يعتَريهِ الباطِلُ

3. And honesty reveals its wisdom
If what the speaker said is true

٣. والصِّدقُ يظهَرُ حُكْمُهُ
إنْ ما رَواهُ القائِلُ

4. And the secret shows its light
A meaning seen by the wise

٤. والسِّرُّ يبدو نورُهُ
معنًى يَراهُ العاقِلُ

5. The truth is known by its people
While the liars are tricksters

٥. الحقُّ يُعْرَفُ أهلُهُ
والكاذِبونَ خَوامِلُ

6. They tried climbing to the heights
But the opposite happened to them

٦. راموا التَّسَلُّقَ للعُلى
والعَكْسُ فيهِمْ حاصِلُ

7. They busied hearts with wickedness
That is a fleeting shadow

٧. شَغَلوا القُلُوبَ لبُغْيَةٍ
هي تلكَ ظِلٌّ زائِلُ

8. And imagined their deeds
While God, my Lord, is the Doer

٨. وتَوَهَّموا أَفعالَهُمْ
واللهُ رَبِّي الفاعِلُ

9. They thought knowledge was from passion
While the knowers are few

٩. ظَنُّوا المَعارِفَ عن هَوًى
والعارِفونَ قَلائِلُ

10. The heart has a clear state
Distracted by nothing

١٠. للقلبِ حالٌ بَيِّنٌ
عن كلِّ شيءٍ شاغِلُ

11. It conveys from the Chosen One
Secrets of the Divine Presence

١١. هو عن جَنابِ المُصْطَفى
بالطَّوْرِ سِرًّا ناقِلُ

12. When the heart is unveiled
Nothing of my Lord's secret is veiled

١٢. ما للفُؤادِ إذا انْجَلى
عن سِرِّ رَبِّي حائِلُ

13. People are of different states
Among nations they are tribes

١٣. النَّاسُ أطْوارٌ وَهُمْ
بينَ الشُّعوبِ قَبائِلُ

14. They are mines of creation
Imperfect and perfect

١٤. وهُمْ بُنيَّ مَعادِنٌ
فنَواقِصٌ وكَوامِلُ

15. And the victory spread its clouds
The flood from it flows

١٥. والفتحُ سَحَّ سَحابُهُ
والسَّيْلُ منهُ سائِلُ

16. The promise is a true promise
And the text all-encompassing

١٦. الوَعْدُ وعدٌ صادِقٌ
والنَّصُّ نَصٌّ شامِلُ

17. The light is a manifest light
And the outpouring realized

١٧. والنُّورُ نورٌ بارِزٌ
والفَيْضُ فيضٌ حاصِلُ

18. Moses with Al-Khidr was shrouded
In perplexities for him

١٨. موسَى مع الخِضْرِ انْطَوَتْ
منه لديهِ مَشاكِلُ

19. Spiritual states and realities
Obstacles and separations

١٩. فرَقائقٌ وحَقائقٌ
وعَوائقٌ وعَواضِلُ

20. And the journey distinguished its nights
The questioner was answered

٢٠. والسَّيرُ ميَّزَ ليلَها
ولقد أُجيبَ السَّائِلُ

21. So be patient, for in the shells
Are lodged the heavenly bodies

٢١. فاصْبِرْ ففي سُجُفِ الخَفا
ضمنَ البُروجِ مَنازِلُ

22. These suns shone
These full moons

٢٢. هذي الشُّموسُ تلأْلأَتْ
هذي البُدورُ كَوامِلُ

23. My Lord will defend you
Do not despair, O wise one

٢٣. رَبِّي يُدافِعُ عنكَ لا
تضجَرْ أَيا ذا العاقِلُ