1. Under the eternal fluttering canopy,
And the everlasting dangling drapery,
١. تَحْتَ سَبْرِ المُرَفْرَفِ الأزَلِيِّ
والنِّماطِ المُسَدَّلِ الأبَدِيِّ
2. And the vast veil spread
By the hand of holiness in the unseen space,
٢. وعَريضِ السِّتْرِ الَّذي نَشَرَتْهُ
راحَةُ القُدْسِ في الفَضا الغَيْبِيِّ
3. And the unfolding of affairs from every
Abstract or concrete symbol,
٣. وانْجِلاءِ الشُّؤُنِ من كُلِّ رَمزٍ
مَعْنَوِيٍّ في الطِّرزِ أو عَيْنِيِّ
4. And the procession of secrets secretly and secretly,
And the blending of composition in everything,
٤. وانْتِساقِ الأسرارِ سِرًّا فَسِرًّا
وامْتِزاجِ التَّركيبِ في كُلِّ شَيِّ
5. And the flooded, obscured, hidden meanings
Under its specific mystical attire,
٥. والمُحوضِ البَحْتِ الغَموضِ المَعاني
تَحتَ سِرْبالِ طَوْرِهِ النَّوْعِيِّ
6. And the emergence of forms color after color
With the appearance of the illuminating interpreter,
٦. وانْبِلاجِ الأشْكالِ لَوناً فَلَوْناً
بِبُروزِ المُفَسِّرِ الضَّوْئيِّ
7. And the comprehensions of the power of the unseen overall
And its individual origination,
٧. وإِحاطاتِ قدرَةِ الغَيْبِ في الكُ
لِّ وتَصْريفِ نَشْئِها الفَرْدِيِّ
8. And the dangling from the spell of darkness unfolding
Which was manifested from the cave of that good man,
٨. والتَّدَلِّي من طِلْسَمِ الطَّمْسِ نَشْراً
قدْ تجلَّى من غارِ ذاكَ الطَّيِّ
9. And which grasped hearts completely,
And which grasped minds penetratingly,
٩. والَّذي أَدرَكَ القُلُوبَ سَميراً
والَّذي أدرَكَ الفُهومَ بعِيِّ
10. And which caused bursting open in minds,
And which touched them with stubborn ignorance,
١٠. والَّذي ناطَ في العُقولِ انْفِتاقاً
والَّذي مسَّها بذُهْلٍ أَبِيِّ
11. And which granted thoughts understanding,
And endowed them from its sweet diffusion,
١١. والَّذي أَكْسَبَ الخَواطِرَ فَهْماً
وحَباها من نَشرِهِ العِطْرِيِّ
12. And which returned them to themselves confused
So they turned back, winding in its confusion,
١٢. والَّذي ردَّها عليْها حَيَارى
فارْتَدَتْ مِرْطَ تيهِها المَلْوِيِّ
13. And which stirred the imagination so it contained
Conditions without depiction or limitation,
١٣. والَّذي قَلْقَلَ الخَيالَ فأَوْعا
هُ شُؤُناً من غيرِ رَسْمٍ وزِيِّ
14. And which extended in sights a state
So they saw what cannot be seen,
١٤. والَّذي مدَّ في البَصائِرِ حالاً
فرأَتْ غيرَ مُبْصِرٍ مَرْئِيِّ
15. And benefited visions when witnessing light
Absorbing forms and a gentle gift,
١٥. وأَفادَ الأَبْصارَ إذْ تشهَدُ النُّو
رَ اغْتِرافَ الأَشْكالِ وَهْبَ مَلِيِّ
16. And rewarded strength with manifestation and concealment
For He gives strength to every strong one,
١٦. وأَثابَ القُوى بُروزاً وطَمْساً
فهوَ مُعْطي القُوى لكلِّ قَوِيِّ
17. And folded security in Noah's ship
So it settled after that on the generous sea,
١٧. وطَوى الأَمْنَ في سفينَةِ نوحٍ
فاسْتَوَتْ بعدَها على الجُودِيِّ
18. And protected His servant the Friend from the fire
Of torches and its burning embers,
١٨. وحَمى عبَهُ الخَليلَ من النَّا
رِ بضُرَّامِ وَقْدِها الجَمْرِيِّ
19. And saved the son of Matthew from the darkness of the
Whale in the depths of its watery concealment,
١٩. وابنَ مَتَّى أَنْجاهُ من ظُلوماتِ ال
حُوتِ في قَعْرِ كِنِّهِ البَحْرِيِّ
20. And granted Joseph protection within the well
In its holy concealment,
٢٠. وحَبا يوسُفَ الوِقايَةَ ضمنَ ال
جُبِّ في طَيِّ حِفْظِهِ القُدْسِيِّ
21. Then He lowered him after that to prison
For a secret reason in His hidden knowledge,
٢١. ثُمَّ أَدْلاهُ بعدَ ذلكَ للسِّجْ
نِ لِسِرٍّ بعِلْمِهِ مَخْفِيِّ
22. Then brought him out in prominence honored
What a gathering in a sublime mission!
٢٢. ثمَّ أَبْداهُ بالبُروزِ عَزيزاً
يا لِجَمْعٍ في مَهْمَهٍ فَرْقِيِّ
23. And removed the veil from Jacob's eye
With the scent of the shirt after absence,
٢٣. وأَزالَ الغِشاءَ عن عَيْنِ يَعْقو
بَ بشَمِّ القَميصِ من بعدِ غَيِّ
24. He dispelled grief from him when he called him
Surely this is from His wise affair,
٢٤. صَرَفَ الحُزْنَ عنهُ حينَ دَعاهُ
إنَّ هذا من شأْنِهِ الحِكْمِيِّ
25. He restored Solomon's kingdom after loss
By the action of His commanding affair,
٢٥. ردَّ بعدَ الفُقْدانِ مُلْكَ سُلَيْمَا
نَ بتَصْريفِ فعلِهِ الأَمْرِيِّ
26. And revealed with honor Moses' fright
When he escaped without a guardian or protector,
٢٦. وجَلى بالإِعْزازِ وَحْشَةَ مُوسى
حينَما فَرَّ لا بِظِلِّ وَلِيِّ
27. And sufficed the Spirit His servant the Righteous Jesus
From the harm of people with spreading and concealment,
٢٧. وكَفى الرُّوحَ عَبْدَهُ الحَقَّ عيسَى
وَصْمَةَ القومِ بينَ نشرٍ وطَيِّ
28. And granted individually, individually
Favor of nearness and majesty to the messengers,
٢٨. وحَبا المُرْسَلينَ فرْداً ففرْداً
نِعْمَةَ القُرْبِ والجَلالِ الجَلِيِّ
29. And quenched the prophets' cup of eternal acceptance
In the primal, generative presence,
٢٩. وسَقى الأَنْبِياءَ كأسَ قَبولٍ
أبَدِيٍّ في المَحْضَرِ النَّشْئِيِّ
30. And folded the totality of creatures
With standards that He chose for the prophet,
٣٠. وطَوى مُجْمَلَ الوُجوداتِ طُرًّا
بنِماطٍ وافْتَضَّهُ للنَّبِيِّ
31. So the Qurashite emerged from their arena
As his affection was nurtured from a Qurashite,
٣١. فانْجَلى من مِضْمارِها قُرَشِيًّا
حينَ يُنْمى أَفْديهِ من قُرَشِيِّ
32. His beloved, the essence of creation in knowledge
And the torch of its human genus,
٣٢. مُصْطَفاهُ خُلاصَةَ الخلقِ في العِلْ
مِ ونِبْراسُ نَوْعِها الآدَمِيِّ
33. The wave of the ocean of witnessing in the presence of mystery
Witnessing and the eye of every prophet,
٣٣. مَوْجُ بحرِ الشُّهودِ في حضرَةِ السِّ
رِّ عِياناً وعينُ كلِّ نَبِيِّ
34. God's proof upon creatures lasting forever
And the power of his pouring prophetic knowledge,
٣٤. حُجَّةُ اللهِ لا يَزالُ على الخَلْ
قِ وطَمْطامَ عِلمِهِ الصَّمَدِيِّ
35. The shiver of the Spirit with the procession of revelation
And manifestation within moderation and friendship,
٣٥. نَهْزَةُ الرُّوحِ بانْتِساقِ التَّدَلِّي
والتَّجَلِّي ضِمنَ اسْتِواءٍ وَلِيِّ
36. Singular in kind and perfect in meaning and perfection
Before amendment and refinement,
٣٦. مُفْرَدُ النَّوعِ واحِدُ الطَّوْرِ معنًى
وكَمالاً في الرَّشِّ قبلَ التَّزَيِّ
37. The essence of justice in the conscience of creation
And its guidance to the balanced path,
٣٧. نُكْتَةُ العَدْلِ في ضَميرِ البَرايا
وهُداها إلى الطَّريقِ السَّوِيِّ
38. Possessor of life designed with symbolic engraving
Explicitly in the pages of each living one,
٣٨. ذو الحَياةِ المَرْسومَةِ النَّقْشَ رَمْزاً
وصَريحاً في دَفَّتَيْ كلِّ حَيِّ
39. The flag of distinction in the assembly of the group
And the authority of its prophetic kingdom,
٣٩. عَلَمُ الفرقِ في مُحاضَرَةِ الجمْ
عِ وسُلْطانُ مُلْكِها النَّبَوِيِّ
40. The Hashimite carpenter in the flowering line of descent
A species without any darkness of emptiness,
٤٠. هاشِمِيُّ النِّجارِ في النَّسَقِ الأَزْ
هَرِ نوعاً من غَيْرِ ظُلْمَةِ فَيِّ
41. The celebration of intimacy, the master of jinn and mankind
And the proof of their human form,
٤١. حَفْلَةُ الأُنْسِ سيِّدُ الجِنِّ والإنْ
سِ وبُرْهانُ شَكْلِها الإِنْسِيِّ
42. The point of treasure, the probing of the symbols
Of the Eternal in an impenetrable spell,
٤٢. نُقْطَةُ الكنزِ سَبْرُ أَرْصادِ رَمْزٍ
صَمَدِيٍّ في طِلْسَمٍ أحَدِيِّ
43. Transcending the unraveling of every hidden secret,
Elucidating the disclosure of every covered ambiguity,
٤٣. فائِقٌ رَتْقَ كلِّ سِرٍّ خَفِيٍّ
راتِقُ فَتْقَ كلِّ غَمْصٍ جَلِيِّ
44. He established justice in limits and fulfilled
Loyalty in covenants, the work of the loyal one,
٤٤. قد أَقامَ الحُدودَ عدلاً ووَفَّى
بوَفاءِ العُهودِ شأْنَ الوَفِيِّ
45. So he is the sword of destiny upon every rebel
And the stronghold of protection for every friend,
٤٥. فهو سيفُ القَضا على كلِّ باغٍ
ومَنيعُ الحِمى لكلِّ وَلِيِّ
46. He came with the Law and the praiseworthy Hanifi way
And the good and handsome grace,
٤٦. جاءَ بالشَّرْعِ وبالحَنيفِيَّةِ السَّمْ
حاءِ والخيرِ والنَّوالِ الوَفِيِّ
47. And granted the gnostics an overflowing light
That shone from them in the rising of the heart,
٤٧. وحَبا العارِفينَ فَيَّاضَ نورٍ
ضاءَ منهُمْ في الطَّالِعِ القَلْبِيِّ
48. He cloaked them in acceptance so his light
Radiated upon them in his pleasing quality,
٤٨. حَفَّهُمْ بالرِّضا فلاحَ عليهِمْ
نورُهُ من طِرازِهِ المَرْضِيِّ
49. How can I forget His benevolence when after God he is
My sword, my secret of diffusion, and my inclination,
٤٩. كيفَ أَنْسى إحْسانَهُ وهو بعدَ الل
هِ سَيْفي وسِرُّ نَشْري وطَيِّي
50. And my instrument, my authority, my pillar,
My backer, my aid, and my patron,
٥٠. وعِتادي وحُجَّتي وعِمادي
وظَهيري وناصِري ووَلِيِّي
51. And he is my spirit in my creation and manifestation
And my turning from death to life,
٥١. وهو رُوحي بنَشْأَتي وبُروزي
وانْقِلابي ما بينَ مَيْتٍ وحَيِّ
52. The hand of Providence gifted me from him
Beauty in specifically chosen form,
٥٢. أَتْحَفَتْني يدُ العِنايَةِ منهُ
بجَمالٍ في النَّمْطِ مُصْطَفَوِيِّ
53. And majesty enveloping types of bestowal
That intoxicated me with its cup,
٥٣. وجَلالٍ طَوى صُنوفَ نَوالٍ
أَسْكَرَتْني بكأْسِها المَدَنِيِّ
54. It took me from myself so I was absent from myself
Agreeable in its luminous sanctuary,
٥٤. أَخَذَتْني منِّي فغُيِّبْتُ عنِّي
رَيِّضاً في رِحابِهِ الأَنْوَرِيِّ
55. And by the authority of his command to the Exalted
He extended to me the weaving of his spiritual state,
٥٥. وبسُلْطانِ أَمرِهِ للرِّفاعِي
مدَّ لي نَسْجَ حالِهِ الذَّوْقِيِّ
56. And assumed my affair with a spirit that showed me
The ruling of the course of his religious approach,
٥٦. وتوَلَّى أَمْري برُوحٍ جلتْ لي
حُكْمَ مِضْمارِ نَهْجِهِ الشَّرْعِيِّ
57. I was taught a taste in the sciences of meanings
After my diving into the ocean of its linguistic aspect,
٥٧. عَلَّمَتْني ذَوْقاً عُلومُ المَعاني
بعدَ خَوْضي لبحرِها اللَّفْظِيِّ
58. I studied the sciences art by art
Every rational or transmitted one,
٥٨. قدْ قرأْتُ العُلومَ فَنًّا ففَنًّا
كُلَّ مَعْقولِها أَو النَّقْلِيِّ
59. And I pondered them and mastered about them
A ruling of my conduct in the spiritual method,
٥٩. وتدبَّرْتُها وأَحْكَمْتُ عنها
حُكْمَ سَيْري في المنهَجِ الرُّوحِيِّ
60. And the Merciful allowed me from His guidance their unveiling
An opening of a supported, grazed heart,
٦٠. وأَفاضَ الرَّحمنُ لي من هُداها
كشفَ قلبٍ مُؤيَّدٍ مَرْعِيِّ
61. Protected by God from deviant excess
And arrogance and mixing of corruption with purity,
٦١. صانَهُ اللهُ من مَزالِقِ شطْحٍ
وغُرورٍ ومزجِ لَيٍّ بِلَيِّ
62. Its particular acted with the brightness of a state
That came with the universal whole,
٦٢. قامَ جُزْئِيُّهُ بضَحْضاحِ حالٍ
قدْ أتى بالمُرَقْرَقِ الكُلِّيِّ
63. It ascended with me from me to the world of holiness
My attributes so I was absent from everything,
٦٣. عَرَجَتْ بي عَنِّي إلى عالمِ القَدْ
سِ صِفاتي فغِبْتُ عن كلِّ شَيِّ
64. With a thin whisper of witnessing, subtle
Not displaying with any measurement or boundary,
٦٤. برَقيقٍ من الشُّهودِ أَنيقٍ
غيرَ مُسْتَظْهِرٍ بقَيْسٍ وطَيِّ
65. Incapable while happiness enveloped me
So it called me with the Praiseworthy Ahmadi,
٦٥. عاجِزٌ والسَّعادَةُ اكْتَنَفَتْني
فدَعَتْني بالعارِفِ الأَحمَدِيِّ
66. And I am a slave who went astray so it drew me back
And called me with the Master Mahdi,
٦٦. وعُبَيْدٌ ضَلِلْتُ فاجْتَذَبَتْني
ودَعَتْني بالسَّيِّدِ المَهْدِيِّ
67. It clothed me in invisible manifestation within it
Without any scent of sweet perfume,
٦٧. جَلْبَبَتْني الخَفاءَ فيه ظُهورٌ
عن شَميمٍ مُؤَنَّقٍ عَبْهَرِيِّ
68. The pens of the circle of the unseen inscribed it
On the tablet of scientific guardianship,
٦٨. رَقَمَتْهُ أَقلامُ دائرَةِ الغَيْ
بِ بلَوْحِ الوَلايَةِ العُلْمِيِّ
69. So individuals saw it generation after generation
Within the published scroll of its divine revelation,
٦٩. فرَأَتْهُ الأَفْرادُ جيلاً فجيلاً
ضمنَ منشورِ جَفْرِهِ اللَّوْحِيِّ
70. They observed me so that everyone would gain from me
A secret sanctity from my exemplary state,
٧٠. راقَبوني ليغْنَمَ الكُلُّ منِّي
سِرَّ قُدْسٍ من حاليَ النَّمَطِيِّ
71. Their eyes appeared to me to see me
From the expanses of the veiled unseen,
٧١. شَبَحَتْ لي عُيونُهُمْ لتَراني
من فَجاجِ المُطَلْسَمِ الغَيْهَبِيِّ
72. Most were ignorant in my time
Oh what nearness far from witnessing!
٧٢. جَهِلَ الأَكْثَرونَ إِبَّانَ وقتي
يا لقربٍ عن الشُّهودِ قَصِيِّ
73. They tried in Iraq to manifest me
If they had turned to the western side,
٧٣. حاوَلوا في العِراقِ منِّي بُروزاً
لو تَوَلَّوْا للجانِبِ الغَرْبِيِّ
74. Near Mosul I have a concealment
In fluttering concealment,
٧٤. في نَواحي مِتْكينَ بالقُرْبِ منها
لي خِباءٌ في رَفْرَفٍ مَخْبِيِّ
75. The hand of Providence concealed it as treasure
Which will appear in its essential reserve,
٧٥. طَلْسَمَتْهُ يدُ العِنايَةِ كَنزاً
سوفَ يَبْدو بخِبْئِهِ الجَوْهَرِيِّ
76. The hearts of honorable people will select it
And see it as a rebuttal of every repeller,
٧٦. تَنْتَقيهِ قُلوبُ قومٍ كِرامٍ
وتَراهُ رَدًّا لكُلِّ رَدِيِّ
77. It will fill the earth with subtleties of my state
In the balanced Ahmadi way,
٧٧. يملأُ الأَرضَ من رَقائِقِ حالي
بالطَّريقِ المُقَوَّمِ الأَحْمَدِيِّ
78. Every part of it referring back to God by God
In the narration of the narrated good tidings,
٧٨. راجِعٌ كلُّهُ إلى اللهِ بالل
هِ بنَصِّ البِشارَةِ المَرْوِيِّ
79. The envious spoke falsely about it corruption
And stubbornness from a humiliating informant,
٧٩. غالَطَ الحاسِدونَ فيهِ فَساداً
وعِناداً عن مُخْبِرٍ مَخْزِيِّ
80. Our saying is what the honored Prophet said
What an authenticated, grazed saying!
٨٠. قولُنا قالَهُ النَّبِيُّ المُفَدَّى
يا لقولٍ مُصَدَّقٍ مَرْعِيِّ
81. And that which the envious said falsely
Is the claim of a diabolical attribution,
٨١. والَّذي قالَهُ الحَواسِدُ زوراً
قولُ زُعْمٍ في النَّعْتِ إبْليسِيِّ
82. O noble heir of my state
Depart trusted from the filth of every deviator,
٨٢. أيُّها الوارِثُ الكَريمُ بِحالي
رُحْ أَميناً عن لَوْثِ كُلِّ غَوِيِّ
83. Worship God humbly with a heart
Pure, sincere, flawless, and immaculate,
٨٣. اعْبُدِ اللهَ خاشِعاً بفُؤادٍ
خالِصٍ طاهِرٍ سَليمٍ نَقِيِّ
84. And shun the dissenters and be harsh with them
And ambush them with an Umar-like outlook,
٨٤. واهْجُرِ المارِقينَ واغْلُظْ عليهِمْ
وابْتَدِرْهُمْ بمشْرَبٍ عُمَرِيِّ
85. And distance yourself from the Lord of heretical deeds
The people of falsehood in its verbal structure,
٨٥. وتَباعَدْ عن رَبِّ بَدْعَةِ فِعْلٍ
أَهلِ زورٍ بسَبْكِهِ القَوْلِيِّ
86. And cut off the traitors from you and revere
The state of the worshipper from the weak who is devout,
٨٦. واقْطَعِ الخائِنينَ عنكَ وأَعْظِمْ
حالَ عبدٍ من الضِعافِ تَقِيِّ
87. And be humble secretly and towering openly
For the perspective of the time,
٨٧. وتَواضَعْ سِرًّا وكُنْ شامِخَ الطَّوْ
رِ جِهاراً للمَشْهَدِ الوَقْتِيِّ
88. And uphold the covenant to the Imam and remove
Every cunning one with his deceptive scheme,
٨٨. واحْفَظِ العهدَ للإِمامِ وباعِدْ
كلَّ خِبٍّ بكَيْدِهِ مَشْوِيِّ
89. The people of dissent with the staff are disobedient so leave them
And take advantage of the occasion of one righteous and pleasing,
٨٩. أَهلُ شَقِّ العَصا عُصاةٌ فدَعْهُمْ
واغْتَنِمْ طَوْرَ صالِحٍ مَرْضِيِّ
90. And preserve God in all affairs
And hold fast to His holy text,
٩٠. واحْفَظِ اللهَ في الشُّؤُنِ جَميعاً
وتمسَّكْ بنَصِّهِ القُدْسِيِّ
91. And quench the path from me in state and taste
According to the stipulation of its well-founded approach,
٩١. وارْوِ عنِّي الطَريقَ حالاً وذَوْقاً
حَسْبَ مَنْصوصِ نَهْجِهِ المَبْنِيِّ
92. And rely on God in heart and you will suffice
This is the word of our illiterate grandfather,
٩٢. وتوكَّلْ قلباً على اللهِ تُكْفى
هكذا قولُ جَدِّنا الأُمِيِّ
93. And join me and occupy time with my love
For the love of the Master is in the love of the Guardian,
٩٣. وانْتَظِمْ بي وافْنِ الزَّمانَ بحُبِّي
إنَّ حُبَّ المَوْلى بحُبِّ الوَلِيِّ
94. And imprint yourself in me, I am an eye for you
So shine with my sealing coolness,
٩٤. وانْطَبِعْ فيَّ إِنَّني لكَ عينٌ
فتَبَخْتَرْ ببُرْدِيَ الخَتْمِيِّ