
The camels of the living tribe came to Rama's water spring

وردت نياق الحي منهل رامة

1. The camels of the living tribe came to Rama's water spring
And I remained thirsty for it after they had gone

١. وَرَدَتْ نِياقُ الحَيِّ منهَلَ رامَةٍ
وبَقيتُ من بُعْدي لها ظَمْآنا

2. Exercise in moderation turned me away from it
Alas, would that moderation had never been!

٢. قدْ ردَّني عنها الرِّياضَةُ بالسِّوى
كَسَلاً فيا لَيْتَ السِّوى لا كانَا

3. O you who have gained acceptance, grant us
Safety from the rejection of the Destructor's kingdom

٣. يا مَنْ لَكُمْ حَصَلَ القَبولُ خُذوا لَنا
من صَدِّ أَمْلاكِ الحَطيمِ أَمانَا