
Refresh the heart at times with the lawful,

روح القلب تارة بالمباح

1. Refresh the heart at times with the lawful,
And dispel the darkness of grief with remembrance,

١. رَوِّحِ القلبَ تارةً بالمُباحِ
واجْلُ بالذِّكرِ ظُلمةَ الأتْراحِ

2. Do not neglect remembrance for a day,
Indeed, in remembrance is the comfort of souls.

٢. لا تُصِرْ غافلاً عن الذِّكرِ يوماً
إنَّ في الذِّكرِ راحةَ الأرواحِ

3. Remember God and mention Him always,
His remembrance for men is better than weapons.

٣. احْفظِ الله واذْكُرَنْهُ دَواماً
ذِكرُهُ للرِّجالِ ماضي السَّلاحِ

4. Hearts are reassured in it with clear proof,
Thus remembrance inspires expansion.

٤. تَطمئِنُّ القُلوبُ فيه بنصٍّ
هكذا الذِّكرُ باعِثُ الإنْشراحِ

5. And worship God as much as you can sincerely,
Indeed this is the way of the righteous.

٥. واعْبُدِ الله ما قَدِرْتَ بِصدقٍ
إنَّ هذا طريقُ أهلِ الصَّلاحِ

6. Do not always be harsh in religion,
And be gentle, simple in manner.

٦. لا تكنْ دائمَ التَّشادُدِ للدِّي
نِ وكُنْ رَيِّضاً بَسيطَ الجَناح

7. This is the way of the Chosen Prophet,
The path of the gnostics, the successful.

٧. هذه سُنَّةُ النَّبيِّ المُفدَّى
مَسلكُ العارفينَ أهلِ الفلاحِ

8. And follow the way of the people of God,
The people of bounty and profits.

٨. وتَمذْهَبْ بِمذهبِ القومِ أهلِ الل
ه أهلِ النَّوالِ والأرباحِ

9. The wise have tried east and west,
And found their path leads to success.

٩. جَرَّبَ العاقلونَ شرْقاً وغرْباً
أنَّ مِنْهاجهُمْ سبيلُ النَّجاحِ

10. Purify the heart from the dust of vanities,
And seek opening at the hand of the Opener.

١٠. طهِّرِ القلبَ من غُبارِ البَرايا
واطلُبِ الفَتْح من يدِ الفتَّاحِ

11. And take the Noble Mustafa as a noble imam,
He came with guidance on the clear path.

١١. وخذِ المُصْطَفى إماماً كريماً
جاءَ للهَدْيِ بالطَّريقِ الوَضاحِ

12. He gave us guidance so we rejoiced in eternal light,
On the straight path.

١٢. عَمَّنا بالهُدى فَرُحنا بنورٍ
أبديٍّ على الصِّراطِ الصَّراحِ

13. We have tasted the comfort of love in him,
Leave those who deny to taste anguish.

١٣. قَدْ حَسوْنا راحَ المَحبَّةِ فيه
خَلِّ للجاحِدينَ شُرْب الرَّاحِ

14. He came while the universe was in ignorant darkness,
So his light shone in all directions.

١٤. جاءَ والكونُ في ظلامٍ بهيمٍ
فَبدا نورُهُ بكلِّ النَّواحي

15. The beloved great one, the essence of intimacy,
And manifestation, and treasure of all generosity.

١٥. الحبيبُ العظيمُ معنى التَّدلِّي
والتَّجلِّي وكَنزُ كلِّ سَماحِ

16. He is my spirit, the spirit of my essence and openings,
And my end and beginning in all affairs.

١٦. هو روحي وروحُ معنى فُتوحي
واخْتِتامي وفي الشُؤُنِ افْتِتاحي

17. Reform the heart in his love and make it solely devoted,
Indeed this is the sign of reform.

١٧. أصلحِ القلبَ في هواهُ وُلوهاً
إنَّ هذا عَلامةُ الإصلاحِ

18. Judge the matter by obligatory acts and tradition,
And act according to their wisdom, O rational one.

١٨. احْكمِ الأمرَ بالفُروضِ وبالسُّ
نَّةِ واعْمَل بِحكمِها يا صاحِ

19. Indeed this time is part of the night, by my life,
And death is nearing dawn.

١٩. إنَّ هذا الزَّمانَ جُزْءٌ من اللَّيْ
لِ لَعَمري والموتُ قُرْبَ الصَّباحِ

20. After unveiling, matters may emerge,
And hidden secrets apparent.

٢٠. بعدَ كشفِ الغطاءِ قَدْ يَبرُزُ الأمْ
رُ وتَبْدو كَوامِنُ الألواحِ

21. And whoever offered good with kindness,
And whoever did evil met disgrace.

٢١. والَّذي قدَّمَ الجميلَ بخيرٍ
والَّذي ساءَ باءَ بالإفْتِضاحِ

22. So follow the people, they are indeed rational,
They built their graves with piety and righteousness.

٢٢. فاتْبع القومَ إنَّهُمْ أهلُ عقْلٍ
أعْمَروا القبرَ بالتُّقى والصَّلاحِ

23. They organized their affair and rested in safety,
Oh, their excellent organization and comfort!

٢٣. أحْكموا أمرَهُمْ وراحوا بأمْنٍ
يا لإحْكامهم وذاكَ الرَّواحِ

24. Take my system sincerely as precious advice,
With sentences from authentic collections.

٢٤. خُذْ نِظامي نَصيحةً ذاتَ قدرٍ
بِفلاذٍ من العُقودِ الصِّحاحِ

25. It is a delicate prose and composition,
Time has not made you need explanations.

٢٥. هي متنٌ رقيقُ نَسْجٍ ونظمٍ
لم يَحِجْكَ الزَّمانُ للشُّرَّاحِ