
How can I not lament the beloveds in love

كيف لا أندب الطلول غراما

1. How can I not lament the beloveds in love
When my heart is inclined towards the beloveds

١. كيف لا أَنْدُبُ الطُّلولَ غَرامَا
وفُؤادي على الطُّلولِ تَرامى

2. So excuse me, O kindred of mine, for my love
For love has taught hearts passion

٢. فاعْذُرني يا أَهل وُدِّي بحِبِّي
فلقد علَّمَ القُلُوبَ الغَراما

3. And He who made hearts drunkards
Distracted and flying in infatuation

٣. والذي صيَّرَ القُلُوبَ سُكارى
ذاهِلاتٍ وطائراتٍ هُياما

4. Indeed, in the beloved I have a subtle meaning
That established yearning in the heart and stood up

٤. إِنَّ لي في الطُّلولِ معنًى لَطيفاً
أَقعَدَ الشَّوقَ في الفُؤادِ فَقاما

5. I stay up nights, obsessed with sorrows
And I see the pleasure of sleep as forbidden

٥. أَسهرُ اللَّيلَ والِهاً ذا شُجونٍ
وأَرى لَذَّةَ المَنامِ حَراما

6. And I repeat my words, and love is my saying
Without it, I would not have known words

٦. وأُعيدُ الكَلامَ والحُبُّ قَوْلي
أَنا لولاهُ ما عرفْتُ الكَلاما

7. And the clamor of pilgrims from the valley's right
In humility while sighing was a duty

٧. وضَجيجُ الرُّكْبانِ من أَيمنِ الوَا
دي خُشوعاً والأَنُّ كانَ لِزاما

8. And the groan of the guide when the army was equipped
And the fire of hearts kindled in turmoil

٨. وحَنينُ الحادي وقد زُمَّتِ العِي
سُ وشبَّتْ نارُ القُلُوبِ اضْطِراما

9. It taught us that the beloveds appeared
And we witnessed the beloveds' tents nearby

٩. عرَّفَتْنا أَنَّ الطُّلولَ تَراءَتْ
وشهِدْنا قربَ الطُّلولِ الخِياما

10. So we came while the living from every dune
To the lovers, time to relax was scarce

١٠. فأَتَيْنا والحيُّ من كلِّ طلٍّ
للمحبِّينَ أَفلَتَ الآراما

11. We filled our eyes with wounds from them
Every eyelash spilling a sword

١١. ملأَتْنا العُيونُ منها جِراحاً
كلُّ رَمْشٍ منها يَسُلُّ حُساما

12. O regrets, and passion is a wondrous thing
Help us with love, O regrets

١٢. يا نَدامى والوجدُ أَمرٌ عَجيبٌ
ساعِدونا على الهوَى يا نَدامى

13. We lived and the people were perfectly content
We were distracted and the people passed with dignity

١٣. قد حَيينا والقومُ راضُوا كَمالاً
ولَغَوْنا والقومُ مرُّوا كِراما

14. The fragrance blew through the tents, so we understood
And we forgot the months and years

١٤. نفَحَ الطِّيبُ بالخِيامِ فهِمْنا
ونَسينا الشُّهورَ والأَعْواما

15. And those nights when they ended
They made our minds forget the days

١٥. واللَّيالي هناكَ لمَّا تقضَّتْ
هي أَنستْ عُقولَنا الأَيَّاما

16. A gaze that intoxicates the lover - yes, we
Were intoxicated and did not sip wine

١٦. نظرٌ يُسكِرُ المُحِبَّ نعَمْ نح
نُ سَكِرْنا وما رَشَفْنا مُداما

17. How delightful when we arrived at Suhayr
And recited peace upon the homes

١٧. ما أُحيلَى لمَّا وصلْنا سُحَيْراً
وقرأْنا على الدِّيارِ السَّلاما

18. And smelled the sweet cheek
And saw the flags and banners

١٨. وشَممنا مِسْكَ الخُدودِ لَطيفاً
ورأَيْنا الرَّاياتِ والأَعْلاما

19. And filled our hearts with lines from us
And made our minds like pens

١٩. وملأْنا القُلوبَ منَّا سُطوراً
وجعلْنا أَلْبابَنا أَقْلاما

20. O my friend, and you are the best of friends
Die of my love, and ignore blame

٢٠. يا رَفيقي وأَنتَ خيرُ رَفيقٍ
متْ بحُبِّي واطْرَحْ به من لامَا

21. And understand the secret from eloquent speech
Many a secret they placed into words

٢١. وافْهَمِ السِّرَّ من كلامٍ رَشيقٍ
رُبَّ سِرٍّ قد أَوْدَعوهُ الكَلاما

22. How many letters the perceptive concealed chapters
Their permutations confused the minds

٢٢. كم بحرفٍ طَوى اللَّبيبُ فُصولاً
حيَّرَتْ في تَصْريفِها الأَوْهاما

23. Be distracted from the universe by the beloved, so no
Deluded infatuated has become obsessed

٢٣. هِمْ عن الكونِ بالحَبيبِ فما
شَ بغَبْنٍ مُوَلَّهٌ قد هاما

24. And anticipate from the peak of the unseen an inspiration
To the heart descending as revelation

٢٤. وترقَّبْ من ذَروَةِ الغيبِ إِلها
ماً إلى القلبِ مُسْقِطاً إِلهاما

25. And ponder over the subtlety of taste a meaning
That makes the heart shine, rather illuminating the darkness

٢٥. وتدبَّرْ من نُكْتَةِ الذَّوقِ معنًى
يُبلِجُ القلبَ بل يُضيءُ الظَّلاما

26. And adhere to the corner of the one you love alone
And leave the Arabs and non-Arabs in it

٢٦. والتَزِمْ رُكْنَ من تُحِبُّ وَحيداً
واترُكِ العُرْبَ فيه والأَعْجاما

27. And rid yourself of the shackles of the universe aloft
How many sick ones in illusion prayed and fasted

٢٧. وتخلَّصْ من رِبْقَةِ الكونِ طُرًّا
كم سَقيمٍ بالوهمِ صلَّى وصَاما

28. And leave everyone, you will attain everyone, and be sincere
Indeed the light of sincerity dispels the darkness

٢٨. واترُكِ الكلَّ تُدْرِكِ الكلَّ واخْلِصْ
إِنَّ نورَ الإِخلاصِ يجْلو القَتاما

29. And remember the state of men when
They crossed the night standing and bowing

٢٩. وتذكَّرْ حالَ الرِّجالِ إذا ما
قَطَعوا اللَّيلَ رُكَّعاً وقِياما

30. They went about their affairs in truth
And infatuation, they purified the minds

٣٠. ذَهَبوا عن شُؤونِهم وبصِدقٍ
وهُيامٍ قد طهَّروا الأَفْهاما

31. And take the Chosen One as a noble guide
And trustee, and role model, and imam

٣١. وخُذِ المُصْطَفى دَليلاً كَريماً
وأَميناً وقُدوَةً وإِماما

32. My Lord, convey to him from Your servants an age
Every eyelash greeting and peace

٣٢. رَبِّ بلِّغْهُ من عُبَيْدِكَ دَهراً
كلَّ رَمْشٍ تحيَّةً وسَلاما

33. For he conveyed the trust among us
And with resolve revealed Islam

٣٣. فهو قد بلَّغَ الأَمانَةَ فينا
وبعزْمٍ قد أَظْهَرَ الإِسْلاما

34. And with the light of faith revived hearts
Before delusions carried fancies

٣٤. وبنورِ الإِيمانِ أَحْيى قُلوباً
قبلَ أَنْ جاءَ تحمِلُ الأَوْهاما

35. So he made fanciful illusions into understanding
And the form of beasts into great role models

٣٥. فأَحالَ الوهمَ المُبَرِّحِ فهماً
ومِثالَ الأَنْعامِ شُوساً عِظاما

36. He turned misfortune with providence into prosperity
And restored deficient disgrace into perfection

٣٦. قلَبَ الشُّؤمَ بالعِنايَةِ يُمْناً
وأَعادَ النَّقصَ المُشِينَ تَماما

37. He at the beginning of creation is a start
That stood for the messengers, a seal

٣٧. هو في حضرَةِ البِدايَةِ بَدْءٌ
قام للمُرْسَلينَ طُرًّا خِتاما