1. Between the stars and dawn's probe
A night of darkness fell, a confused heart trembled
١. بينَ النُّجومِ وبينَ مِسْبارِ الضُّحى
ليلٌ سَجى عتمٌ دَجا قلبٌ ذَهِلْ
2. And with the flickering of the two lightnings from Mount Sinai of love
A star fell, a heart inclined, a full moon set
٢. وبرَفْرَفِ البرقَيْنِ من سِينا الهَوَى
نجمٌ هوَى لُبٌّ زَوى بدرٌ أَفَلْ
3. Moses of passion ascended the Mount of Horeb
To see his beloved, so he fell unconscious
٣. موسَى الغَرامِ رَقى بطَوْرِ هُيامِهِ
ليَرى الحَبيبَ فخَرَّ مَغْشِيًّا وهَلْ
4. The fire of glory shone upon him and he lost
Awareness of himself for a while, preoccupied with unconsciousness
٤. لمَعَتْ له نارُ الشُؤُنِ فغابَ عن
أَجْزائِهِ حالاً وبالغَشْيِ اشْتَغَلْ
5. And he recited gentle verses: you won't see me before them
And called upon his beloved and said: my resolve did not weaken
٥. وقَرا رَقائقَ لن تَراني قبلَها
ودَعا الحَبيبَ وقالَ عَزْمي لم يُفَلْ
6. Longing emboldened him towards his loved one
But when love was revealed to the mountain
٦. الشَّوقُ جرَّأهُ على مَحْبوبِهِ
لكنَ هَوى لمَّا تجلَّى للجبَلْ
7. And Usama persisted for a month in the promise of a beloved
So love said: O the prolonged hope!
٧. وأُسامَةٌ جارَى بوعْدِ وَليدَةٍ
شهراً فقالَ الحِبُّ يا طولَ الأمَلْ
8. The secrets of glory glanced at him with her eyes
So he left ill, and love had made him sick
٨. رمَقَتْهُ أَسرارُ الشُؤُنِ بعينِها
فمَضى عَليلاً والغَرامُ له عِلَلْ
9. And Shu'ayb left Mudabann since he stayed over for his guest
That story which is of the nature of parables
٩. وشُعَيْبُ مَدْبَنَ مذْ أَقامَ لضيفِهِ
تلك الحِكايَةَ وهي من ضربِ المَثَلْ
10. Its porch covered him, so he got up from
The meaning of his gentle one, which weighed on him
١٠. ضَرَبَتْ سُرْداقِها عَلَيْهِ فقامَ من
معنى رَقيقَتِهِ له ذاكَ الثِّقَلْ
11. And remember, brother of Aad, for in his signs
Are those details which the sentences comprised
١١. واذْكُرْ أَخا عادٍ ففي آياتِهِ
تلكَ التَّفاصيلُ التي طَوَتِ الجُمَلْ
12. And for the son of Matthew, there is a subtle point:
The whale, its meaning - the sealed, the mindless one
١٢. ولابنِ مَتَّى نُكتَةٌ طَمْسِيَّةٌ
الحُوتُ معناها المُطَلْسَمَ ما عَقَلْ
13. And the well of the pit in whose folds
Lay the secret of Joseph, it stood tall for the supreme
١٣. وغَيابَةُ الجُبِّ التي في طيِّها
من سِرِّ يوسُفَ قامَ للعَليا زَجَلْ
14. And the slavery and prison behind both of which
Were two phases, abundantly occupied with a preoccupied servant
١٤. والرِّقُّ والسِّجْنُ اللَّذانِ وَراهُما
طَوْرانِ قد حَفِلا بعبدٍ مُحْتَفَلْ
15. And in the slaughter of Ismail, there is another meaning
Revealed to the blade of the Khalil (Abraham), the probable
١٥. وبذَبْحِ إسماعيلَ معنًى آخرٌ
جلَّى لسِكِّينِ الخَليلِ المُحْتَمَلْ
16. And the door where the spider at its door
And love and the friend in it - in anguish
١٦. والبابُ حيثُ العَنْكَبوتُ ببابِهِ
والحِبُّ والصَّديقُ فيهِ في وَجَلْ
17. When He said: "Do not grieve" and he dominated his heart
With a folded hand, rolling all nations
١٧. إذْ قالَ لا تحزَنْ وهَيْمَنَ قلبَهُ
بيدٍ بها مطوِيَّةٌ كلُّ الدُّوَلْ
18. The secrets of the rulings indicate that whoever
His Master elevates him, he is protected from failure
١٨. أَسرارُ أَحكامِ تُفيدُ بأَنَّ مَنْ
يُعليهِ مولاهُ يُصانُ من الفَشَلْ
19. This is a system, chained by the hand of destiny
And with this Book, upon the son of Amina it descended
١٩. هذا نِظامٌ سَلْسَلَتْهُ يدُ العَمى
وبذا الكِتابُ على ابنِ آمنةٍ نَزَلْ
20. It locks the path of the wrongdoer, the path of the envied one
And Allah opens whenever the wrongdoer locks
٢٠. يستَقْفِلُ الباغِي طَريقَ مُحَسَّدٍ
واللهُ يفتَحُ كلَّما الباغي قَفَلْ
21. He reveals it with the rope of the unseen from its constellations
And wrongdoing is done by the ignorant one, brother of tricks
٢١. يُجليهِ حَبلُ الغيبِ من أبراجِهِ
والبَغْيُ يفعَلُهُ الجَهولُ أَخو الحِيَلْ
22. So observe the affairs of Allah in His creations
And devote yourself to the secret of Allah, O you hero
٢٢. فانْظُرْ شُؤُنَ اللهِ في أَكوانِهِ
وارْكُنْ لسِرِّ اللهِ يا هذا البَطَلْ
23. And keep to the door of the command and shun anything else
Detached from any knowledge or deed
٢٣. وارْبُضْ ببابِ الأَمرِ واهْجُرْ غيرَهُ
مُتَجَرِّداً من كلِّ علمٍ أَو عَمَلْ
24. And when matters close their doors
Then remember Muhammad and the hopeful has succeeded
٢٤. وإذا الأَمورُ تغَلَّقَتْ أَبوابُها
فاذْكُرْ محمَّدَ والمُؤمَّلُ قد حَصَلْ