1. The morning breeze breathed
The fragrance of the companions of youth
١. تنفَّسَتْ ريحُ الصَّبا
عن عِطْرِ أَصحابِ الخِبَا
2. Reminding us of their ways
After we had lived in wonder
٢. فذكَّرَتْنا شأْنَهُمْ
وقد قَضَيْنا عَجَبَا
3. For our death is our life
And the utmost incapacity is youth
٣. فمَوْتُنا حَياتُنا
وغايَةُ العَجْزِ الصِّبا
4. A wind in which opposites
Of wisdom and emergence are reversed
٤. ريحٌ به الضِّدَّانِ من
حُكْمِ البُروزِ انْقَلَبا
5. Oh return, blowing gently,
By God, O morning breeze!
٥. أَلا فطيبي وارْجِعي
باللهِ يا ريحَ الصَّبا